Asher College Reviews
8 Reviews - Sacramento (CA)
- Annual Tuition: $15,966

29% of 8 students said this degree improved their career prospects
25% of 8 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 8/23/2023
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2023
"It is not worth either one's time or money; most instructors are clueless and know nothing about the field and will chat around and enjoy their time and don't care about the students. It's not a place to learn, a waste of money. All the instructor does is stuck at a basic level and knows nothing about the advanced level, and unfortunately, they are too convenient to learn more and help students. If you want to learn, Please find yourself a better place."
- Reviewed: 7/1/2023
- Degree: Computer and Information Science
- Graduation Year: 2023
"The instructors in the Las Vegas school are genuinely good people. The school system isn’t even worth looking into. This field isn’t about question memorization and cramming one certifications information in a month on a system where you teach yourself the material with a few labs led by instructors for question and answers. If you’re a VA student use your funds and go to CSN or UNLV if you’re in the las vega’s area and would like instructor led courses regularly and a structure where you can really learn the material to succeed in obtaining your certifications. You can save your money and also get the certifications on your own using Professor Messer, whom I believe the director also has the instructors watch . No use of being on campus for a few hours if you can learn the same thing from your laptop just giving an honest option"
- Reviewed: 11/11/2018
- Degree: Technical Support
- Graduation Year: 2019
"The VCEs are still not fixed for home usage. The website that is substituted for the program is less than usable. It has been a month or so and the VCE problem has not been fixed yet. How can I study at home if the VCE program is not functional? The quality of "blended learning" is pretty much non-existent at this point in the program. The hands-on learning portion is done and gone after 901. When jumping into theoretical aspects of 902 and Net + there is no way to use it or apply it in a real-world scenario. I had to lower my hours to try and keep up with the harsh schedule of trying to meet and exceed certain curriculum goals. Trying to learn NET + in a matter of a month is rather aggressive and unfair for those who are coming into this school with no Information Technology background. The lectures or "tutor" lectures aren't helping. Rather they are repeating information rather than teaching. It's not my instructors' fault, but the fact is that this school has a poor system when it comes to what a student needs to succeed. The books are of quality, the videos are dated and don't explain the subject well. The practice unit exams are riddled with issues, grammar inconsistencies, incorrect answers, glitchy, or the questions and answers are the incorrect subject pertaining to the current unit that I'm studying. And from several other students, this has been brought up to several of the staffs' attention, and nothing has been fixed yet. How can a student get an education, if studying material is false or incorrect? Why was this not checked on before opening this type of program? I feel this school has been a struggle more than a learning environment. I have no problem coming to this school knowing I'm trying to get my money's worth, but knowing this school is not a proper learning environment is baffling, to say the least. I was hoping to come to this school I was going to learn the ins and outs of I.T. Rather instead of learning I am merely trying to utilize memory tricks and processes to pass a unit exam. The hands-on needs to be extended throughout the entire course/program, not just in 901. Sure, the staff are friendly, but Id rather have an instructor who wants to teach rather, than be my buddy. Im not paying for a friend, Im paying for an instructor to help me out, not ask why I failed a test only to tell them the same thing. Im not understanding the unit or materials. I was told into belief in the system and that things work out if I put the required time in. Well, I can successfully express that this is a false statement, one should take with caution. Asher sold me on their ideal of student success but failed to tell me I am truly on my own when it comes to an inconsistent schedule of work and unit exams. I hope the future of Asher and its ridiculous course changes for the better, because taking someones money and building up false goals or ideals is not a proper way to help someone who wants to better their future."
- Reviewed: 1/10/2018
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2017
"You are not going to find a school with instructors that care more about your success. Show them you want to succeed, they will show you how. The instructors have to put up with plenty of people that attend for financial aid and drama alone; they still treat those students professionally ( even when they are confrontational) I highly recommend Asher College!"
- Reviewed: 1/4/2018
- Degree: Pharmacy Technician
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I am expecting to graduate in March 9 2018, at Asher college . Asher college really help students by providing career-focused programs of study , as a student at Asher college , I have learn a lot materials , Asher college also built solid connections with employers ."
- Reviewed: 11/8/2017
- Degree: Cisco Certifications
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I am glad there is finally a grad report on this school. The school is rather ridiculous. They don't have any real time for practical application of anything you learn. You rush to complete one certification, then quickly move on to the next. They don't teach you anything you can retain, other than just getting good at memorizing questions and memorizing answers. The school should be online only, but pretty sure that's how they can get the VA eligibility like they have, by being a brick and mortar school. The VA talked up this school with their VOC Rehab program, only to realize the associates degree from this school is pretty much worthless. You are unable to apply it to a bachelors and most careers* require a bachelors when attempting to become a network admin or network engineer."
- Reviewed: 11/7/2017
- Degree: CompTIA Certifications
- Graduation Year: 2017
"This school is a joke. They just teach you how to pass tests. That is all. You simply get very good at answering questions that you study for days to pass. It is pretty much like an online school. You just sit in front of a PC the entire time. There are a few instructor led meetings but some of the stuff they don't even have material on. The instructors are fantastic people... but the school... not so much."
- Reviewed: 10/20/2017
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The school doesn't come up with any of their own material. The instructors? Sit on the sidelines and only help when you need your mandatory 3 lecture per-course requirement. All the material you learn is through third party vendors with absolutely zero effort put in by the instructors. (I'd love to have their job.) You show up, sit down, read, watch videos, and then take tests. It's really quite ridiculous that a college would A: Cost so much for such little interaction from professors, B: That the school is even in existence. Honestly... the material they teach you is great, and you come out knowing how to do a lot that you didn't before. I have grown professionally in my field and learned a lot, ut with no help from the professors or instructors. So pretty much: If you prefer to practically go to school online, but with still having to go into school, hate professor interaction, then this school is for you. However, if you enjoy professor led classes, don't even think about this school."