Broadview University Reviews
18 Reviews - Multiple Locations
- Annual Tuition: $16,140

36% of 18 students said this degree improved their career prospects
28% of 18 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Utah Career College Alum
- Reviewed: 4/28/2022
- Degree: Graphic Design
- Graduation Year: 1999
"I ended up with a lot of debt, and a worthless degree. There was none of the promised job placement. I graduated at the top of my class, and could not get a job. They got my student loan money though. Very upset that I was misled. I would not recommend Utah Career College/Broadview University to anyone."
former student
- Reviewed: 10/2/2018
- Degree: Paralegal
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I started this program in 2012. . I already had a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Business but wanted to work in the Paralegal Field. I was about 2 classes in when I realized my tuition that I had already paid would not include any of the text books. Which at the time I couldn't afford because I was unemployed. The first 2 classes were pretty elementary and I didn't have to take many General Ed ones because of my prior credits from before. I felt like my teacher cared and was very helpful. I ended up going to another school where everything was included in the tuition and did graduate with a 2 year degree. I went on over 10 job interviews and was told I was "too smart" for this job and when I was asked back the starting pay was under 11.00. Jobs are very hard to find in Utah because most law firms will hire anyone with or without a degree and train them in the office. Starting pay is very low. MANY YEARS LATER I AM NOT WORKING IN THE FIELD. I WISH I'D HAD SOMEONE IN THE FIELD TELL ME HOW IT REALLY IS IN UTAH SO I HAD NOT WASTED SO MUCH TIME AND MONEY PURSUING THIS."
- Reviewed: 9/10/2018
- Degree: Veterinary Technician
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Predatory admission practices. I was told that I would be able to transfer my credits when starting the program. I achieved my degree but found that the field was not for me. Now starting my life in another direction I have to start over from the very beginning. Not a single one of my general credits will transfer. This should be illegal."
- Reviewed: 8/31/2018
- Degree: Veterinary Technician
- Graduation Year: 2017
"There were a lot of changes that occurred during my time at Broadview University. However, I feel that the faculty and staff handled many of the issues directly and they were open about what was going on. Never did I lack for opportunities for help from instructors and tutoring, it was actually suggested many times which helped me better understand the material. The program was challenging at times and certainly took many hours of studying to do well in the program. I grew to love the staff and faculty since they always focused on my success even during trying times. I was disappointed at first but have been able to use my skills almost daily in my work. I realize now that going to school rather than learning on the fly was best for me. I also visited the school recently and things have really changed for the better. The vibe is very positive and engaging. Financially it was worth it to me."
- Reviewed: 7/12/2018
- Degree: Paralegal
- Graduation Year: 2013
"If you have an opportunity to attend a regionally accredited university, do so. It will save you money and a lot of trouble. I started in the Paralegal program with hopes that I could attend law school some day. The admissions, academic advisors, and financial aid reps do not have your best interest at heart when discussing the programs. I was led to believe their credits were transferrable to other schools. Halfway through my program I found out it was not so and having already incurred debt for the program I felt forced to finish in order to have something to show for it. Although I did well and graduated with honors, the degree gave zero advantage in my career. I gained better understanding of the legal field by working in it than any class they had offered. Employers don't see the benefit of the diploma from this institution and I'm disheartened knowing all my time, sacrifice, and money was in vain. I am stuck with a worthless degree and an increasing debt of over 70k. My hope is that the Dept. Of Education does something against these predatory institutions and makes things right for students. I'd rather start all over if it means getting a degree that's worth something. Realized it too late. Don't make the same mistake."
- Reviewed: 11/7/2017
- Degree: Paralegal
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Horrible school. I highly recommend veterans like myself to stay away from this school. They enjoyed my GI Bill. It's a crappy education experience. Waist of my time and money. I graduated and have a 3.5 GPA. No jobs anywhere over $11 an hour with this degree."
- Reviewed: 9/21/2017
- Degree: Paralegal
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I was an instructor at Globe University, and don't let them fool you. Broadview is owned by the same people. They know nothing about education. Like all the other instructors I worked with, I tried my best to do right by my students. However, this school engages in predatory admissions and lending practices by making promises that can't be kept. I loved my students and my heart broke everyday that I had to walk in the door there. I really needed a job. Otherwise, I never would have been a part of this place. Please. Don't waste your money. Go to a public community college."
- Reviewed: 6/7/2016
- Degree: Video Game Design
- Graduation Year: 2016
"BEAU is a great school, it has small classes and a very friendly staff who actually seem to care. I will be graduating in December with a BFA in their Visual Design program with an emphasis in Game Art. I have already had 3 different internships including a graphic design and animation internship and a video game internship because of the skills I gained as a multi-based artists. The students are all about their work and you get nothing but support and critiques for work. I was built from very little artistic skills to being well rounded as a digital and traditional artist."
- Reviewed: 1/5/2016
- Degree: Veterinary Science
- Graduation Year: 2006
"This school is a waste I have not been able to find a full time job with a wage I could live on and benefits I can afford in the last ten years. The school forgot to tell me here in Utah Vets don't care if there techs are certified they usually hire there family members or part time moms that don't have to live off the wage made. Also the student loans I now have screwed my credit so bad because I can not afford to pay them back that I can not even get cable connected to my 2 bedroom trailer that my family of 4 lives in. Please be smarter than me do not go to this school go to a real collage and get a good degree especially if your like me and going to walk away with 32,000$ in debt."
Horrible school
- Reviewed: 11/2/2015
- Degree: Veterinary Technician
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Shut the Provo location down screwed us over royally we had to transfer to the west Jordan location when i asked the broad view administration what i could do they replied quote "We don't care" you think they would since i'm paying to attend classes yet they don't care really? they didn't finish out the year they ended it after i was a quarter way through it! they sold their building space after making obligations to students .... really? that is dishonest tin my opinion now hundreds of us that have moved by the campus now rather have to move or make the commute. with out the fact that they moved the campus..... the board is still uncaring the only people that care are the campus heads and the teachers who most of where let go when they shut down id like to thank broad view university for personally screwing us over next time you screw people over this hard at least take them to dinner."
Kelly Smith
- Reviewed: 12/4/2014
- Degree: Legal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I just transferred to Broadview from another similar college. Of course they say that there are a lot of my credits that won't transfer in. I fought that and they added a few more that were all of a sudden transferable. I attempted to "test out" of one of the courses easiest subjects. I dang near failed. They have the tests worded so different than a normal test, NO ONE would be able to pass it... not even if an Attorney took it. Complete scam. They also lie about credits being able to be transferred to another big university. I would NOT recommend this school or frankly any school thats like them. They are all after your money and don't care what happens to you. Attend a real school - University or college"
- Reviewed: 4/28/2014
- Degree: Veterinary Technician
- Graduation Year: 2013
"In Utah, a degree in Veterinary Technology means absolutely nothing. Don't waste your time or your money. Go to a real university or train at a veterinary clinic. I learned this lesson after $40,000 and and 2 years of time wasted. Not worth it."
- Reviewed: 1/24/2014
- Degree: Veterinary Technician
- Graduation Year: 2013
"The instructors are there for you.The homework is reasonable and the people there kind.Their are many small classes and its very hands on which is what I enjoyed.The instructors are also flexible in regards to making time to help you out if your falling behind.There are many different tutoring options and a wonderful library with computers always at your disposal with free printing in color or not.The student lounge is nice with free tea,cocoa,and coffe and a ping-pong table along with a T.V. and newspapers and vending machines.The school itself is located in a good location surrounded by business and fast food places.The people here are all kind and willing to help.The staff and faculty do there very best to make this school enjoyable.I enjoyed my time here and when i graduated I truly felt that I had learned a lot."
Graduate IT Program
- Reviewed: 1/11/2014
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I entered this university in hopes of attaining a degree in information technology. From the instruction that I received throughout my time at this school, I can say that I was prepared to enter the field of IT. The instructors were helpful and available for all questions and concerns--this was what made this program so appealing. Without question, I would recommend this program to anyone that desires to get into the field of IT, simply because the instruction that one receives throughout this program will be knowledge that can be built on and expanded to reach any and all career aspirations. Although a little costly, it's well worth the investment. Being a bachelor's degree student, the requirements for my degree were sufficient to enter the field in any entry level capacity. From Active Directory to networking principals, the program prepares the student with the essentials for entering the any environment. From a few of the reviews given, there are somethings that any prospective student should understand--this is a university environment and should be treated as such. You are there to learn and expand your knowledge of a given subject area, the instructors are facilitators that are there to lead the learning experience."
Jane neder
- Reviewed: 9/7/2012
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year:
"I was in the R.N. program at Broadview University West Jordan Campus West Jordan Utah. We were never told prior to December 2011 that the program was in trouble and might be shut down. In December 2011, every student was pulled into a meeting and told that if anyone else failed the NCLEX that the state was going to give them a cease and desist. So from that time on, every quarter, we were all on edge worrying that we would be shut down the next quarter. We started back in school in July 2012, and on Friday, we were sent out emails telling us that there were changes to the nursing program and that we had a mandatory meeting on Monday morning at 9. Then they turned off their phones and refused to answer emails all weekend. What the did was Friday afternoon they withdrew us from all our classes and shut us down. The kicker of all this?? They were put on probation in July of 2011, BEFORE they started three more cohorts. They were told in May 2011 to get an arbitration agreement with another school because they were in so much trouble, and STILL started 3 more cohorts. Thank goodness the school that they finally were able to get an arbitration agreement with in Spring 2012, honored their side of the agreement. Broadview has yet to honor any of theirs. We are now in school 6 months longer than originally planned, a reason that most of us used to make our decision on Broadview over the school we are at now. They were dishonest with us from the beginning, and continue to be still. DO NOT EVER GO TO BROADVIEW!!!!!!! "
Tara Larsen
- Reviewed: 1/11/2011
- Degree:
- Graduation Year:
"I just graduated with my Associates Degree in Business Administration and re-enrolled for my Bachelors. I love this school and can't believe some of these other posts. Maybe its the different programs. The staff here at West Jordan is always helpful and get things done for me, otherwise I would be lost. I have had a few bad experiences with financial aid and it took a lot of my personal time to get it worked out.I feel the homework is reasonable and still have time with my kids. Not tons with a full time job and school, but that is to be expected. My favorite thing about this school is the small class sized. In the time I have been attending the biggest class I had was about 20! And that was a general, my business classes have been 5 or smaller. So you get a lot of help and attention from the teacher.All in all I think its a great school and I really enjoy my experience here."
Former Legal Student
- Reviewed: 1/3/2011
- Degree:
- Graduation Year:
"I went to Broadview university I was a student there and let me tell you they use their students and then drop them, they overwork their students, and not giving them full time instructors to teach students how to do what field they are going into, while I was at Broadview for 2 years, I spent tons of money on books, and financial aid, then out of the blue with no phone call as to what I did wrong as a student no help for the instructor, who might I add got instructor for the month and he was barely ever in class. He kept telling me that I was doing good work at this time, doing midterms he told me nothing of bad grades or that I wasn’t doing my best….. I gave my best work and with no help for my instructor nor any help from any tutors, so basically I payed to teach my own self how to do legal work, well I could have save lots of time, engery and money looking the laws online at my home, now I wanted a higher education but got none, I wasted 2 years and more then 6,000 dollars for nothing so please don’t go here it isn’t a good school or college it’s a p.o.s and that is my own feelings on the subject Singed Concerned "
- Reviewed: 11/22/2010
- Degree:
- Graduation Year:
"If there was another vet tech program I would go there in a heart beat. This school is so proud because they have so many vet tech students... well no shit its the only school that offers it. Anyways they continue to make financial ad mistakes and they don't care about fixing it. They said that they would help me with other financial things like scholarships, etc. But the second you are completely register they don't care. haven't heard back from them. They said that this is a trade school so thats why their tuition is higher. but in a trade school you are suppose to be able to get done in two years. i will get done with my degree two semsters(theres three semsters in a year) AFTER two years. and i have all my generals done. BUT that is only if i go during the summer. So if I don't go during the summer it will take me three years. And remember I have all my generals done from UVU. On top of that you get SO MUCH homework. Thats all I do is work and school, homework. I understand taht is part of college. But for them to say its not our fault that you guys have kids and jobs that take up your time so cant finish a little part of your homwork. well we have to have a job because your tuition is so damn much! Then they get mad at your because they says this is due whenever but the next day you come in class your getting yelled at because you didn't turn that thing in and have it done. This school is just ridiculous. But unfortunatly this is the only school that offers vet tech. So you have no choice. My other classmates would LOVE to go to another school also. So if you are another school reading this start the vet tech program and so many people would transfer!"