2020 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice Degree Programs
We ranked the top 25 schools that offer an online Master's Degree in Criminal Justice by median salary one year after graduation. University of Maryland Global Campus tops the list with a starting salary of $72,600 for Master's in Criminal Justice graduates. Salve Regina University has the lowest median student debt on the list, at $20,500. Students who graduated with a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice from one of these schools had a median starting salary between $47,700 and $76,200.
Tuition, median salaries, and median debt were reported by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2019. View our methodology for more details about these rankings or read more about the top-ranked schools.
School | Annual Tuition | Median Debt | Median Salary |
University of Maryland Global Campus | $12,132 | $41,000 | $72,600 |
Columbus State University | $12,774 | $24,869 | $69,300 |
Concordia University, St. Paul | $8,550 | Not Reported | $66,700 |
University of Houston - Downtown | $15,973 | $39,500 | $65,800 |
Lewis University | $14,960 | $41,000 | $63,200 |
Salve Regina University | $12,190 | $20,500 | $57,200 |
Sam Houston State University | $16,010 | $34,638 | $56,700 |
Loyola University New Orleans | $19,791 | Not Reported | $55,900 |
Michigan State University | $39,876 | $27,816 | $54,600 |
Texas Southern University | $15,488 | $38,687 | $54,300 |
University of Massachusetts - Lowell | $27,750 | $28,468 | $52,100 |
Stevenson University | $8,340 | $29,838 | $50,000 |
Columbia Southern University | $4,155 | $36,397 | $49,700 |
St. John's University | $32,083 | $33,836 | $49,600 |
University of Louisville | $28,541 | $41,124 | $49,500 |
Colorado State University Global | $9,000 | $46,357 | $49,500 |
Bethel University - TN | $11,448 | $40,944 | $49,400 |
Tarleton State University | $14,829 | $30,270 | $49,000 |
Arizona State University, Online | $10,372 - $25,398 | $40,664 | $48,700 |
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice | $20,962 | $22,351 | $48,500 |
Northeastern University | $23,985 - $27,359 | $35,875 | $48,100 |
Boston University | $61,924 | $41,000 | $47,700 |
Marshall University | $21,486 | $41,000 | $47,200 |
2020 Best Colleges Highlights
Learn more about the top colleges for a Master's in Criminal Justice degree. You can also read student reviews of each school by clicking on the stars. Although student reviews were not used as a ranking factor in this list, we provide ratings and reviews so students can consider the experience of alumni in their decision-making process.
The Management Master's Degree with Criminal Justice Management Specialization through University of Maryland Global Campus provides the foundation for success in criminal justice administration and management with skills relevant to today's department and bureau workplaces with education in areas such as crime prevention, crisis management, law enforcement, and investigative forensics.
This 36-credit online program includes study in criminal justice program design, threat analysis and risk assessment, and professional writing and communication. Students also learn how to conduct vulnerability studies and the relevance of legal knowledge to criminal justice management.
Students should have experience in statistics (or take Intro to Research Methods) and finance or accounting (or take Intro to Accounting & Financial Management).
University of Maryland Global Campus also offers a related BS in Criminal Justice to MS in Management Specialization in Criminal Justice Management fast-track for undergraduate students seeking a graduate degree.

Columbus State University offers a Master of Public Administration - Criminal Justice Track fully online or as a hybrid option through online and the Columbus, GA campus. The program is designed to help students seeking public service careers in government agencies, criminal justice/law enforcement, and the public sector by developing skills in analysis, critical thinking, and problem solving form a public policy perspective. Career path outcomes include police officer, detective, FBI agent, Customs inspector, U.S. Marshall, security agent, social worker, parole officer, and corrections officer--to name a few.
The 36-hour program includes courses in Survey of Public Administration, Public Personnel Administration, Research Methods for Administration, Public Budgeting/Financial Administration, Policy Analysis, Distributive Justice, and Courts and Judicial Administration. Evening and online study options allow students to complete the courses without disrupting other scheduled obligations.

Undergraduates seeking graduate study in Criminal Justice can pursue a challenging and self-directed educational path through the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice Leadership at Concordia University – Saint Paul. This program is also an opportunity for current professionals in military, social services, law enforcement, and corrections seeking higher credentials and increased earning potential.
Career paths for Criminal Justice Leadership graduates include criminal sociologist and private investigator/detective, with fully-online learning to accommodate working professionals. Many students in the program have experience in law enforcement, military, corrections, courts, and social services, which can help to augment the cohort education and networking.
Courses include Research Methods in Criminal Justice, Correctional Design, Applied Ethics in Criminal Justice Leadership, Reflective Adult Learner & Leadership, and Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership. Concordia University – Saint Paul also offers a BA in Criminal Justice for new undergraduate students.

This Master of Science in Criminal Justice program is offered as either a fully online degree or traditional brick-and-mortar degree that can be completed in 36 semester hours with a thesis or project option through University of Houston - Downtown. Online students receive the same degree as UHD campus students and each student's diploma and transcript are the same as those granted to traditional graduates.
Curriculum emphasizes research methods and statistical analysis that encourages students to independently develop research questions from criminal justice agencies for their course study. Graduates of the program will demonstrate proficiency in Criminological Theory, Research Methodology, as well as competence in analysis, critical thinking, and problem-solving strategies.
The program includes classes like Issues in Criminal Justice, Research Design and Methods, Advanced Criminology, Quantitative Analysis in Criminal Justice, Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation, and Administration in Criminal Justice.
Graduates of the MS in Criminal Justice are prepared for careers in policing, courts, and corrections through a variety of criminal justice and public service agencies, with some continuing on to doctoral programs or teaching fields.