CollegeAmerica Reviews
10 Reviews - Multiple Locations

25% of 10 students said this degree improved their career prospects
30% of 10 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Write a Review Samantha
- Reviewed: 6/30/2021
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I attended CollegeAmerica ten years ago and received an Associate Degree in Medical Specialties. This has proven to be a worthless degree. The school is not recognized by other higher education. There are no transferable credits to other colleges. I will continue to pay towards the remaining $38,089.32 debt for the rest of my life. Emory University in Atlanta, GA is not this expensive and well recognized for their degrees. For my "internship" I was placed at Hands Over Hearts as a file clerk. This had nothing to do with what I had hoped to become a career. I was told the market was flooded with students and there was nothing appropriate available. I was naive enough at the time to believe in this system. Shame on me!!! What can be done not only for me, but other students out there who want a chance to become productive citizens of our society and not be scammed by such an organization."
- Reviewed: 8/2/2019
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2019
"horrible experience.... do not attend this college complete rip was not worth $40,000... they sweet talk your ear up something good..... to get you in ... even bribe with food... it's a game to them..... teachers quit left and right... student's wanted to leave but couldn't... they lied about credit being transferable... can't believe it's that many horrible ppl in this world that prey on people that's trying to do something with there lives..... only thing we acquired is alot of debt.... and stupidity for falling for a program like this....."
Too Embarrassed
- Reviewed: 10/16/2016
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2010
"I would not recommend this school. Schools like this one are overrated. They cost too much for an associate's Degree. And, they only care about money. You get no refunds from your school loans. Not when I was there. When not in class, they don't know you. Classes are Monday-Thursday. I never got a job. My externship was at a family practice and the medical assistants were mean. The doctors were nice along with the patients. I was so glad to leave. I do not work in the medical field. I am so glad I made other choices. Please go somewhere else to spend your money."
- Reviewed: 8/29/2015
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Don't go to this school they are liars that are paid to lie to you!! You will have to pay them back are your lifetime! I was so close into falling for it , until I spoke to an experienced adult! I'm serious do not fall for it. You will regret it go to. A real community college!"
- Reviewed: 6/6/2015
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I'm so sorry I ever attended here. I was desperate to find a school that would get me in and out and working in a short amount of time. This one paid for multiple certifications, so I was sure the time and money invested would be worth it. Boy, was I wrong. First of all, an Associate in Occupational Specialties is NOT regarded the same as a typical associate's degree by employers. It's barely a step up from a diploma in their eyes. I was told this by 5 different employers i interviewed with. Second, none of the employers I interviewed with had heard of this school, except for 1 who said they have a bad reputation. I never got any call backs or follow ups. Third, the career services is really a joke. They literally tell you to bring them information on where you want to go. If you tell them you really don't know, they actually give you Craigslist ads or internet leads. They do NOT have these close, tight "relationships" with employers that they tell you they do. At least, not here in Phoenix. Fourth, it took them 8 weeks just to find me an externship site because no one had heard of them. That was 8 weeks that I was just sitting around, doing nothing, wasting time while they convinced someone to take me on. I excelled at my externship, and i was actually told that if they were comfortable with the school they would have hired me. But they did not want someone from this school representing them. Last, the program costs $46,000!!!! Even other for-profits in the area, who offer associate's degrees in actual NURSING, cost less. Nursing degrees are typically more expensive, but even schools like Carrington, Brown Mackie, Brookline, Arizona College, and Chamberlain School of Nursing (DeVry's nursing school) charge between $33,00 - $40,000 for an actual Associate of Applied Science in Registered Nursing. Yes that's very high, but at least it's an actual degree for a job that pays $70,000 a year to start here in Phoenix. The $46,000 a year "degree" you get from College America gets you qualified for a $30,000 - $33,000 a year job...if you can find an employer willing to hire you. I'm a mom wanting to get my kids off the system. I wanted to have a degree I could be proud of, a job where I could work hard and get ahead. All I have is an insane amount of debt and still NO JOB. Please avoid this school. They are slick sales people that only care about getting your financial aid. Once you finish school and can't get a job, you only have $11,500 TOTAL left of financial aid, which isn't enough to go back to school anywhere and actual get a degree you can use. I'm screwed. Don't fall for their BS and end up like me."
Will not give real name
- Reviewed: 6/4/2014
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Online School is Black Listed! Graduates can't find a job because employers don't recognize CollegeAmerica as a valid education. Teachers are unqualified, most students can't find real work after their degree and pick up teaching jobs with CollegeAmerica. After a month I was told I could become a teacher! Teachers are disorganized and incorrectly teach how to write APA style papers. Students in classes ahead of me have warned that everything is taught from a book, which is true, and that it is more or less self taught. . All of your teachers come from this college! You would think with 9 degrees you would want to make more than $40,000 a year. The reason for 3 stars in financial services is because they prey on MILITARY! They are quick to complete your paperwork and tell everyone that your college is normally $45,000 but because of a "New Policy," you qualify for almost $20,000 in savings just because you are a spouse of someone in the military. They also tell you "not to tell anyone about your savings, because it will upset others." I believe other reviews are not real, based on the fact that they told me to write this review before I started in the school. Watch for future posts in an attempt to make this one disappear. 48% doesn't lie, that's the percent of people that don't recommend this school."
- Reviewed: 5/3/2014
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I was able to finish the AOS in Medical Specialties in 15 months, and I currently have 4 certifications as a direct result. I currently work full time, and I was able to become employed less than 2 months after graduation. I loved my time at CA and I am actually thinking about an online bachelor's degree with them. The faculty, staff, all of the instructors, and the financial services team were all great. Of course, there were a few bumps in the road. You'll fins that anywhere. But overall, I really am glad I chose CA for my education."
- Reviewed: 4/30/2014
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2010
"Think long & hard before making the decision to go to College America. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it. Too expensive for the degree. You're going to spend decades repaying everything. The admissions & financial adviser are quick to get you to sign up. They don't fully talk you through the actual cost of attending. Associate's degree costed me almost $40,000 & that was WITH financial aid & back in 2009. Not worth it! I'm sure the costs have gone up since then."
I am the Externship Coordinator here at CollegeAmerica, Phoenix. In the mod 7 cohort of students 6 of the 9 students were employed by the end of their externship program. I'm curious, what was the name of your externship site? I will not be sending our students anywhere where they are not appreciated. Both I and Tanya, the Director of Career Services, would love to help you. Please feel free to contact either of us, anytime.