Dallas Baptist University Reviews
13 Reviews - Dallas (TX)
- Annual Tuition: $35,310

60% of 13 students said this degree improved their career prospects
92% of 13 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Jessica Hernandez
- Reviewed: 6/6/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2019
"I am very pleased with the school and have found many friendly and helpful staff members willing to help with whatever I need. Staff is always available for questions and really take initiative to make you feel welcomed and important. The other students are always very friendly and have always extended a helping hand as well."
P. Sutherland
- Reviewed: 2/1/2017
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2015
"DBU completely exceeded my expectations. Professors were professional, knowledgeable and flexible. My DBU masters degree gave me knowledge and power to make great contributions to my field of study. Each encounter at DBU was a wonderful experience."
- Reviewed: 1/3/2017
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2015
"It is a great Christian private college. I would highly recommend it."
- Reviewed: 7/22/2016
- Degree: Music
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I loved college. Thankful for the time there gaining knowledge while getting to know some amazing friends."
Mike Smith
- Reviewed: 6/2/2016
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Potential student BEWARE!!! This is not a good place to get post-bachelor teacher certification or bachelor's in education. Instructors do not know how to operate Taskstream program, and did not train students how to use program but will dock students grades. The Taskstream program changes monthly causing confusion creating lesson plans. Received inaccurate information about TEKS in a mandatory lesson plan seminar held by department heads. The dean of college of education does not care about the integrity of the education program or putting highly qualified instructors in the classrooms. If you are ok with a beautiful campus and Very inaccurate grading causing your GPA to drop, DBU is the place for you."
Jessica Hernandez
- Reviewed: 10/24/2015
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The pros for the graduate program are the commitment of the staff to go above and beyond to make your educational experience successful and full-filling, the lower student-to-teacher ratios make it easier to get one-on-one instruction if needed, and a strong emphasis on using your educational talents to serve the community. The cons are the accessibility to the building and the extra imposed fees."
Elica Almeida
- Reviewed: 10/5/2014
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2019
"It is a great program, teachers are well prepared and environment is very welcoming. I love it, if I would choose a con would only be that the classes are at night and I am a day person, and also I have kids, so I would rather have the option to study during the day. But since it is only one day a week it is not that strangeous."
Michelle Miller
- Reviewed: 8/18/2013
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2013
"The pros for me are the small class size, and the availability of the professors. The major con is there is no financial aide for graduate students."
- Reviewed: 7/20/2013
- Degree: Counseling
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Tell us about your college experience.For me, the best outcome from college is the friends I made. The schools I went to were good fits in that the people around were people I wanted to be friends with. But, they were expensive and I don't feel like I got a good education. I have two Bachelor's and one Master's and cannot find a job.Would you get the same degree if you could start over?NO!!!! I would choose something practical. I might even choose to go to a tech school where I could learn skills.What advice can you offer other students?Choose wisely! Take your time. Don't rush into a college or a major. Ask professors and others about what you can do with your degree."
Marissa Rangel
- Reviewed: 5/3/2013
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I really like my graduate program because they are very helpful and understanding. When I have a game to coach, the instructors are understanding and will work with me when I miss class."
Sheila Heath
- Reviewed: 3/2/2013
- Degree: Counseling
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Dallas Baptist University provides an academic setting infused with faith producing a Christ-centered education. Pros: Professors are knowledgeable in their prospective field. Professor are available to students and make time to accommodate students. Students have access to a high level of education. Students have the ability to incorporate their beliefs, spiritually, in their studies; making a more personal approach to academics. Cons: Cost. Dallas Baptist University is a private institution so cost for students in regards to tuition and other fees will be higher than public universities. Parking is often horrendous. At the main campus parking is virtually nonexistent during the day from about 9:00 am to 5:00 pm unless you would like to park extremely far from your class and walk which would entail that you arrive 10-15 minutes earlier."