Brandeis University Reviews

  • 48 Reviews
  • Waltham (MA)
  • Annual Tuition: $62,322
94% of 48 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 48 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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Sebghatullah Nazary
  • Reviewed: 6/10/2015
  • Degree: Finance
"Brandeis International Business School offers great education in the field of International Finance and Economics. Their MAief program is consistently ranked #1 by the Financial Times magazine for three years in a row. The professors are great and the curriculum is competitive. The workload is unbelievably high, but the job placement and career services provided is a little behind than the rest of business graduate programs in the area."
Simian Cai
  • Reviewed: 12/7/2014
  • Degree: Neuropsychology
"pros: good quality education. Professors really pay attention to the students. The design of the class is pretty reasonable, emphasized on varied aspects of neuroscience. cons: no choice of writing a master thesis. The program is kind of small."
  • Reviewed: 10/24/2014
  • Degree: Healthcare Management
"Very unique school with a lot of culture and genuine individuals. Very smart individuals, great place to network and support from the community. Individuals from Brandeis are so proud to help each other because the school's culture is shared amongst everyone and is relatively new."
  • Reviewed: 8/6/2014
  • Degree: Health Education
"Brandeis University is an amazing place to go to college - I found myself constantly surrounded by ambitious, driven, and intelligent people who pushed me even further to succeed. Academics are definitely challenging and the atmosphere is competitive, but that only serves as encouragement to push yourself to become the best person you can be. The professors at Brandeis are some of the best in the world, as well. As a student at Brandeis, you will be under the mentorship of arguably some of the smartest people you will ever meet. Overall, I would go here again if could. Since I can't, I would recommend that others do!"
Hannah Lents
  • Reviewed: 5/28/2014
  • Degree: Liberal Studies
"The benefits of the Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (AGRS) program at Brandeis are readily apparent. Our cohort is small and Masters students are the top priority of the faculty because our program does not offer PhD. There is an actively engaged environment of collaboration among students and faculty. We all want to see each other succeed. There are ample TA, research and field experiences available either directly through the program, or though the contacts of the faculty. The greatest drawback, for me, is the accessibility of outside resources. Although we are close to Boston, many possible opportunities are difficult to get to."
Cameron Plese
  • Reviewed: 5/25/2014
  • Degree: Public Policy
"The second year abroad in the SID program allows for the very unique opportunity to get hands on experience. The international cohort is also unique and provides various perspectives and experiences when engaging in dialogue. Also, the small school size increases accessibility to the world renowned professors at Brandeis. There really are no cons to this great graduate program, in my opinion."
Moriah Bedard
  • Reviewed: 3/22/2014
  • Degree: Liberal Studies
"The program is terrific, but I wish that more classes were offered in the evening for non-traditional students."
Leanne Beliveau
  • Reviewed: 1/27/2014
  • Degree: Psychology
"Con: I was matched with an advisor who knew very very little on the topic that I wanted to do my Masters Thesis on. I should have been with an advisor who understood abnormal psychology or perhaps even eating disorders (topic of my thesis). I ended up doing it almost all on my own, with no input, advice, or confirmations. I did try to get a different advisor, it did not work. Most everyone else was extremely kind. Fellow students, professors, also grounds crew, the great people who made and fed us our lunches. And I cannot forget about the librarians!"
Shelley Barber
  • Reviewed: 1/27/2014
  • Degree: Psychology
"The General Psychology Masters is a very intense program, but it is worth it. It gave me the opportunity to hone my research interests while still learning. I definitely feel that it boosted my chances of getting into a PhD program. A great pro is that, unlike other Master's programs, Brandeis actually gives financial aid and scholarship money, which helps keep student loan debt down. A con would be that the Boston Metro area is an expensive one to live in. Transportation costs are high, and Brandeis does not have a lot of diversity. They're working on it, but it's not there yet."
Brian Dahlben
  • Reviewed: 1/9/2014
  • Degree: Neuropsychology
"Completing a Master's in Neuroscience at Brandeis University was a great experience. The faculty were extremely helpful, and I have received amazing career guidance and research experience that has enabled me to gain acceptances at many M.D. programs."
Vivian Inn
  • Reviewed: 12/2/2013
  • Degree: Liberal Arts
"My graduate program is interesting; producing change maker around the world. Growing up as a child in Africa, I have always been interested in the fight for social justice, peace and gender equality. I am from a country in Africa that fought 14yrs of civil war that lend to extreme poverty. Through my professional and life experience I realize that poverty was a man made problem that could be solve gradually. The program at Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University is giving knowledge on how to help solve some of those problems that the poor are faced with around the world. Even though the workload is heavy but I take it as a challenge."
Elias Putzig
  • Reviewed: 11/4/2013
  • Degree: Physics
"The Physics Department is small, but close knit with a great group of professors in both biophysics theory and experiment (active systems) and high energy theory and experiment. The biophysics program has collaborative research in theory, computation and experiment and that is what drew me here, and the reason I am glad of my choice."
Crystal Vitagliano
  • Reviewed: 7/24/2013
  • Degree: Public Policy
"The Heller School for Social Policy and Management is an excellent graduate program if you are looking for relevant and interesting classes, combined with a diverse student body. A general class on economics is enhanced when students represent over 6-10 different countries within the classroom and can speak to the topics with real life experience. The professors are excellent, with field experience from top organizations that development practitioners hope to work with post-graduation."
Sarah Daniels
  • Reviewed: 6/21/2013
  • Degree: Anthropology
"Everything so far about my experience at Brandeis as a graduate student has been wonderful."
Jasmine Boshyan
  • Reviewed: 6/18/2013
  • Degree: Psychology
"The program is flexible enough to meet the needs of each individual student"
Vinh Vo
  • Reviewed: 6/13/2013
  • Degree: Chemistry
"Brandeis has a very diverse community and has a very immerse culture and does well to let those around you to experience it. The program itself has high standards, as it should, and expects a lot of student. However, some of the required aspects of the the program have not been properly tuned for the benefit of the students quite yet and so the experience feels rather rough."
Rachael Weiker
  • Reviewed: 4/2/2013
  • Degree: Non-Profit Management
"The community is what makes the program - all of the professors and program directors are incredibly supportive and readily accessible to provide additional help and guidance. The cohort of students is incredibly altruistic, optimistic and ambitious, and make you feel like you're part of a family."
Heather Panic
  • Reviewed: 2/17/2013
  • Degree: Neuropsychology
"Pros: world-renowned faculty Cons: small program"
Pokuaa Adu
  • Reviewed: 1/24/2013
  • Degree: Business
"I have not regretted enrolling in t he International Business School at Brandeis University. The opportunities available to me here are innumerable. I am guaranteed of a solid future as a result of the strong network connections, the quality academic experience and the uniqueness that comes with a liberal arts education here. Icing on the cake is the 5-year dual-degree program that allows me to obtain a bachelor's and master's degree in economics at one of the best graduate institutions for business in the country."
Camille Girabawe
  • Reviewed: 1/24/2013
  • Degree: Physics
"- Enough facilities for carrying different experiments plus collaborations with different famous labs (Harvard, MIT, Cambridge (UK), ...) - Social life is kinda big deal."