Concordia University - Texas Reviews
15 Reviews - Austin (TX)
- Annual Tuition: $35,620

0% of 15 students said this degree improved their career prospects
80% of 15 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 3/4/2024
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2025
"A heads up for the nursing students only. The nursing school in Concordia is designed to make you fail, if you fail one class, you have to retake all of the classes again and pay full tuition. If you can get into nursing school anywhere else, please do so and save yourself lots of time, headache, and money. In other nursing schools, you will only repeat the class you failed. Avoid Concordia NURSING SCHOOL at all costs."
Cohort Student 222
- Reviewed: 9/2/2018
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2019
"This is an MBA Cohort which is a great way to learn to work collaboratively. The people in my cohort are incredible, this is the best part of the program. The program itself is very disorganized and not in touch with what the students really need. Many of the important courses are cut short (2 hours) in order to add a 1 hour leadership seminar. This is the first of many problems with this program. In this level of education, leadership should be incorporated into every course. There is a Organizational behavior and Ethics combo courses split between two teachers which was the worst class I have ever taken. There were two books required that we did not use. There was no new information in this class. One of the final projects was identical to the final project for Critical thinking taken two semesters before. We had two teachers for the course and neither could attend all of their eight week portion. So they told us this was a hybrid course (in person/online) which is not what we signed up for and paid for. Their solution to making up for classes that they (the instructors) can not attend is to assign random papers in its place. Which leads me to one of the biggest problems of this program. These courses are 16 week courses and the program is designed for taking two at a time. Unfortunately they are unable to find instructors who can commit to the full 16 week time frame are having to adjust the classes to accommodate the teachers. Every single class thus far has required an adjustment to our schedule and extra useless writing assignments to make up for instructor absence. This is extremely unprofessional. There are a few solutions. first find instructors that can commit to the entire course they have been assigned or change the course to all eight week courses. Most of the more reputable programs are designed to take one eight week course at a time. This makes the program more flexible and surely you can find teachers that can fully commit to eight weeks. Second loose the stupid leadership seminars. At this level all the courses should have leadership incorporated into the course. Have only three hour credit courses instead of snip-its of courses. Organizational behavior should be its own stand alone course. This is a really important course in the MBA program and we covered absolutely no important concepts during our combo course. Ethics should be woven into the leadership portion of each course because each business aspect has its own ethical challenges. Other really important courses that should not be cut short at this level are one Operations Management and Technology. These should be separate stand alone three hour courses. They are both too important at the upper management or executive level. Technology is critical in todays world, this course should include managing technology, social media, Information systems, legal and ethical issues etc. It appears to me that CTX is attempting to make the program unique by having these weird and inflexible sniped and pieced courses which only make the program weird and inflexible. There are better ways to improve the reputation of this program. Offer the opportunity to take certification course that would be valuable to companies and make the graduates more marketable. Examples of valuable certifications would be Lean certifications, Project management, certified purchasing professional, logistics, etc. . Outside of possibly the certification courses, all classes should be standard three hour courses. This provides the most flexibility for a working professional. My last point is regarding the course options. If a student signs up for an in person program, they are paying for an in person program and should not be required to take a course that is online or hybrid at the whim of the school or to accommodate a professor's schedule. Just as an online student should not be randomly required to attend an in person class. If the school wants to provide a hybrid program option, advertise it as such and clearly define what will be online and what will be in person. All discussions for in persons courses should be in the classroom not on a discussion board which is really just a short essay about a topic or reading. Real discussions do not have a required word count or a specific amount of required responses. I love Concordia University Texas and I think the idea behind a cohort program is fantastic for graduate level programs. This MBA program has great potential but really needs to be overhauled in order to provide the students with an education that makes them stand out above the rest. Until they make big changes, I would recommend looking at other less expensive programs."
Go Cubs Go
- Reviewed: 1/24/2017
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Concordia University Seward was my undergrad college. My masters was at Concordia University Texas. Seward is a great Christian university. It is truly a place where students come closer to God. Class sizes are small and professors really do care about you there. They just added new athletic facilities 5 years ago and are top notch."
Dawson Spicer
- Reviewed: 5/2/2016
- Degree: Education Administration
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I do feel that my experiences at Concordia University will prepare me for my future endeavors. I took online courses due to the conflicts I had as a coach for an extracurricular activity at a high school. However, it sounds like the students who took the actual class had to do less work than the online students. Both groups should be doing the same amount of work. I will admit though that I think the online classes were better prepared for the state examination. I passed the state examination the first time."
wakeel bello
- Reviewed: 12/23/2014
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2015
"An effective program that prepares future school administrators/ leaders for 21st century skills to lead school effectively."
Jeff Semler
- Reviewed: 8/19/2014
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I really enjoy Concordia's atmosphere and the faculty. It is a relaxed but intelligent environment. Also, the students it attracts are extremely thoughtful and kind compared to other universities I've been to. They actively check in with new students to see if you are alright and offer help, guidance, and even recommendations on where to meet other students after class!"
Eartha Nelms
- Reviewed: 8/3/2013
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I love the fact that this college offered cohorts housed in schools near my residence. The classes were small and helped developed not only classmates but a new family of friends.The professors were very helpful and reachable. I loved my experience and if I choose to complete another degree I will definitely choose Concordia University again."
Marina Garcia
- Reviewed: 7/30/2013
- Degree: Educational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I really enjoy the small group setting that we have in Concordia. We are given a lot of support by our professors who want us to be successful."
Rebekah Ozuna
- Reviewed: 7/15/2013
- Degree: Educational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Concordia has set me up for success in graduate school. My professors have always had my best interest in mind and supported me in my classes. Everyone at the main office is helpful and courteous when dealing with admissions, financial aid and registration."
Keanna Gilbert
- Reviewed: 6/18/2013
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The pros of my graduate program is the conveinance for working adults to complete this program. Additionally, the falculty is very helpful and find every way to assist me in my needs. I am apart of a cohort group, and the disadvantage is the distance so far. However, so far the program has been helpful and I look forward to starting my program."
Laura Nary
- Reviewed: 5/13/2013
- Degree: Educational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The faculty and staff at Concordia have been extremely helpful. Even before I began classes any information I needed was easily accessible. Any questions I've had have been answered promptly and clearly."
Jediah Spurlock
- Reviewed: 4/29/2013
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I am so thankful that I chose to attend Concordia University for my graduate degree. I love the cohort system, where I have the same small class of people for the duration of the program, which is 10 classes. I also love the fact that I did not have to take the GRE in order to enroll in school. It is well worth the money and time to consider Concordia as a place where you should go for Graduate School."
Jennifer Sabolchick
- Reviewed: 2/23/2013
- Degree: Educational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2014
"So far the graduate program has been perfect for me. It fits into my busy schedule."