California State University - Fresno Reviews
81 Reviews - Fresno (CA)
- Annual Tuition: $18,543

85% of 81 students said this degree improved their career prospects
90% of 81 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Alexis Ansolabehere
- Reviewed: 7/25/2019
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Fresno State was an awesome stepping stone on my way to becoming an SLP. I attended this university for all 4 years of my undergraduate career. This campus has great student life as well as financial ad opportunities, student work positions, and housing options. Their library is amazing and very easy to navigate. The education I was given in my field introduced me to many aspects of speech and language pathology and its surrounding fields, of which I had no idea existed before. I still remember numerous experiences in classes as the lectures there are very memorable (especially learning about the Bernoulli effect). The student led groups give students many volunteer opportunities to further their experiences in the field of SLP as well as provide info about ways to get into graduate programs. Top professionals in their field work as professors there and they want to teach you about the fields that they are passionate about, who could say no to that? One downside I experienced was when preparing their students for a graduate degree, Fresno State only prepares students for THEIR graduate program, not others. This may have changed since I graduated, but my advisors did not prepare me for all of the prerequisites that other programs required which theirs did not (physical sciences). I had trouble getting into a graduate program due to this. However, Fresno State does educate you on all other aspects of applying for grad schools and taking the required tests (GRE, CBEST). I ended up being accepted into a program a year after graduating and I still refer to old textbooks and lectures that I had at Fresno State."
Enrique Lopez
- Reviewed: 6/21/2019
- Degree: English
- Graduation Year: 2000
"Fresno State is a great school that ensures that are work-force competitive and ready to work. All professors that I worked with were always willing to meet with me, even outside of their Office hours. The best experience that I had while at Fresno State was with my English adviser, Dr. Hansen. He had similar experiences that I was going through i.e. working during the day and attending college at night. He helped me develop a three year plan before I entered Fresno State, which he then gave me advice of reviewing my catalog and following my three year plan. By doing this, when it came to graduate from Fresno State, I walked in to his office with course catalog, three year plan and graduation clearance form in hand, where he stated that I was one of the few scholars that took his advice. To this day we have remained friends, but most importantly he has become a mentor of mine that I reach out to when I need a sounding board for advice and guidance. It is because of Dr. Hansen, that I also was able to finish college in three years versus the traditional four (to five) years. Also, being at Fresno State granted me the opportunity to network and create friends that have we still very much in contact and are very close."
Mike L.
- Reviewed: 6/11/2019
- Degree: Mechanical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I regret spending my precious four years at this place. The education I got from here has not helped me much. Looking back, the faculty were very low quality. But I didn't realize that until I got exposed to others later on. With only a couple of exception, they have the worst collection of bad professors here. And the department chair is an example of low quality professor. He seemed to be more interests in playing politics than to care about the substance of education. The facility is poorly maintained and their excuse: "low budget"!"
- Reviewed: 5/3/2019
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I did a cohort program for liberal study students working to become teachers. I loved the cohort idea. Working with the same students from beginning to end was incredibly helpful and I felt supported by my fellow classmates while achieving my bachelor's. I actually worked ahead and finished one semester early than the cohort, but it has created lasting friendships."
Stephen Castillo
- Reviewed: 4/13/2019
- Degree: Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Attending California State University, Fresno as a Geomatics Engineering major really helped me develop as a person, academic, and professional. I obtained networking skills at numerous Geomatics Engineering conferences put on by students. I was awarded numerous scholarships after applying, Fresno State as a large offering, make use of them! In the small Geomatics class sizes, I was able to get an intimate learning experience from my professors as I made my way through my undergraduate coursework. Overall, the facilities, staff, and experience at Fresno State was a positive one, and I am glad to call it my Alma Mater! Go Bulldogs!"
Irina Boginski
- Reviewed: 3/20/2019
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"My senior year is when the biochemistry program started. There are a number of professors that made biochemistry a worthwhile degree program, but unfortunately, it took me 5 years to graduate. I still feel like the biochemistry degree needs a course restructuring to include more biology classes, because I don't think I was very prepared to do research work. I'm sure they have made some progress in this however. As far as finances go, just as long as you remain passionate about what you are learning, you should be fine. That's the thing about scholarships these days; you don't need a "sob story" to get there."
Erin Ross
- Reviewed: 3/3/2019
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I am the fifth in my family to graduate from Fresno State. I am very happy with my education and my program. I chose a small major program in Geography. It was nice to have professors and advisors that cared about their students and helped us along our journey to education. I also had the great pleasure of enrolling my children in the preschool on campus. Without that service, I would not have been able to afford childcare."
- Reviewed: 10/31/2018
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"A great program with extremely knowledgeable and caring staff for the most part. The number of sections could have increased, to allow students more students the opportunity to enroll. A couple classes apart of the progam could be reviewed for the number of units. Find an advisor early on and continue to follow up with them to ensure degree completion in an efficient manner."
Dr. William Trevor
- Reviewed: 4/26/2018
- Degree: Philosophy
- Graduation Year: 2006
"I went through Fresno before Transferring to UCLA after a year. This environment was more pompous than productive, full of amateur politicians not practitioners of progressive discourse. My PHD was basically on hiatus here. Though I got through classes spouting the garbage the tenured professors wanted to hear, I was never happy in this narrow minded environment. I am proud to say my real education neither started nor ended here. I consider it a waste of a year."
Randa Jarrar
- Reviewed: 4/24/2018
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 1997
"A school full of hateful, bigoted, and cowardly faculty. This is one of the last schools any student should want to attend. Your thoughts and opinions are only allowed if it falls in line with their ignorant, pathetic agendas. If you want to be a narcissistic, hateful, bigoted piece of crap, then maybe this is the school for you."
B. Jurado
- Reviewed: 4/13/2018
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I received my B.A degree in French with a minor in Chemistry in the Spring of 2015. I had a great experience at Fresno State and received overwhelming support from the program advisor and professors during my time at the university. I changed my major once during this time and had a great experience when doing so. I was unsure if I would be able to receive my Chemistry minor, however Dr. Joseph Gandler is an awesome Chemistry professor and was able to give me his input on my last two semesters at Fresno State in order to achieve this. In addition to my academicsI lived in the University dorms during my freshman year. I think every college student should experience dorm living for at least a year in college!"
Paw Vue
- Reviewed: 12/1/2017
- Degree: Interior Design
- Graduation Year: 2012
"The Interior Design program at CSU Fresno possess academic and adjunct professors who brings extraordinary value, insight and experience to aggressively shape future designers. Many professors are skilled in fine arts and help push the students to propel and excel in academia and profession. The department is housed in an award winning Brutalism building with various disciplines of the arts. Being in close quarters with other art students challenged and inspired design processes especially when trying to resolve an issue with ones' designs. Overall, the campus is safe, clean, and offers supportive programs for the benefit of their students."
Jonathan Juarez
- Reviewed: 6/21/2017
- Degree: Criminology
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Overall I had a great experience at Fresno State University. Fresno State has an outstanding Criminology program with great professors who have excelled in the field of Criminology. The only criticism I have of Fresno State is the city itself. Fresno being a city impoverished with low socioeconomic status can make it a tough city to live in. Being a student at Fresno State does not exempt or protect you from the hardships of living in Fresno, which includes gangs and crime."
- Reviewed: 6/14/2017
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2016
"CSU, Fresno is a great campus where you will encounter a diverse community. Nevertheless, CSU, Fresno is a great community for students to grow as young professionals. The Business program is great and the amount of information acquired really does prepare you for the workforce."
Zuleima Martinez
- Reviewed: 6/4/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Attending California State University, Fresno as an undergraduate student was a great experience. While studying through it, always ready to assist in any way possible and guide me to achieve my goals. There were various resources and plenty of networking available for those who sought them. Before graduating I was already working within my field of study."
Edward Brown
- Reviewed: 3/31/2017
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Fresno state was a great school. I would certainly recommend it to any student considering going there. The only drawback is the city itself. It gets really hot during the summer and usually stays that way until November. Overall great school and city. Fairly cheap as well. A lot of resources are available to students"
Brittany Beard
- Reviewed: 3/31/2017
- Degree: Marriage & Family Therapy
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Love my co-horts and professors . The program that I attended set me up for success. Fresno State graduates in the Bay Area are thriving in the clinical therapy field. I will highly recommend Fresno State marriage and family counseling program to people."
Wes Segoviano
- Reviewed: 3/31/2017
- Degree: Fitness Trainer
- Graduation Year: 2014
"When first coming to Fresno to attend CSU Fresno, it was a bit disappointing. Coming from a big city such as Los Angeles, CA, you immediately notice the differences between the two. Fresno is a smaller city compared to Los Angeles, and life is much slower paced. One thing that is of little importance but stood out to me the most about the city of the limited options of malls, or areas to shop. It was not until living in Fresno for a few months that I began to appreciate the Fresno Area. Since Fresno is a lot more slow paced, there is less distractions in the city, which allows you to easily focus on your studies. Another plus, compared to a big city like Los Angeles, is that there was less traffic. California State University, Fresno is the main school in Fresno. Chances are every store or dine-in will have a sign relating to the school's mascot, the Bulldogs. There is a strong sense of Bulldog pride in the Fresno area. The sports at Fresno State all compete in the D1 league. This makes the games that much more exciting and the stadiums in which they compete are nice as well. The campus is nice and neat; with a big water fountain that is the center piece of the school. The facilities at Fresno State, such as the school gym, the swimming pool, and health center are very well maintained. I completed my degree in Kinesiology and learned a lot in the program. The professors were very knowledgeable on the subject and some even were recognized on a national level on the subject of kinesiology/coaching. Other professors ran sport facilities that involved training Olympic athletes and high profile upcoming athletes. I can't say I have met an unfriendly professor in my program as all I encountered were more than willing to assist me in any way. The curriculum was tough but the knowledge gained made it all worth it. I would definitely recommend this school, and the kinesiology program to those interested."
Kay Saito
- Reviewed: 3/18/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I primarily focused on Applied Behavior Analysis because I was wanting to work in the special education field. Fresno State provided an excellent undergraduate curriculum to introduce Applied Behavior Analysis. Fresno State was able to launch my career and I am happy with my choice. My other classmates that focused on psychology seem to be satisfied with their education. Overall, the town is a bit dull, but it is constantly growing with a nice community."
Phuong Nguyen
- Reviewed: 3/9/2017
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"As graduation is approaching, reflection of these past years feel necessary to tie together my undergraduate experience before I head onward to pharmacy school. Although I was a transfer student, CSU-Fresno has been nothing less of welcoming. There are two factors that make this school shine - the campus and the faculty. The campus is quite spacious and boasts a state-of-the-art library that has been ranked in the top 50 in the nation. They supply computer programs that are designated for certain majors at a minimal to no cost for students. In my case, Microsoft office and End note were two programs that I used on a daily basis to write formal laboratory reports and scientific citations. If the library was too congested with students, there were also many benches available around the university. On a sunny day, which is quite common in Fresno, many students are seen sitting at these benches, underneath a shady tree, enjoying company or taking a quick break between classes. Many times I gravitate towards having my lunch outside, surrounding myself with amazing artworks from students at the Conley Arts building or under an shady tree near the free speech area. Besides the breathtaking campus, the faculty should also be applauded. Since my time at CSU-Fresno, the majority of my professors have pushed me out of my comfort zone and to go above and beyond the letter grade, whether it was in writing, public speaking, or science. The professors had a passion for teaching that really affected me to have a positive outlook towards learning. For example, instead of sitting in a lecture room during a writing class, the professor allowed the us to sit outside in the shady area on the grass to write poetry about nature on a beautiful day, even though it wasn't called for on the syllabus. Also, when the science professor allows the student to take on an independent project that sparked an interest with them instead of following a standard experiment. Although the curriculum was challenging, the faculty were able to infuse knowledge and fun into each class. Overall, CSU-Fresno had given me a great environment to nurture my love for science and is a vital reason in my continuation of higher education."