Amberton University Reviews
12 Reviews - Garland (TX)
- Annual Tuition: $6,875

71% of 12 students said this degree improved their career prospects
83% of 12 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 4/27/2023
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I applied to this school due to the accreditation and price. The online learning was very challenging and you get what you pay for. The instructors challenged me with master's level assignments for working adults. I am very satisfied and would recommend to any one who does not want debt from completing grad school."
Lee G
- Reviewed: 2/20/2023
- Degree: MBA in Management
- Graduation Year: 2023
"The staff is so rude and unprofessional. Reluctant to give their name when you call for a student advisor - note, they will never offer a name. You never know who you are talking with. They interrupt, listening only to respond and with aim to rush you off the phone. They don't truly hear the matter, and without giving a name, there is no accountability. And if they don't know the answer to a standard question, they give low-hanging fruit answers such as check with your professor. Rhetorical moment: Why would I check with my professor on matters of university policy? Why would an individual who is supposed to advise students not be able to answer university policy questions with grace and professionalism? They willfully stay disconnected from other departments, treating it all as silos vs. connected experiences. Called in this morning, a woman from academic affairs said, "well, I don't know who you talked to!". And, she would be correct. Problem is, I don't know either. Courses and professors are hit or miss. Some are value adds, others not so much. It's definitely a get what you pay for education experience - at times, feeling incredibly cheap in value. Yes, cheap in value. They brand affordable. Apparently, synonymous with cheap. If I'd not been so far into the curriculum, I would have switched schools. In the end, all I get to say is that I have my MBA. That's it and that's all. Not a happy experience; certainly wouldn't pursue another degree with this school."
- Reviewed: 4/26/2022
- Degree: MBA in Management
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Amberton was a wonderful university. I enjoyed my time there, and I met some great people. I was able to take all of the project management courses that I needed before there was a project management program offered. The only complaint I have about Amberton is that it is too difficult to get through a background check with them. There is always a hassle with getting my MBA verified. For one job, I had to leave work and drive to one of the campuses to get my transcript. I have run into this problem yet again. I had to upload a copy of my degree. I am hoping that this will be sufficient. The school needs to work on this because it slows down the process and start date. Other than that, it was a great experience."
- Reviewed: 6/28/2021
- Degree: Counseling
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Amberton was a great program that allowed me to work fulltime and be a parent while attending classes. The instructor's at Amberton University care about their students and they're open to answering questions, and very supportive throughout your program."
You get what you pay for!
- Reviewed: 3/21/2019
- Degree: Project Management
- Graduation Year: 2019
"You get what you pay for. Professors are great. But the online delivery (Moodle) of course material, chats etc is much much less than I expected, after using products such as Pearson, Canvas ans black-board. Moodle/Amberton Univ has no videos, just a text of live chats, its like watching TV with sound, but no picture. Many books to order, much reading, written APA style case studies, varily easy program, but the front line support staff are not knowledgeable, do not know their system well, or course knowledge for Q&A."
Roshea Phillips
- Reviewed: 3/15/2017
- Degree: School Counseling
- Graduation Year: 2005
"Amberton University is an excellent college for working adults! The program has flexible schedules and various location. Their passing rate for counseling certification was 100% when I was enrolled. I highly recommend this school, but be advised there is not financial aid."
- Reviewed: 9/13/2016
- Degree: Human Services
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Great educational experience and environment for the working adult at a very reasonable price. Definitely recommend you looking into this University if you are considering obtaining a Master's Degree from a Regionally Accredited University that will give you a good education without breaking the bank. I also personally appreciated the Christian aspects to the school and curriculum but if it is something that you're not sure of don't worry it is not overbearing at all. At the end of the day I was able to maintain my career, care for my children, and complete my schooling and obtain my Master's without much disruption to my life; if this is what you are looking for you should look deeper into Amberton, I doubt you will be disappointed."
- Reviewed: 5/19/2016
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I was looking for a quality accredited college that would allow me to work around my career and still obtain a quality education. I have attended large brick and mortar colleges where I didn't learn much. I felt that the education I received from Amberton was not only quality but it also forced me to do a lot of critical thinking at my job. Some of my coworkers have commented on this and in the competitive workplace its imperative that one is able to use deep thinking skills. The curriculum at Amberton is very easy to follow but the workload can be intimidating at first. However, my favorite part about Amberton is that I had the entire schedule for each of my classes from day 1 of each quarter. With a family consisting of two young boys, a full time career with a long commute, a sick elderly parent and community volunteer work I really had to juggle things around but I was able to fulfill the expectations of all my classes with no late submissions. The bottom line is that this is NO easy college and just as others have indicated you will work for your degree. My current company recommends Amberton so that says a lot for the college especially when they are providing some tuition assistance. If the experience wasn't beneficial no company would help pay for a college education for their employees. I enjoyed finishing my undergrad in 2008 at Amberton that I ended up doing two masters there too (MBA in Strategic Leadership) and an (MS in Managerial Science). Both very grueling programs but I am very happy with the experience I had and I do feel that self enrichment definitely took place! The most important advice I can provide to potential students is to follow the syllabus for each class as best you can and simply make note of deadlines. The syllabus is designed to keep you on track and if you use it to your advantage you will succeed. Procrastination will only get you a bad grade and you will waste your time! The professors are all very knowledgeable in the subjects they teach so they do present the material as real life situations. In my opinion this eliminates the "fluff" you learn at a traditional college where you read a book, attend class twice a week to listen to a lecture and take an exam! To me the real life teaching is much more beneficial than the junk included in many textbooks that you will NEVER use in a real life career! Overall if your considering Amberton do put some serious consideration as its a great institution without all the distractions of a traditional college. Not to mention the value for an accredited college where you will most likely finish your degree without incurring thousands in student loans."
Jim L, MBA
- Reviewed: 5/5/2016
- Degree: Educational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I recently graduated Amberton University’s with a MBA in Strategic Leadership, and a graduate certificate in Change Management, that I took entirely online. I believe that it is a fantastic school to consider if you are willing to do the work required, have a real desire to learn, are a working adult that cannot quit working to go to school full time, and are looking for a quality education without being saddled with crushing debt. Many years ago I worked for a big company headquartered in the Dallas, TX area. Amberton was the “go to” college of choice for those looking for tuition reimbursement. It is a brick and mortar school that caters to working adults who want to go back and complete a bachelors or earn a masters degree. This is not a school for those looking for IM sports, social fraternities, campus activities, and the trapping of those colleges catering to the 18-22 year old crown. Typical students are working full time, attending at night. I myself completed my BS from a large state university in Michigan. I started taking classes for a MS, but dropped out after completing four courses for work reasons. Several years passed. I saw I was passed-over for advancement while those with a masters were picked. Talking to a HR person at work it was suggested that I focus on a MBA versus a MS. I looked at a number of university choices in MI, and was shocked at the cost. Since I would be paying out of pocket, I needed to look at my most economical options. I was already in the middle of my career. Harvard was not going to be in my future, so I focused on colleges that were budget priced while regionally accredited, and ranked in reviews reasonably well. I also looked at graduation rates. After talking to several admission people I realized I was being steered into their online programs, due to my work-life that required occasional business travel. It was then I realized that if I took classes online I did not need to limit my choice to a school near my home. Scouring the Internet, I came across a US News college ranking for online schools that has Amberton on their top ten for value and top ten for quality. (they no longer do that ranking, but others do). I thought - "Hey - Amberton! They now offer degrees online?" Taking classes online is a lot different than traditional classes, and they have pointed that out for you. Syllabuses there are great, clearly defining what it takes to get good grades. Most profs provide good rubrics for assignments as well. I had one prof that was less than great. Make sure you check one of the "Rate the Prof" websites. You will work, and work hard. Be prepared to write, because there is not a lecture hall to amaze your prof with your wisdom. Most classes have a recorded lecture by the prof. You will read your textbook assignments and write responses either on a posted forum or turned-in as homework for grading. If the assignment is “write 500 words on. . .” that is likely for a C. Did I mention you will write? Prepare for more research and writing if you want the A grade. Anyone suggesting this school is "easy" apparently does not think 15 – 18 hours of work time per class, per week, is a big deal. I typically took two classes a term. To graduate on time I took one term with three classes, and along with working a full time job that was nuts. Hint - you can buy your textbooks from the school, but I never did. I found them far cheaper online. Many I rented. A couple I got in Kindle. When you graduate you will be proud. Celebrate by taking a nice vacation with your family, like I did, rather than just going out for a modest dinner like the people with crushing student loan debt after going to a more prestigious school. MBA 101 – It’s all about the return on your investment. Don’t go broke going to school."
- Reviewed: 11/2/2015
- Degree: Office Management
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The MS in Managerial Science was very enjoyable, and I concentrated on Project Management to fill out the major portion. As are most Amberton classes, the research/writing component was intense, but necessary for a good learning experience. Profs were extremely knowledgeable, and all had experience in the field they were teaching. As I also completed my BS at Amberton, it was a no-brainer to re-enroll in the graduate program. Great education, great staff, and great experience. I highly recommend Amberton whenever possible."
Sam B
- Reviewed: 12/30/2013
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Amberton University was a great choice for me. I am a working adult, I have young children, and I did not want to build up a large debt to go back to school. Amberton caters to the working adult. The class schedule is flexible and has an online program for most degrees. The classes were extremely affordable, the best I found for an accredited college. I am grateful because Amberton University enabled me to find a balance for school, family, and work without incurring any student debt."
Gilda Rixner
- Reviewed: 8/19/2013
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The con about the graduate program is the amount of financial support they have to offer. There aren't that many loans or grants available for someone in the graduate program. I love that Amberton is a small university which allows for me to network with faculty and staff. The graduate program has licensed therapist that teach the classes for my degree program. Along with getting the proper education I am receiving life experience."
I am sorry your experience did not meet your expectations. We do not often hear this criticism from students. Yes, Amberton programs are rigorous. Scholarship, research, and writing are requirements in our graduate programs. Our online courses utilize interactive video streaming and other tools to keep students and faculty connected and engaged. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.