Emory University Reviews
123 Reviews - Atlanta (GA)
- Annual Tuition: $57,948

96% of 123 students said this degree improved their career prospects
95% of 123 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Mekdes Zemedhun
- Reviewed: 7/8/2023
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I enrolled into the health and wellness coach certificate program with Emory Continuing Education (ECE)in the year 2017. I needed this certification because my background is in Nutrition: Dietetics program. I have a Bachelor in nutrition from GSU. The program with ECE was mostly online except on the opening and ending days of the program. The program lasted four months. Some people compare it to master level training because if the intensity of the program. This short but very challenging program left me with great lessons about staying healthy, ways to help others to maintain their health. It also taught me how to stay positive in life no matter what life throws at me, and completing the program gave me sense of completion to my nutrition background. It also gave me a career field to focus on instead of focusing on being a Registered Dietitian. Because of this certification from Emory I have better rate if getting a job. Oh and the professors at ECE were very nice, approachable, but challenging as well. I worked for Emory Healthcare for 5 years and I left with an ward and great letter from the Executive Team as well. The institution left me feeling so proud of myself for someone who didn’t know English vey well and who is denied graduation from another school."
Bria Jarrell
- Reviewed: 12/29/2019
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"My experience at Emory was a difficult but necessary one. The truth about Emory is that you will be challenged academically, socially, and emotionally. Emory courses are rigorous and if you are unused to that type of environment you will need to work on adjusting. You will meet a wide variety of exceptional people among the faculty, staff, and peers. If you lean into the rigor but focus on not comparing yourself to others, you can leave Emory with a wide variety of skills and knowledge that will benefit you in the future."
- Reviewed: 7/22/2019
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Emory is a school where no matter the degree you choose, the professors will be experts in their field and excellent teachers. I would highly recommend attending this institution if you are so lucky to be able to. I was a transfer student and felt extremely accepted by the community!"
Lirelle Gardere
- Reviewed: 7/1/2019
- Degree: Environmental Science
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I found the school and the program very accommodating for me. The department was fairly small so I always had access to my professors and even if they were not available then someone else was. The coursework was rigorous but you gain so much from every class. There's always activities on campus so make sure to get involved!"
Melissa Alamo
- Reviewed: 6/30/2019
- Degree: Public Health
- Graduation Year: 2019
"When it comes to academics, Emory exceeded any expectations. You have to work very hard for your grades and sometimes the rigor in the academics can be very demanding deepening on your major. However, I felt like I had brilliant professors who were qualified to teach those courses according to their background. There is a vast array of subject areas to be able to choose from. One observation I have noticed throughout my time there is that while Emory calls itself a liberal arts college it is heavily focused on STEM majors. The school has gotten rid of various liberal arts curriculum throughout the years including the journalism and education studies department. As a first generation low income student, they gave me amazing financial aid all four years and felt very supported. Getting in touch of the financial aid office can sometimes be difficult but if you stay on top of them you will be fine. I absolutely love the human health department! Amazing classes and professors but I sometimes wish the program could expand more and include more variety in courses offered. One of my main complaints is that there is no school spirit on campus and very little emphasis is placed on sports. Thus, it can sometimes feel like an academic box. I would definitely say the school is not for just anyone so you would need to carefully consider whether it would be a good fit for you. Otherwise, I am very grateful for my time and experiences that I had at Emory."
Alexis Keys
- Reviewed: 6/26/2019
- Degree: Law
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Emory University was a top 20 nationally ranked private university at the time I attended, 2009-2013. I attended because it was close enough yet far enough from my home in Orlando, FL to give me a sense of independence. The campus was immaculate, with white marble buildings, an impressively enormous libary, and within the bustling city of Metropolitan Atlanta. These three facets of campus life would be what sustained me through the most trying, most demoralizing, and most institutionally racist experiences of my life. Freshman year, I learned the meaning of institutional racism through Emory's selective enforcement of the Office of Student Conduct's anti-hazing policies. I regularly witnessed evidence of hazing on "Frat Row": white boys streaking, white boys parading campus wearing skirts, CVS cotton balls strewn on the front lawn of a black fraternity with the vandalized message "Pick up cotton, n*****s". Never did I hear of those fraternities being suspended, investivated or barred from campus for a number of years. I joined the freshman step team to make friends and get involved with the black student body. Stepping requires stamina and physical fitness. After a lengthy investigation and interrogation process, Emory disbanded and banned the step team, my first foray into student activity, within 3 months, due to what they called "hazing". The following year, I was days from my official initiation ceremony for a high profile black sorority, one my mother and family friends were travelling to attend. On the day of my ceremony, we got news that Emory had instructed this sorority to "cease and desist" all membership intake procedures. It was like a bad case of deja vu: again, I was selected as a 'witness' and pursued for interrogation as part of Emory's investigation into this sorority. After another lengthy process, this sorority was disbanded and barred from campus for 5 years, effective immediately. My hopes and dreams of creating a sense of community, pride, and love of my university were dashed into the dust on that day. I've never felt like more of a criminal than these interrogations. My GPA suffered, my sense of belonging suffered. After that, black fraternities and sororities were routinely removed from Emory's campus. I did not notice any hazing allegations being investigated or punished among the white Greek organizations. Not even the one that pulled the racist, vile 'pick up cotton' stunt. Nothing, however, could prepare me for what was supposed to be the final spring semester of my undergraduate career. Tuition was about $53,000+ my first year, that amount grew significantly each year. The financial aid and grants they offered me was substantial my freshman year, that amount quickly shrank to almost nothing by my senior year. I was blocked from enrollment in my final semester: I only had two classes left to get my BA degree, and I could not enroll due to insufficient funds. I met with and pleaded with Financial aid and Student Financial Services officers. They were beyond apathetic, they blamed me for picking a school my family could not afford. All in all, I would not recommend students of color or students that will rely heavily on financial assistance from the government or the institution attend this university. I should have gone to Spelman, a school with just as rigorous a curriculum, but of much more limited financial resources. If I knew then what I know now, I would have chosen a school that goes out of its way to foster community, pride, and a sense of belonging in its students."
Megan Ivankovich
- Reviewed: 7/21/2018
- Degree: Public Health
- Graduation Year: 2009
"I cannot say enough positive things about Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health. The caliber of instruction was top notch. Professors had a wealth of real-world experience, both at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and well-known organizations. In addition, some professors were well known in their respective fields, creating research and professional opportunities for students. Professors always made time to meet with students, which I have observed is not the case in other institutions. The school environment fosters learning and success. There is a very active student body which is supported by staff and faculty. Students enter the program with a wealth of experience in different areas of public health, which deeply enhanced my learning. Students are not competitive with each other but instead support one another. I made incredible friends during my two years in the program and these relationships and continued to enhance my professional and personal life over the past decade. The location of the school (Atlanta, GA) made for a fantastic academic environment. The school Is located right next to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and many students receive paid or unpaid work opportunities during the program and/or work at the CDC after they finish the program. There are other prominent public health organizations in Atlanta, as well, such as the Carter Center or CARE. While it has changed someone since I was in school Atlanta is still a relatively affordable city compared to other cities where schools of public health are located (e.g., New York City, Boston). My time at Emory University was two of the most enjoyable and formative years of my academic and personal life, and I know I am not alone in appreciating the unique environment it has to offer."
Joel Rodriguez
- Reviewed: 6/29/2018
- Degree: Divinity
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I attended Emory University Candler School of Theology. After carefully reviewing other Theological Universities, my decision was based on opportunities for financial aid, education, and staff and faculty. Candler School of Theology has a vast variety of Grant opportunities to help alleviate the financial constraint that you have as a student. Staff and faculty are friendly, approachable and willing to help in order to assist you fulfill your educational goals."
Jacky Kwong
- Reviewed: 12/26/2017
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Confused by the various options available out there for an MBA these days? Maybe you're unsure how the MBA at Emory University can suit your needs. If you are looking for an MBA program located in one of the biggest hubs for job opportunities and you're willing to go the extra mile, the Emory University MBA program is right for you! You will get to know your class of fewer than 200 MBA students who are just like you - hard-working, driven, collaborative and friendly! At the end of your time at Emory, all of your professors and fellow classmates will know you, for better or for worse. That said, this is NOT the school for you if you simply want to "blend in" and if you have no desire to really connect with your peers. There are many opportunities to connect with your classmates. Aside from coursework, Goizueta Business School hosts networking events every Thursday which always have a great turnout. The positive culture of the student body really shows here, as these school-sponsored events (and even non-school sponsored events) always have a great turnout from students. Additionally, if you have a significant other (husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend) there are events designed specifically for them to come along as well, so that they don't feel left out! The ROI on your MBA at Emory is outstanding. Everybody gets a summer internship which can help with your living expenses during school as well as the potential for a full-time job offer post-graduation. Just about everyone will cross significantly north of six figures in terms of salary, which is likely to be a substantial jump depending on your industry. Cost of living in Atlanta is on the lower end for a top 20 business school, so that is another plus to take into consideration while attending."
- Reviewed: 12/21/2017
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2016
"From the moment I began taking classes in the Classics department, I knew I wanted to surround myself with these people for the rest of my college career. My professors were accessible and invested in my studies, as well as my personal well-being. While I know Classics is certainly a niche area of study, I believe my small department represents Emory as school. We are a tight community/family that I couldn't recommend more to a prospective student."
Borana Hajdinaj
- Reviewed: 10/23/2017
- Degree: Law
- Graduation Year: 2016
"My overall experience at the school was alright. It would have been much more beneficial if the career component was made a part of the curriculum and early on such as some of the other Tier 1 Law schools have. The student body was not as diverse as I would have liked and there was constant need for mediation between the student body subgroups or even the various organizations and administration. The situation seems to even have escalated post-graduation. The teachers are well qualified, a few bordering on amazing, but the vast majority of the practical transactional courses are adjuncts, good if you're in that program, whereas the others are primarily scholars. Again, the practical component not as focused as one would like. I was quite disappointed that there wasn't more done to create a foundation for practical application of the law, rather it was focused on creating legal scholars yet paradoxically wanted most people to get into big law. Did I make the most of it regardless? You bet your bottom, Uncle Sam Student Loan, Dollar I did! Then again, that's more of a testament to the individual than the institution. If you're looking to go here really think about what kind of environment you want for 3 years of your life, name and prestige aren't all they're chalked up to be when you're having anxiety over being somewhere that doesn't even feel like you. That, and the law practice is not for the faint of heart. Best of luck!"
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Pharmacy
- Graduation Year: 2007
"Great opportunity with flexible schedule allowing me to work and attend a prestigious school"
Female graduate
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Public Health
- Graduation Year: 2011
"The school of public health at emory university provides an excellent foundation for their students. For epidemiologists, the core curriculum is methodologically sound and the elective choices are relatively diverse. The professors care for their students as much as their own personnal research (most have an open door policy). Outside of the classroom, there are ample opportunities for career development through seminars and networking events!"
Male Graduate, 35yrs old
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: MBA
- Graduation Year: 2016
"The quality of the professors and your classmates is excellent especially if you opt for one of the Executive MBA programs. The cohort is often just as knowledgeable and experts in other areas outside of business so you get exposure to a very diverse set of skills, backgrounds, and experiences."
Wendy Lewis
- Reviewed: 7/4/2017
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2018
"The faculty are completed devoted to providing the best academic experience inside and outside the classroom. The campus life and quality of facilities only enhance the learning experience. The curriculum includes a West Coast Business Practices Immersion Trip focused on learning innovative business practices and an International trip."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: MBA
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The resources available are incredible, and the school wants to do everything possible for you to succeed. I highly recommend this program to elevate your career."
Nina Slate
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Overall, it was a good experience. The teachers and staff were amazing. The clinical sites personalized. And facilities top notch!"
Rosalind Gardner
- Reviewed: 4/18/2017
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The school of nursing is excellent. I have had no problems at all there. It is a well known school in the Atlanta Georgia area. It is expensive so plan accordingly. I earned a post masters certificate from the school of nursing. It was the best experience I have ever had. The teaching here is top notch."
Va' Nechia Rayford
- Reviewed: 3/29/2017
- Degree: Theology
- Graduation Year: 2006
"I attended Candler School of Theology at Emory University and it was the BEST decision I could have made in furthering my education. The professors offered challenging curiculum that taught me how to think and write critically. I also appreciated the diversity of the student population and opportunities to network. The campus is also absolutely beautiful. My only critique is the cost of tuition and the lack of scholarships available to students who are not United Methodist."
Jacob Winschel
- Reviewed: 3/24/2017
- Degree: Pharmacy
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Emory University was an excellent school, and their multidisciplinary Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences graduate division was particularly excellent, with strong researchers and teachers, considerable staff support and with a lot of collaboration between different groups. The campus is gorgeous with fairly good food options and the area is very safe."