2020 Best Online Master's in Healthcare Administration Degree Programs
This list highlights the best 25 colleges with an online Master's Degree in Healthcare Administration, ranked by highest median starting salary. The school with the highest median salary for this degree is New England College, at $103,000. The #10 school, Pfeiffer University, has the lowest median student debt on the list, at $31,005. Starting median salaries for graduates from the top 25 schools range from $60,000-$103,000.
Tuition, median salaries, and median debt were reported by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2019. View our methodology for more details about these rankings or read more about the top-ranked schools.
2020 Best Colleges Highlights
Learn more about the top colleges for a Master's in Healthcare Administration degree. You can also read student reviews of each school by clicking on the stars. Although student reviews were not used as a ranking factor in this list, we provide ratings and reviews so students can consider the experience of alumni in their decision-making process.
New England College's online Master of Science in Management – Healthcare Administration intends to prepare students for leadership roles in the healthcare industry. The program focuses on sharpening problem-solving and project management skills in a healthcare setting. Students will take five courses as part of the core curriculum and five courses as part of the healthcare administration concentration for a total of ten classes. Courses include Organizational Management and Leadership, Financial Accounting in Healthcare Organizations, Legal Issues in Healthcare, and Strategic Planning and Policy. Students will also complete a capstone project.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham offers a 100% online Master of Public Health in Health Care Organization. Students will learn about relevant topics in management, economics, finance, marketing, law, and health insurance so that they can understand the complex legal, political, and economic structure of the United States Healthcare System. Upon graduation, they will be qualified for supervisory positions in healthcare and will be able to make strategetic plans and decisions in order to successfully administrate a health care organization. The Master of Public Health in Health Care Organization consists of 44 credits, including core classes, electives, and an internship. Example classes include Finance for Health Professionals, Social and Ethical Issues in Public Health, Introduction to Epidemiology, and Biostatistics. Full-time students are typically able to complete the program within two years, and part-time students within five years.
The University also offers an Executive Master of Science in Healthcare Administration, which is offered in a blended/hybrid format where students can take 50% or more of their classes online.

The online Master of Health Administration offered by Ohio University is designed for professionals already working in the healthcare field. Admissions requirements include at least two years of recent, full-time healthcare work along with a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution with an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0. GRE scores are not required for admission. Prospective students who do not already have an understanding of financial accounting and statistics may be admitted to the program but will be required to complete these courses before the start of the program. Full-time students will be able to complete the program in as few as two years. Students will take courses such as Evaluation and Quality Improvement in Health Care, which focuses on the measurement and improvement of quality, efficienty, and efficacy in health care, and Health Policy, which explores how public policy affects the health care industry and how leaders in the health care industry can shape public policy.

The distance learning program at Virginia Commonwealth University includes a fully-online Master of Science in Health Administration (M.S.H.A.). The program is designed to give working healthcare professionals the communication, leadership, and business skills necessary to fill an administrative role at a healthcare organization. Admissions requirements include a bachelor's degree with a GPA of at least 2.75, five years of managerial or healthcare experience, current employment in the healthcare field, a professional resume, three letters of reference, and an interview with the admissions committee. A minimum of 41 credit hours is required for graduation. Students will take courses such as Human Resources Management in Health Care, Health Care Law and Bioethics, and Financial Management in Health Organizations. Students have the option to enroll full-time or part-time, with part-time students taking ten more months to complete the program than full-time students.