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DeVry University

23 Reviews

Locations:     Multiple Locations

Annual Tuition: $17,488

27% of students said this degree improved their career prospects
52% of students said they would recommend this program to others

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Student Reviews - Certificate in Medical Billing & Coding

Student Reviews - Certificate in Medical Billing & Coding

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Reviewed: 8/13/2024

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

Tuturs are lazy and they pick and choose who they want to help being an online student without being able to ask questions to professors is crazy then I was told I could get credit request since I am using a Chromebook laptop but unfortunately I was denied by the supervisor didn't have a reason but I assume I will be failing this semester and probably won't be able to attend anymore they don't care about others education like they say at least they don't show it at all

Dora Obregon

Reviewed: 4/21/2024

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

Started off nervous, but getting into it the nerves go down. You can put yourself in a position that will better yourself and your career path. All the school requires if you show up and do your work. The simple assignments just require your time and adherence.


Reviewed: 2/8/2024

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

Let me say first I am still attending. I am a little more than 2 weeks out from completing the program and my GPA has been 3.7 or higher the entire time. Having said that: much of my learning has come from online research and 3rd party websites (unrelated to DeVry) such as course hero and Quizlet. I have not found much help or actual resources within the course. It is mainly self taught courses. The live Lessons aren't usually very helpful either. Its usually an hour of rambling and repeating what... Read More


Reviewed: 12/1/2023

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

I found the classes prepared me not only for certification but for the real world jobs. I am currently a HIM technician for a company that works with Veterans. I felt well prepared for my roll because of what I learned at Devry! The professors and other students were great. I found it flexible to fit my life.


Reviewed: 5/2/2023

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

A lot of these reviews is not something I can relate to. I am currently enrolled in Devry and taking the certification classes for medical billing and coding. I have only a few months left, so I have been through the most of the courses already. At the very beginning, I was assigned a "Student Support Advisor" and he has been my only advisor since day 1. I have seen some reviews saying they change your advisor every few months but that has not been the case for me. My advisor emails and calls me... Read More

Angelia Kroth

Reviewed: 4/15/2023

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

Don’t go here! When asking for help the teacher got rude and told me to figure it out along with other nasty messages. It was my second class. The assistant dean agrees with the teacher saying she did nothing wrong and instead blames me. Gross to say the least! There was no repercussion on how she spoke to me and refused to help me. I changed schools!


Reviewed: 2/6/2023

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

I enrolled because the online programs were at your own pace and that is not true. I work 13 hour days 4 days a week and the weekend and Mondays are the only days I can catch up on my schoolwork. I was dropped from a class because I didn’t “participate enough”. I work a full time from 6:30 am to 8:00 pm and it is hard.

Brandi Shafer

Reviewed: 9/10/2020

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

I had a great experience inDevry so great I actually went back and continued my education they help you our more than what other people are saying. This school has been amazing!! I live in Virginia where I have to do all of mine online and when I message a teacher they get right back to me they are extremely helpful

Zyrah M

Reviewed: 9/25/2019

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

I hated my online experience. I didn’t get to complete the program. I decided to take a different route at another Institute where I was able to understand the work much differently. I’ve been stuck with this huge bill! And there’s no way out!! Thanks for nothing!


Reviewed: 8/26/2019

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

0 for everything. You will end up teaching yourself the entire program, so I hope you don't like sleep and love frustration. The Professors don't know what they are even doing and refer you to the help desk for all and any questions using programs they want you to use for tests because they are too lazy to write their own. The professors will change due dates to an earlier date in Canvas without notifying you. (I thought I was just crazy until I started taking screenshots at the beginning of each... Read More


Reviewed: 5/29/2019

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

Would not recommend this school. They have not done anything but caused problems since day one. First, they are not homeschool friendly and will make you jump through a lot of hoops to prove you graduated, even if you have a diploma or transcript! Also, they will say and agree with you on everything just to get you in the door and start collecting the money for it. All advisors and financial aid staff will consistently say different things about what you need or dont need. No one seems to be on the... Read More


Reviewed: 11/24/2018

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

WOW! I'm attending DeVry as I write this, and after reading the reviews I wonder what state's you people are in???? Yes, It's not cheap. Yes, you have to apply yourself, but my professor's have never been rude or ignored my requests for help when I needed it. The faculty has been supportive from the word go, even when I lost my s*** over something I thought they did when in all actuality it was my mistake. So, granted there are cheaper places go to school and if online education is so unbearable... Read More


Reviewed: 10/7/2018

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

DeVry is NOT the school to consider for medical billing & coding. They got rid of TEACHERS to hire "professors" only looking for paychecks and superiority and it shows. The "professors" DO NOT HELP the students. Granted it is an "online" program so there is a LOT of "self teaching", but when a "professors" idea of "help" is telling students to "do the odd # problems becuase the answers are in the back of the book and you can correct your own work and see where YOU went wrong. I can tell you the answers,... Read More


Reviewed: 10/5/2018

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

I do not recommend DeVry to anyone. They are very uninformative, unprofessional, the teachers are awful, the advisors are horrible, the classroom settings are the worst I have ever been in; I can go on and on. DeVry will advertise anything to get you to go to their school but once you get in, they are of no help getting you through to the end of your educational journey. If you want to transfer; keep everything on record (EMAIL!!!). Again, I do NOT recommend this school to anyone. It was a HUGE loss... Read More


Reviewed: 9/27/2018

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

I'm actually switching schools because I am SO VERY DISAPPOINTED in this school! I signed up for the medical billing and coding program. They spend 8 weeks in classes that are NOT needed, and then when you get into the ACTUAL classes for billing and coding, you are SPED through SO VERY QUICKLY, and they start you at an "intermediate" level instead of beginner. The "professors" DO NOT "teach". they are RUDE, and are only there to collect a paycheck. It is a "for profit" school, and the curriculum... Read More

Edward Zampella

Reviewed: 9/12/2018

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

Choosing DeVry online was like being swindled at the used car lot. I received so much attention in the beginning that it was overwhelming and unneccessary. After the first session though, the attention dried up and before long I struggled to get any assistance. It's like all of their resources are spent on selling you on enrollment and not on quality education. The textbooks are of the poorest quality and often written or compiled specifically for DeVry. The course designers are responsible for the... Read More

S. Thomas

Reviewed: 8/9/2018

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

I started this school July 9th 2018..Worse mistake ot my life.. They advisor talks to you like this the best school, you making the right choice.. This school is .only hungry.. That's all I'm going to say about it.. just know you will not trick me like you doing other ppl.. 487 per credit outs gor a certificate. Sept 1 needs to hurry cause I'm not coming back.


Reviewed: 6/25/2018

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

This has to be the worst school Ive ever had to deal with. I went only half a semester because theyre ere screwing me so bad on money for such a BULL crap education. I felt like I wasnt learning anything. One day my financial aid paid for things and then in the end it didnt and they were trying to make me pay out of pocket. There was a $300 student charge I was responsible for paying out of pocket that I was never told of and magically financial aid paid for it. I have gone back and forth with this... Read More


Reviewed: 9/21/2017

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

I was a student of Devry for a little less than a year. I was almost done with my certification when I had found out to take my test to be certified I would have to repurchase brand new books. The books I ad already paid for were 2-3 years old and would not be accepted. I also found out that to take my test I would I have to travel 2 hours away and I would have to schedule the date for the exam. I was told I was not allowed to move on with the program until I passed this test. After, all of this... Read More


Reviewed: 11/15/2016

Degree: Medical Billing & Coding

The professors are great and very helpful. The courses online are easy to navigate and so are the online books(ebooks). I use both for most classes. The lectures are either live or recorded and they help a lot. I recommend viewing them at least 1 time.


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