2020 Best Online Bachelor's in Healthcare Administration Degree Programs
We ranked the top 23 schools offering an online bachelor's degree in healthcare administration based on median salary of students one year after graduation. Baptist Health System School of Health Professions is ranked #1 with a median salary of $72,800. Graduates of the school also had the lowest median student debt on the list, at $19,270. Healthcare administration majors at the rest of these top-ranked schools had median starting salaries in the $37,100-$60,500.
Tuition, median salaries, and median debt were reported by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2019. View our methodology for more details about these rankings or read more about the top-ranked schools.
School | Annual Tuition | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Baptist Health System School of Health Professions | Not Provided | $19,270 | $72,800 |
University of St. Francis | $36,000 | $21,587 | $60,500 |
Capella University | $14,328 | $33,141 | $56,400 |
Concordia University, St. Paul | $24,400 | $23,000 | $55,600 |
Charter Oak State College | $9,044 - $10,796 | $21,488 | $51,800 |
Pima Medical Institute | $11,181 - $11,830 | $35,650 | $50,700 |
Concordia University - Wisconsin | $33,062 | $26,027 | $47,800 |
The College of Saint Scholastica | $39,410 | $25,434 | $47,300 |
Colorado State University Global | $8,400 | $26,000 | $47,100 |
National Louis University | $11,580 | $23,500 | $46,000 |
Barry University | $32,500 | $30,625 | $45,700 |
Columbia Southern University | $6,600 | $20,712 | $45,500 |
Loma Linda University | $31,780 | $21,532 | $44,800 |
Pennsylvania State University | $38,651 | $26,000 | $43,500 |
Peirce College | $15,060 | $44,125 | $43,000 |
Southern New Hampshire University Online | $9,600 | $23,040 | $42,200 |
University of Maryland Global Campus | $12,336 | $20,250 | $41,900 |
Washburn University | $20,438 | $23,266 | $41,900 |
National University | $13,320 | $39,952 | $41,000 |
Towson University | $26,820 | $19,360 | $38,900 |
Indiana Wesleyan University | $8,120 - $30,484 | $26,563 | $48,000 |
Weber State University | $17,084 | $20,208 | $37,400 |
Midway University | $25,050 | $20,210 | $37,100 |
2020 Best Colleges Highlights
Learn more about the top colleges for a Bachelor's in Healthcare Administration degree. You can also read student reviews of each school by clicking on the stars. Although student reviews were not used as a ranking factor in this list, we provide ratings and reviews so students can consider the experience of alumni in their decision-making process.

Baptist Health System School of Health Professions offers a fully online Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management degree completion program that caters to students who already have an associate degree or at least 60 credits in business or allied health. Applicants who have already completed the general education requirements can complete the bachelor's degree program in three semesters.
The core curriculum includes classes such as Community Health and Cultural Diversity, Healthcare Marketing, Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Healthcare, Clinical Systems Management, and Healthcare Human Resources.
Baptist Health System School of Health Professions has a campus in San Antonio, Texas, and has been offering the online Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management since 2013.
Visit Baptist Health System School of Health Professions' website.

The Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management at University of St Francis is a fully online degree completion program designed for adult learners looking to advance their careers in healthcare management. In order to enroll, students must have a minimum of 64 semester credits to transfer. A total of 120 credits is required to graduate, at least 30 of which must be taken at University of St Francis. The school's Prior Learning Assessment Program allows students to earn credits from previous non-credit coursework and work experiences.
Students in the program will take one course at a time, completing six credit hours each semester. Required courses include Ethics in Healthcare, Health Care Law, Regulation and Policy, Medical Sociology, and Health Information Management.

Capella University's School of Nursing and Health Sciences offers an online Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration. Students can opt to specialize in either Health Care Administration Leadership or Health Information Management. Both tracks require a total of 180 credits, but students may transfer in as many as 135 credits. Courses that students in the Health Care Administration Leadership track might take include Managing Population Health, Health Care Systems and Operations, and Leadership and Communication in Health Care Organizations. Health Information Management students, on the other hand, will take courses such as Data Management in Health Information Systems, Information Security, Privacy and Ethics in Health Care, and Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Health Care.
The Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration program is available in a flexible format called FlexPath, which allows students to take one or two courses at a time and work through them as quickly as they like. This means that students can take as many courses as they can fit in a 12-week period for one flat fee.

Concordia University - Saint Paul offers a Bachelor of Arts in Healthcare Administration that can be completed 100% online. The degree requires 40 credit hours with courses offered asynchronously to allow students to complete their work on their own schedules. Required classes include Epidemiological Foundation, Healthcare Diversity and Global Issues, Legal Environment for Healthcare Managers, and Compliance and Regulatory Requirements.
Established in 1893, Concordia - Saint Paul is a Christian liberal arts school offering both online and campus-based degree programs. According to a survey administered by the school, 95% of graduates receive job offers within a year of graduation.

Charter Oak State College is a public online college in Connecticut. Established in 1973 by the Connecticut legislature, Charter Oak offers a variety of fully online degrees including a Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration. This degree requires a minimum of 42 credits including Economics of Health and Health Care, Leadership in Health Care Administration, and Contemporary Ethical Issues in Health and Health Care. The program culminates in a capstone course.
Students at Charter Oak can earn credit for prior experiences such as previously earned degrees, credentials, or college-level credits. Individuals currently working in healthcare who are looking to advance their careers with a degree in healthcare administration will find Charter Oak to be a flexible and convenient option.