Drew University Reviews
17 Reviews - Madison (NJ)
- Annual Tuition: $44,174

100% of 17 students said this degree improved their career prospects
88% of 17 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Tara Ondra
- Reviewed: 12/30/2019
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 1999
"Drew University is a beautiful, small, liberal arts college in northern New Jersey. The campus is majestic, filled with stunning oak trees and historic buildings. The school offers a variety of degrees; the degree I pursued was in Behavioral Science which is a mixture of anthropology, sociology, and psychology. The professors of all three areas were of high quality, very approachable, and created long-lasting impact on the students. Classes are small and academics are rigorous. In addition to strong academics, the social experience and tight knit community at Drew allowed for the creation of meaningful, life-long friendships. These relationships are easily established through clubs, sports, and dorm life. I met so many interesting people from diverse backgrounds opening my eyes to different cultural and social realities. In addition to its diversity, one of Drews strong points for me was the opportunity to participate in international seminars and clubs. Through a Drew volunteer program I traveled to Honduras and through an organized seminar I went to Eritrea, both opportunities allowed me great personal growth and academic stimulation. For those who enjoy an urban adventure, a nice perk is the easy access to New York City which is just a short train ride away. My only negative comment about the school is the cost. As with so many universities, the cost is simply unaffordable for most. Most students rely on financial aid or scholarships in order to finance their studies. My experiences in dealing with the financial aid office as well as the admissions office were always positive. The administrative staff at the university is of as high caliber as the professors."
Kelly Duddy
- Reviewed: 5/14/2019
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Drew University is an amazing institution, because their professors take the time to get to know ALL their students and help prepare them for a successful career. It is not uncommon for students at Drew to have a double major and a double minor, because Drew allows students the opportunity to study all the fields that interest them. For example, I majored in History and French, had minors in Holocaust Studies and Dance, and had a concentration in BA/MAT to apply towards grad school. My professors were extremely intelligent, but more importantly, they were good teachers who worked with their students to help them understand."
Kelly Duddy
- Reviewed: 5/14/2019
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Drew University is an amazing institution, because their professors take the time to get to know ALL their students and help prepare them for a successful career. It is not uncommon for students at Drew to have a double major and a double minor, because Drew allows students the opportunity to study all the fields that interest them. For example, I majored in History and French, had minors in Holocaust Studies and Dance, and had a concentration in BA/MAT to apply towards grad school. My professors were extremely intelligent, but more importantly, they were good teachers who worked with their students to help them understand."
- Reviewed: 10/18/2018
- Degree: Special Education
- Graduation Year: 2014
"This is a PWI that has always stressed diversity and encouraged minority students to attend. Yet, ironically enough the school does very little to do anything to support the minority base. From addressing race issues on campus to financially supporting minority students in any real way. Their major concern is money and once that loan and is solidified they could care less how students are able to maintain the financial burden. They pulled half of my financial aid while there forcing me to pick up more jobs, commute and work to graduate early. By the end I worked 4 on campus jobs and one off campus at a local restaurant. They continue even after my completion to show disregard for mine or my peers of colors financial success. Despite the fact were drowning in debt they still never fail to use our photos and send a yearly email begging for donations. My instruction was a beautiful experience, as was my experience with on campus groups. But the financial struggle and clear disregard that was shown time and time again make it difficult to focus on those positives."
- Reviewed: 3/21/2018
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Drew University was a great stepping stone to my future. It helped me gain personal, communication, and hard-working skills. The business major was challenging and prepared me for multiple different fields of work. I look forward to seeing the future of the school as well as the new graduate programs they are engaging in."
- Reviewed: 11/3/2015
- Degree: Social Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I loved my college experience. My school was small enough to allow me to establish professional relationships with my professors and mentors. I was provided with the opportunity to hold multiple leadership positions that would have no been possible at a large school."
- Reviewed: 9/23/2015
- Degree: Cultural Studies
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Drew provided a wonderful education with an intimate feeling in classes; I only can recall one class with over 20 students. The campus is gorgeous and inviting and the faculty are professional, caring, and knowledgeable."
Patricia DiNoia-Chambelin
- Reviewed: 2/14/2015
- Degree: Liberal Arts
- Graduation Year: 2017
"although the commute from Philadelphia to North Jersey is something less to be desired, Drew does offer Commuter Housing. What this means for me as a commuter student is that instead of commuting 4 hours each way, each day, by train and bus, I can now stay over night on Campus a few days a week."
Taylor Poruks
- Reviewed: 11/1/2014
- Degree: Secondary Education
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The Drew MAT program is great in theory, and the people who leave the program tend to be hired quickly and be very happy with their jobs. However, the program has some serious organizational issues, especially with the recent switch in its director. This causes for incredible levels of stress and anxiety in an already intensive and challenging program."
Amanda Layman
- Reviewed: 8/5/2014
- Degree: Child Development
- Graduation Year: 2013
"The main reason I stayed at Drew University were because of the amazing professors I had not only in the psychology department, but in other departments of the school as well. Professors were mostly very understanding and available to meet with students and discuss any questions, comments or concerns at almost any time. The only problems I had with the school, were also similar problems a lot of other students had, which was with the food on campus and public safety. I fortunately commuted and would definitely recommend it because public safety was borderline harassing. It is impossible to get onto campus just to use the library or even go to the admissions building without a pass. People get parking tickets left and right because there is no clear cut and reasonable place for anyone to park. Also, the food on campus was atrocious. Get a place with a kitchen or prepare to order in a lot!!!. Besides some smaller social issues, the reason I went to Drew was to get a great education and my money was definitely well spent on getting a great education."
Ericka Dunbar
- Reviewed: 8/5/2014
- Degree: Social Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2019
"The Pros of the doctoral program is the resourcefulness of the faculty, the tuition assistance, and networking. I have not gotten through the program yet so I can not speak to the cons. So far, things have been smooth sailing."
Patricia DiNoia-Chamberlin
- Reviewed: 4/25/2014
- Degree: Liberal Arts
- Graduation Year: 2019
"I absolutely love the programs at Drew! The Arts & Letters and History & Culture Departments are excellent. The teachers are very accessible and knowledgeable. The work is challenging but also thought provoking, which is what I love. I know that I have made the right decision."
Elena Cusmir
- Reviewed: 12/31/2013
- Degree: Liberal Arts
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Pro: graduate program with high academic quality among peer programs in the area. Con: tuition comparable to ivy league humanities programs."
- Reviewed: 8/13/2013
- Degree: Secondary Education
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The pros of the program include: (1) small class sizes and a really intimate and supported environment (2) rigorous coursework (3) understanding faculty that truly want to make you a better educator (4) ability to complete your Masters degree in a year (5) beautiful campus and friendly cohort members. The cons include: (1) demanding coursework and professors (2) less time to absorb content in the packed summer sessions and (3) high cost of attendance. Overall, it is a great program but you do pay for the quality/name!"
Peg Shultz
- Reviewed: 4/15/2013
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Drew University has a track record of providing excellent track record for offering students graduate programs that are tailored to each student. My undergraduate and graduate education thus far has been at state sponsored universities that were not flexible in terms of meeting students individual academic goals -- Drew is the complete opposite. Faculty and staff will work with the student to provide an excellent education experience."
Jaemyoung Lee
- Reviewed: 1/10/2013
- Degree: Social Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Overall a great school environment. The diversity is unmatchable anywhere else."
Jessica Ritter
- Reviewed: 12/4/2012
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I am in the MA program for religious studies. Often, the MA is grouped in with the M.Div, which is often an alienating experience, since I do not want to be a pastor -I want to be a professor. There is a lot of Christianity thrown at you here, but it is not required. I like that I can study in a religious institution without having a mandatory chapel service every week. Another con is that MAs can only receive up to 50% tuition scholarships, while M.Divs can get up to 100%. That does not make any sense to me, since I believe scholarships should be given based on merit and financial need, rather than the chosen program."