Beloit College Reviews
6 Reviews - Beloit (WI)
- Annual Tuition: $56,312

83% of 6 students said this degree improved their career prospects
83% of 6 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Eleanor Sullivan
- Reviewed: 6/30/2019
- Degree: Anthropology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"When I went to Beloit College they had an excellent program for Anthropology and Museum Studies. The museum collections are extensive and there is said to be a rivalry between the department's founder and Marshall Field of the Field Museum in Chicago. They had a lab devoted to the study of bio-anthropology which wasn't something I saw much of outside the public universities of the midwest."
- Reviewed: 4/26/2018
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Beloit College was a supportive experience for me, aided by faculty and student affairs staff who encouraged me to ask questions, explore my interests, and to get involved. The religious studies program, while small, included stellar professors who helped me tailor my interests in social justice, Spanish, Latin America, politics, and sociology to the program. I left the college with a stronger sense of who I was. My biggest advice to to get involved and put yourself out there, to make use of office hours and the informal moments of engagement. Beloit is in Wisconsin, so it gets super cold and snowy in the winter. It is also a small campus, and residential, and not in a large city. When I attended, there were a large number of international students, but a small amount of diversity otherwise on campus. Part of figuring out the right college to attend is knowing what the campus climate is that you are looking for."
Madeleine Ipsen
- Reviewed: 2/28/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The psychology program at Beloit College is wonderful. The professors truly take an interest in the students and do everything they can to help the students succeed. Recently I was asked by the professors to represent the department at the Admitted Students Open House to talk about my experiences. I suggested to the students to take Social Psychology with Dr. Larry White because the class completely changed my perspective of the world around me. While I was in the process of applying to graduate programs, all of my professors took an interest in the work that I was doing. Each of my professors offered help in writing letters of recommendation, advice on applications, and preparation for interviews. One of the most important aspects in choosing a college was that the professors took an interest in their students; in that respect, Beloit College exceeded my expectations."
- Reviewed: 7/22/2016
- Degree: Environmental Science
- Graduation Year: 2008
"Most of my professors were supportive and thoughtful, and most of my classes (even the introductory ones) were small. Thanks to the help of professors and staff, I was able to participate in multiple research programs, both on- and off-campus. Despite being a small school, Beloit really DOES offer a variety of competitive experiential opportunities (ex.: research, community service, study abroad, intensive language instruction, etc.). Moreover, because you are taught by professors who are focused on helping students succeed as scholars and as citizens, not by frenzied graduate students, your instructors are willing and able to help you pursue such valuable enrichment experiences. If you would prefer to earn your degree by thinking, questioning, and doing instead of memorizing, blindly following instructions, and being lectured, Beloit is a great option."
- Reviewed: 8/10/2015
- Degree: Social Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2012
"The Anthropology department was judgmental and unwelcoming. Professors took personal dislike to particular students and treated them very poorly. These students' education and performance suffered. If I could choose a college course over again, I would NOT choose Beloit's Anthropology program."
- Reviewed: 8/12/2014
- Degree: Writing
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Beloit professors are incredibly knowledgeable and excel in their fields. The English department is full of wonderful people who prove to be great advisors and mentors but the creative writing program lacks an element of job readiness curriculum. My writing greatly improved over the four years I was a student but it was really only in the last semester of my senior year that anybody mentioned publication or job hunting in class. If you're looking for a program that focuses on literary fiction and craft, Beloit will be a perfect home for you but be prepared to do a lot of your own research into building a career."