Austin Peay State University Reviews

  • 30 Reviews
  • Clarksville (TN)
  • Annual Tuition: $13,975
73% of 30 students said this degree improved their career prospects
70% of 30 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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  • Reviewed: 10/5/2016
  • Degree: Computer Science
"First, I was attempting to achieve my degree online due to being in the military and moving around a lot. The computer science program is well designed for the road map of critical courses to prepare a student for a post collegiate career. After 4.5 years and five classes from graduation I withdrew to enroll in a different university knowing that a minimum of 10 more classes would be required. What drove me to that decision? Austin Peay has some of the worst compute science professors that do not acknowledge the existence of on-line students. The senior level courses were nothing more than repositories for the syllabus, assignments and course materials. Absolutely no instruction or engagement with the professor. My academic advisor was my professor and wouldn't respond to emails. Why should I pay thousands of dollars for an education that Google and various IT websites are the teachers. There are a few professors that are 'adjunct' faculty whom I hold the deepest amount of respect for. They always went the extra mile to ensure I understood the material, concepts and how the answer was achieved. Kudos to those who are the truest of educators. I have a strong sense of loyalty most notably due to my military career but I could no longer accept the status quo for the online program at Austin Peay. A difficult decision to say the least. Do yourself a favor and find another school for Computer Science. There are a bevy of choices where the university has a robust system in place that supports the 'brick and mortar' students as well as on line students."
A. Starr
  • Reviewed: 7/22/2016
  • Degree: English
"I enjoyed my experience at APSU. I had wonderful professors and gained many new skills as well as new friends."
Danielle Ladd
  • Reviewed: 5/10/2016
  • Degree: ESL
"I went to Austin Peay for 6 years and finished with certifications to teach English and Latin. The relatively compact, well-planted college and promised small class size first attracted me; the interesting course offerings and kindness of the professors encouraged me to stay two more years beyond the standard 4 and add a second minor and certification. However, the financial department at the school was often challenging to navigate; for example, each year when I attempted to register for classes, I was told "We don't have any record of you", even up to my last semester. Academically, it's a great school-- I got a great education, in spite of the difficulty of working with the records office."
  • Reviewed: 8/5/2014
  • Degree: Psychology
"Austin Peay is a very great college. The main focus is to help the students succeed. One of the things I liked most about this college was the wide variety of professors. They have a numerous amount of professors that teach one subject so that you have the chance to find a professor that matches your learning style. The program that I am actually studying is psychology. This program is very helpful. The psychology program not only teaches you want you need to know in order to be successful in your career but it also teaches you what you need to know to be successful in all other aspects of life. This is one of those programs that regardless of what you wish to do with the degree the information you learn will always be useable. Overall, I really enjoyed the experiences I had with Austin Peay and I also loved the psychology program."
Thomas Torrisi
  • Reviewed: 5/13/2014
  • Degree: Music
"Pros: The faculty here are outstanding. Everyone is very knowledgeable and experienced in their field, and are easily available for extra guidance. The department is small which makes student/professor relationships more personal, and also opens up extra opportunities for those who seek them out. Cons: Also because the department is small, there is a lack of competitiveness within the department and it becomes easy to start coasting. Grad students need to be self-motivated to be successful."
Marie-Japhette Opong
  • Reviewed: 2/22/2014
  • Degree: Performing Arts
"Though not a Tier 1-ranked school or a well-known music school/department, the graduate education I have received thus far at APSU has been enlightening, enjoyable, and fulfilling. The faculty I have had the pleasure to work with has helped me in some way to grow as a musician and vocalist and are always available for help, even when it's (mildly) inconvenient. There have also been numerous performance, masterclass, and seminar opportunities which have furthered my growth as a performer. As for areas of improvement, the department could use better practice room facilities (especially the pianos--many of the pianos in the practice rooms and classrooms are abysmal). A more rigorous undergraduate audition process would also allow the program to grow faster and ensure that incoming music majors are serious about their work and talented. Overall, I'm happy with my time at APSU and look forward to finishing my master's degree there."
Stephanie Elder
  • Reviewed: 5/22/2013
  • Degree: Liberal Arts
"The faculty is world class, and the program of study is thorough and well-planned."
Cody Robinson
  • Reviewed: 2/12/2013
  • Degree: Liberal Arts
"My overall experience has been a very positive one. My only complaint is that financial aid did not always post scholarships when they said would be the post date, but I always received the funds."
Thomas Torrisi
  • Reviewed: 1/2/2013
  • Degree: Liberal Arts
"All of the professors are very helpful and knowledgable about the course material. The work is challenging and thought provoking. My only criticism of the school is a lack of up to date technological resourses."
Teresa Tharpe
  • Reviewed: 12/26/2012
  • Degree: Education
"Pros: My graduate program provides the opportunity for course work to be more focused within a particular career in which I am interested, instead of being more general. I did not find a similar program in Middle Tennessee. Cons: Many of the graduate classes that are not online begin in the late afternoon. That makes it difficult for those that are working full time and commuting to campus."