Crowder College Reviews

  • 5 Reviews
  • Neosho (MO) (and 9 others)
  • Annual Tuition: $6,552
25% of 5 students said this degree improved their career prospects
40% of 5 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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  • Reviewed: 7/1/2024
  • Degree: Computer and Information Science
"The CNS (Computer and Networking Support) classes at the Crowder College ATTC campus in Joplin are very informative and helpful in getting you straight into the world of IT and networking.However, many if not most of us who took the Internship class during the Spring '24 semester are doomed to repeat it in the fall because the college did not offer internships to CNS students as they did in the past. Surg Tech, AMT, Welding, etc. students are all handed their pick of internships across Jasper and Newton Counties courtesy of Crowder. CNS students had to sit down, apply to tech companies across the area, and hope and pray someone somewhere would hire them. It's my understanding that most of the students in the class were not hired anywhere.I now regret having attended Crowder and am thinking about transferring to MSSU or Pitt State which have way more to offer IT students...."
  • Reviewed: 5/10/2023
  • Degree: Nursing
"Crowder Nursing Program is a money grab. They require you to purchase all books before you start; 8 weeks in I was stuck with over $1,200 in materials that I'll never use. By the end of the first 8 weeks almost 1/2 of the students were failing and cut from the program. No extra support. Study Halls were full of students and teachers talking about anything except nursing. Save your money and find another program."
  • Reviewed: 3/16/2019
  • Degree: Nursing
"This is the worst program in Missouri your better off going anywhere other than crowder. They will s**** you out of as much money as possible. The instructor dont teach the make student teach the class . Clinical are a joke this school shouldnt be able to teach anybody."
  • Reviewed: 11/28/2018
  • Degree: Liberal Arts
"I would recommend this college to anyone because It's a great start for your career. I was so afraid of going back to school, but Crowder made those feelings pass. I was able to take the course at my own speed; this was good for me because I was not sure what I wanted to go into yet. Just about all of my credits transferred over to my university. One thing to remember is that you must finish in order for your credits to transfer over. A lot of people think that just because they took some classes, they can use those classes to go to another college. You have to finish your associates degree if you want your credits to be recolonized by other colleges. Please go to Crowder people. It's cheaper and the experience is amazing. Every instructor/ adviser was amazing!!!"
  • Reviewed: 2/26/2017
  • Degree: Liberal Arts
"I don't feel like the associates degree gave me a pay raise or increased my ability to make more income. I plan on going back to get my bachelor in the fall. Crowder was a great starter college. I would suggest going there for the first two year because it is cheaper but i would suggest to keep going. don't stop there. Nowadays, you need more than an associate degree to get anywhere in live."