Antioch University-Santa Barbara Reviews
9 Reviews - Santa Barbara (CA)
- Annual Tuition: $19,453

0% of 9 students said this degree improved their career prospects
67% of 9 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Older grad
- Reviewed: 8/20/2024
- Degree: Clinical Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"The school cares little about students on the road to licensure past graduation. The delay in supplying two simple form letters needed for licensure caused difficult months of delay following graduation. In the end both reasonable and even usual requests required waiting for months, in one case, and in the end begging for assistance in both. I cannot recommend this University or this program though I loved it and was very involved and positive about it then. Very disappointed now."
- Reviewed: 2/12/2019
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"The professors at Antioch Santa Barbara focus on mentoring students for a well balanced experience- academics, research and professional development. Interacting with professionals in a practicum setting provided me with the opportunity to find a future internship and employment upon graduation. This university is outstanding! I am impressed with the structure and the dedication that the faculty and staff have in regards to the PsyD program. I am beyond lucky to be attending this innovative and diverse school! But man, doctoral degrees are not cheap! Unfortunately, we had a few of our cohort members drop out because they could not handle the workload. Moral of the story, if you are going to attend, be sure that you have the time -and the money!"
- Reviewed: 9/1/2018
- Degree: Clinical Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"This school is a diploma mill and everybody in the community knows it as far as I can tell. I found the instructors and staff under qualified and or no longer passionate about their work. I found the students to be more interested in online shopping during classes than in paying attention to the endless powerpoint presentations. I found this place to be an insult to the idea of higher education, shameful in their lack of effort, and indifferent to the welfare of student's growth both personally and academically. My overall impression was that Antioch is a business and as long as suckers keep buying their product, Antioch will keep selling the junk that sell (my opinion). No grades, basically everybody passes all classes with minimal effort, no leadership at the top or anywhere in-between."
- Reviewed: 11/6/2017
- Degree: Clinical Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Antioch University has five (5) campus locations. The New England location was awarded accreditation (1986), with the American Psychological Association (APA) for their PsyD in Clinical Psychology Program. That being said, I have high hopes that Antioch University--Santa Barbara's location will apply for and obtain its own APA accreditation (as of 2017 the doctoral program is not yet APA accredited, but is showing signs of working toward that goal). AUSB however, is a quality university with a lot of heart! The faculty are passionate about working with their students. Professors are well regarded and provide a level of doctoral learning that is nuanced (this characteristic in of it self is a rarity among many smaller Universities). ASUB is a good fit for those students that are critical thinkers and like to be challenged intellectually. The practitioner-scholar model makes for a rigorous clinical program. The cost of tuition for the PsyD program is well worth it! The school seems to have a great reputation locally among the Santa Barbara Mental Health Community. Keep in mind there is no perfect grad program, it is about what a student is willing to make of it. However, with that being said...Antioch University Santa Barbara is not perfect (no university program is), but does offer a competitive and excellent education that is APA level in my own experience."
- Reviewed: 11/19/2016
- Degree: Clinical Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Antioch University Santa Barbara is an excellent university with diverse and applicable courses, quality professors in a beautiful setting. I highly recommend looking into Antioch's clinical psychology program for students looking to get into clinical psychology."
Suzanne Frost
- Reviewed: 9/17/2014
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"My experience at Antioch has been exceptional. Faculty are stringent yet compassionate and accessible. I needed to make a career change, and needed another degree to do it. I made the right choice."
Alicia Jimenez
- Reviewed: 8/24/2014
- Degree: Educational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The schedule of class is designed for people like me who work full time I wish that the school could guide us more about scholarships for Graduate students like me"
Kasey Tennis
- Reviewed: 7/11/2014
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I feel that my graduate program is great for facilitating learning and developing students in a professional manner. However, I feel that the school is held back by somewhat of a lack of resources and the lack of APA accreditation, although I will say that the school is at least up to APA accreditation standards. I hope that the school is rewarded accreditation within the next couple of years, as it would be very advantageous for everyone involved."
Heather Bravo
- Reviewed: 3/11/2013
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Pros: Small class sizes, availability of the teachers to help students whenever necessary, competent teachers, Good seminars and speakers. Cons: computer room too small, technology caused a lot of problems, not well planned "traineeship" help."