2021 Best Colleges in Massachusetts by Salary Score™
This list of the top 25 universities in Massachusetts highlights schools whose alumni earned higher salaries compared to alumni with the same major at other colleges. Salary Score is calculated by comparing median alumni earnings in the first year after graduation for each major at a college to data for the same major at other universities. We then compiled these program scores into an overall Salary Score to show how each university stacks up against other schools across the country. The top 25 schools in Massachusetts all scored higher than the median for colleges in the United States, with Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology ranking #1 and #2 in our list of the best colleges in the U.S. We also found that Massachusetts has the second-highest median Salary Score for bachelor's degrees in the country.
To be considered for our state rankings, schools must offer and provide data for at least 8 bachelor's programs. You can click on a school's name to view individual program scores. Read our methodology to learn more about how schools were ranked.
Rank | School | Annual Tuition | Salary Scoreâ„¢ |
Harvard University | $57,261 | 99.54 | |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $57,986 | 99.13 | |
Boston College | $64,176 | 96.56 | |
Amherst College | $64,100 | 95.90 | |
Bentley University | $56,500 | 95.76 | |
Northeastern University | $60,192 | 93.59 | |
College of the Holy Cross | $58,360 | 92.76 | |
Williams College | $61,770 | 91.23 | |
Stonehill College | $52,000 | 89.81 | |
Wellesley College | $61,920 | 88.99 | |
Wentworth Institute of Technology | $38,760 | 85.61 | |
Boston University | $62,360 | 84.92 | |
Tufts University | $65,222 | 84.23 | |
Fisher College | $34,150 | 81.25 | |
Brandeis University | $62,322 | 80.98 | |
Endicott College | $37,776 | 80.51 | |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | $57,096 | 79.93 | |
Emmanuel College - MA | $44,908 | 77.55 | |
University of Massachusetts - Boston | $15,132 | 75.43 | |
University of Massachusetts - Amherst | $16,952 | 75.17 | |
Worcester State University | $10,786 | 73.47 | |
Suffolk University | $43,332 | 72.67 | |
Merrimack College | $49,196 | 72.21 | |
Assumption University | $47,508 | 72.17 | |
Emerson College | $53,232 | 70.26 |