25 Best Colleges for Marketing 2020
We ranked the top 25 colleges that offer a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing based on the median salary of this major's graduates one year after college. The school with the highest median salary for this degree is University of Pennsylvania, at $64,400. The lowest median debt for the top 25 Marketing Degrees is $5,687, at Brigham Young University, which is also ranked #2 on the list. Median salaries for the top 25 schools range from $49,000-$64,400.
Tuition, median salaries, and median debt were reported by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2019. View our methodology for more details about these rankings or read more about the top-ranked schools.
School | Annual Tuition | Median Debt | Median Salary |
University of Pennsylvania | $63,452 | $22,142 | $64,400 |
Brigham Young University | $6,304 | $5,687 | $59,200 |
Boston College | $64,176 | $15,526 | $57,700 |
University of Wisconsin - Madison | $39,427 | $21,311 | $56,300 |
University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign | $33,686 | $19,500 | $55,900 |
Georgetown University | $62,052 | $16,605 | $55,800 |
University of Minnesota | $35,099 | $19,971 | $54,800 |
Southern Methodist University | $61,980 | $12,500 | $53,900 |
Villanova University | $61,618 | $26,000 | $53,500 |
Miami University - Oxford | $38,293 | $24,601 | $52,800 |
University of Notre Dame | $60,301 | $21,000 | $52,400 |
Michigan State University | $41,958 | $24,373 | $51,300 |
Santa Clara University | $57,534 | $21,000 | $51,200 |
Central Michigan University | $13,650 | $27,000 | $51,200 |
Marquette University | $46,670 | $23,950 | $50,700 |
University of Oklahoma - Norman Campus | $25,880 | $19,500 | $50,300 |
Bentley University | $56,500 | $25,000 | $50,300 |
The University of Texas at Austin | $41,070 | $20,006 | $49,900 |
Lehigh University | $59,930 | $24,236 | $49,600 |
Bucknell University | $61,746 | $27,000 | $49,300 |
University of Florida | $28,659 | $18,519 | $49,200 |
Bowling Green State University - Main Campus | $22,212 | $26,000 | $49,100 |
Western Governors University | $8,010 | $16,622 | $49,000 |
Texas Christian University | $53,980 | $22,375 | $49,000 |
Stonehill College | $52,000 | $27,000 | $49,000 |
2020 Best Colleges Highlights
Learn more about the top colleges for a Bachelor's in Marketing degree. You can also read student reviews of each school by clicking on the stars. Although student reviews were not used as a ranking factor in this list, we provide ratings and reviews so students can consider the experience of alumni in their decision-making process.

The University of Pennsylvania offers a Bachelor of Science in Economics with three different concentrations in marketing. Available concentrations are Marketing, Marketing and Communications, and Marketing and Operations Management.
The Marketing degree focuses on understanding consumer preferences and how to influence them. The Marketing and Communications track is a dual concentration, in combination with the Annenberg School of Communications, which emphasizes communications in marketing. The Operations Management concentration focuses on new product development. Students will learn how to research and analyze markets, and apply marketing tools to understand and anticipate consumer behaviors. Courses include New Product Management, Marketing and Electronic Communication, Data Analysis for Marketing Decisions, and Visual Marketing. UPenn is located in Philadelphia and was founded in 1740, making it one of the oldest universities in the United States.

Brigham Young University offers a Bachelor of Science in Marketing through the Marriott School of Business. Students are admitted into the major at the end of their second year. Only 90 students are admitted to the program each year.
The program emphasizes basics, such as logistics and accounting, but also covers using market research to make informed business decisions and effectively using new marketing media. A focus is placed on understanding consumer behaviors and students in the program are well-grounded in business fundamentals. In the marketing program, students will learn marketing analytics, social media and digital marketing, retail and business-to-business marketing. Courses in the program include Advertising and Promotions Management, Consumer Behavior, Global Business Negotiations, and Introduction to Management Informational Systems. Students usually do an internship after their junior year.

Through its Carroll School of Management, Boston College offers a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. The Carroll School is one of the top-ranked undergraduate business schools in the country.
The program focuses on both the basics of business education and the latest analytical tools in marketing. It stresses writing skills, business communications, and the value of making informed decisions in the constantly changing marketplace. Students will learn market analytics, understand customer dynamics, and be able to develop effective marketing strategies. BC is a Jesuit university, and its founding ideals of professionalism and service remain strong.
Among the courses offered in the program are Customer Research and Marketing Decisions, Heritage Marketing, Applied Market Management, and Social Media, Emerging Technology and Digital Business. Ninety-four percent of graduates seeking jobs are employed within four months of graduation, according to BC. Founded in 1863, Boston College is located in Chestnut Hill, near Boston.

The University of Wisconsin—Madison offers a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing. The basic BBA degree provides students with a solid basic understanding of all aspects of business and also includes relevant aspects of psychology, math, and communications. Marketing majors will research consumer patterns of demand for goods and services, learn about product and brand management, and will be prepared to lead sales teams. The program also strongly stresses communication skills, teamwork, and analytics.
Students will learn the traditional basics of product, price, place, and promotion. They will also learn techniques of qualitative and quantitative market analysis, how to formulate and implement marketing strategies, and how to make information-driven marketing decisions. Courses offered include Consumer Behavior, Marketing Analytics, Enterprise Systems and Supply Chain Management, and Marketing Strategy. Students can choose to double major.
UW—Madison is located in Madison, the state capital.

The University of Illinois—Urbana Champaign offers a Bachelor of Science in Marketing through the Gies College of Business. Gies is one of the larger business schools, with more than 3,000 undergraduate students.
The program in Marketing is focused on all aspects of businesses that connect consumers with goods and services. A strong emphasis is placed on digital marketing, branding, and the potential of emerging marketing technologies. Students will learn about consumer demographics and the cultural and psychological aspects of marketing. They will also learn to apply analytical skills and creativity to influence consumer patterns. Among the courses in marketing are Management and Organizational Behavior, Business in a Global Perspective, Marketing Research, and IT for Networked Organizations.
Visit the University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign's website.