Colorado State University - Pueblo Reviews
9 Reviews - Pueblo (CO)
- Annual Tuition: $16,324

60% of 9 students said this degree improved their career prospects
78% of 9 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Wish Had Done More Research
- Reviewed: 2/8/2019
- Degree: Industrial Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2010
"This is a brief description from attending and graduating from the engineering department at CSU-Pueblo. The department is small, clique-ish and full of drama. The infighting was so bad one professor had a restraining order against the department chair until he could find another job. One student never finished the program because a professor learned the student had served on the opposing side in the Bosnian-Serb conflict. While cheaper to attend, CSU-Pueblo is not a top tier school.. In one job interview after graduating, the interviewer actually questioned whether CSU-Pueblo was accredited or not. Of course it is, but the perception of it not being is telling. In the real world, industrial engineering is not viewed as real engineering, more business management than technical. The job opportunities with this degree are frankly poor compared with other engineering disciplines. I ended up doing something completely different than what my schooling trained me for. I'm now paying off student loans for an education I'll never use. In short, if you want to do engineering, go for any other discipline: chemical: civil, electrical, mechanical, petroleum. Also, attend a school with a better reputation, CU-Boulder, CSU-Ft Collins, Mines, etc. You'll pay more and work harder, but it'll be worth it with the better job opportunities upon graduating from one of those programs. Best wishes."
Hannah Higgs
- Reviewed: 10/21/2018
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I absolutely loved this college. It was very affordable and they are great with helping students who struggled financially with me. Even if there was not a scholarship available, I went in and sat down with the financial advisers and they found grants, scholarships, and other funding that could help me afford college. They were able to get me an on-campus job that I could do between classes to help afford school. The classes and professors are even better! They look at you as an individual and spend time getting to know you and your life. They will sit down with you and help wiht anything you need. I had professors that were not even in my degree field that would help me with degree planning, career goals, and life lessons."
- Reviewed: 1/4/2016
- Degree: Liberal Arts
- Graduation Year: 2013
"The education program at CSU-Pueblo does a wonderful job of preparing their students for meaningful careers in education. Their instructors are very knowledgeable and do a good job of sharing their experiences. They excel at teaching the academic portion of what it means to be a teacher. They provide resources for the classroom management aspect of being a teacher. They are very supportive of those looking for a job in their chosen career by hosting career fairs. It was at their career fair that I was able to find a job before I had even graduated. I am extremely pleased with my education."
- Reviewed: 3/11/2015
- Degree: Social Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2014
"While CSU-P has a few general degrees, they're still degrees. This was in no way a diploma mill of any sort. They treat you just like a real student with an email address, all the perks of a student, and all the heartaches of a student. I wasn't very dedicated to my online work, so it took me quite some time to knock this one out. Some professors are better than others, but it's that way at any school. I got my degree purely for myself and not for my job. If you're looking for a real school without all the pricy online fees, this is the one for you."
Jessica M.
- Reviewed: 10/22/2014
- Degree: Social Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I am attending Colorado State University-Pueblo and I am currently taking classes online and will be taking classes in The Towers soon. I had planned on moving to Pueblo eventually and now I have a great reason to. This university is great because it has the program I want which is social work and it is very versatile, allowing me to take classes when and where is most convenient for me. I am so glad I decided to rerun to school!"
Amber Trout
- Reviewed: 7/19/2013
- Degree: Elementary Education
- Graduation Year: 2009
"The pros are it is geared toward working teachers so the classes are very convenient for our schedules. The cons are that the workload is a bit much sometimes."
Melody Montoya
- Reviewed: 1/26/2013
- Degree: Communications
- Graduation Year: 2014
"There could be great improvements made to use resources more efficiently. Though, the faculty and students I feel make the best with what limitations are placed before them."
- Reviewed: 1/7/2013
- Degree: Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2015
"My graduate program is Industrial & System Engineering. The advantages of my program is I am able to gather practical knowledge in areas such as facilities planning, operations planning and control, economic analysis, design of experiments, and project management."
Uzzal Das
- Reviewed: 12/12/2012
- Degree: Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2005
"I am a graduate student of Industrial & System Engineering. My program is closely related with manufacturing filed which is shrinking in US day by day. But I believe I will start my won manufacturing company in some point and that will lead from the front to begin a new manufacturing era for our country."