Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Reviews

  • 2 Reviews
  • Edinboro (PA)
100% of 2 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 2 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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Diane G
  • Reviewed: 10/11/2016
  • Degree: Social Work
"I am currently in the graduate MSW program online, and have truly enjoyed the program overall. The idea of online classes was not ideal to me. i had been accepted to schools where I could have gone to class, but Edinboro allowed me to continue to save money at home as I finished my degree, instead of moving to a new school/city. The online portal is not too difficult to navigate, and a lot of my classmates are older non traditional students who are changing career paths, are mothers/fathers, or are just finally getting that degree to move up in their careers. I would say that having prior experience in the social service field is definitely beneficial as well."
Melinda Boonstra
  • Reviewed: 8/13/2013
  • Degree: Social Work
"Tell us about your college experience.It was a great fit for me because I live in a rural area and was able to finish my degree while living far from a University.Would you get the same degree if you could start over?I would choose the same degree. An MSW is a flexible and desirable degree that employers want.What advice can you offer other students?I would recommend getting your degree as soon as possible to get the job you want sooner rather than waiting. I would have much rather gone to a physical school. Most of the professors were great, there were two that were hard to work with."