Clemson University Reviews
7 Reviews - Clemson (SC)
- Annual Tuition: $39,502
100% of 7 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 7 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Write a Review Braiden Burdette
- Reviewed: 12/27/2019
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Clemson University is an outstanding school to attend. The people you meet, places you'll go, activities to get involved in are all worth the price of attendance. There have been so many incredible moments made with so many new friends that you can make and keep for a lifetime. Clemson is a small community in general, which makes it feel like a family atmosphere. Chose wisely with the type of major you'd like to study because majority of the curriculums will be very demanding and challenging. Make sure you spend a lot of your time in the books to prepare you for what you want to do."
Olivia Ray
- Reviewed: 4/2/2018
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Clemson University is a great school where everyone feels like family as soon as you walk onto campus. Once you are a part of the family, it follows you wherever you go. The Clemson ring is iconic for students and such an honorable tradition to get to participate in. Once you get your Clemson ring, from then on, just at a glance, people recognize you and connect with you. The alumni are active and helpful in opportunities during your undergraduate time and post-graduate careers. Their name goes along with prestige and is recognized by many graduate and professional programs by its rigor and how it prepares their students. Going to Clemson helps you to expand your community and connections that couldn't help prepare you for the rest of your life more. It will be a decision that will carry you more places than you would dream."
Samantha Cuffe
- Reviewed: 2/15/2017
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I have a major in Biology and I'm also in the Honors college here. I selected Clemson University as well as this emphasis of study to better prepare for attending medical school in the Summer of 2017. Clemson's rigor, opportunities for challenges, resources and comprehensive programs have definitely assisted me on my journey towards a career in healthcare. I have been able to delve into traditional biology and chemistry classes while also having the opportunity to do study abroad, take courses in music, sociology and even religion. I think the Clemsons combination of rigor and flexibility to take courses outside my major has been instrumental in making me a more inquisitive and well-rounded pre-medical student."
- Reviewed: 6/30/2015
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2008
"Clemson was attractive to me because (among other reasons) I've heard it was like a family. And it was true. Even though it's a big school with a sprawling campus, as a Clemson student you feel like you're a part of a brotherhood that you can identify with for the rest of your life. You can take classes anywhere, but you can thrive at Clemson."
Anna Miller
- Reviewed: 8/5/2014
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Clemson is a great school which tries to focus on the students. The Biology department has a lot of great instructors which help students as much as they can. Clemson truly is my home and I would not have wanted to go anywhere else for my undergraduate program. I highly recommend studying abroad, it's a great learning experience that I would regret had I not taken that opportunity."