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Everest Institute Reviews

  • 111 Reviews
  • Multiple Locations
  • Annual Tuition: $15,822
32% of 111 students said this degree improved their career prospects
26% of 111 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Deborah Zahm
  • Reviewed: 11/14/2011
"I graduated from Everest over a year ago & am still trying to find a job. I've gone multiple times to have "Mock" interviews--cut me down sessions would be better. Am on my 3/4 Career/Student Service Rep. with no avail. Every time I get a new rep I get a new/revised resume.I actually had someone(a friend) who works in the medical field look at my resume & tell me if there was something/s that needed changed-- To quote them "everything after your personal info" as they laughed uncontrollably & they send it to others with the same outcome. I went on my externship & was told when the owners weren't there & I had nothing(when whatever I was given was done) to do I could play or surf the net, when I advised Student Services they said that was ok, later to find out it was not & my program director was upset.So if you have money to throw away or want to go to a school where they get you financial aide & private loans & find out as long as Everest Institute is on your resume as training/education you will be unemployed. Also be VERY aware of how much your total for books/supplies/lab fees etc. cause if anything increases while you are in class you owe when you go in to grad out.Have been told by far too many people after I graduate that I will have a snowball chance in hell of getting a job while Everest is on my resume."
  • Reviewed: 10/18/2011
"While the classroom experience and the instructors were great and very helpful, Career Services leaves a lot to be desired. I graduated in February, 2011, with honors (4.0 GPA), as well as several other "honors" and certificates, including Certification in Medical Assisting, and still I have no job. My Career Services Rep has changed 3 times in 8 months and every time I get a new one, they "fix" my resume. They keep telling me that they are sending out my resume, but I have yet to get an interview. I have done more on my own than the school has. Being out of school 8 months with no paid experience (and can't get any, because nobody will hire you without experience), only leads me to the conclusion that Everest only wants your money and is only concentrating on the recent grads and don't care about the past graduates who are struggling to find work, no matter what credentials you have.The other problem that I have found is that a lot of the prospective employers will talk to you over the phone, but once they see Everest as the training facility, they back off. So if you don't have a "hiring extern site", LOOK OUT!!, You are going to struggle to find a job."
  • Reviewed: 8/21/2011
"first off, the class was suppose to be small (20 or less) but it was a large class (37 people). How are u suppose to get hands on training with 37 people in the class??? I graduated 3 months ago and still haven't been able to take my certification test due to cancellations and postponements from the school. Looking for potential employment is impossible to do so. Now I'm still unable to achieve my goal through this school which is prohibiting me from being gainfully employed in my field."
Charlina Garrison
  • Reviewed: 7/25/2011
"I went to everest to get a career in Medical Billing and ended up with a diploma and more jobs applied for in my life. The commercials say, the instructors are hands on. My instructor said, read the book and it will let you know. Or, ask one of the students that is further along than you. The instructor only read off the powerpoints then the rest of the class time you basically do your work. The only time she would actually teach is when her boss or someone in significance would sit in the back of the class to observe her. Every break, the instructors would be outside with students smoking cigarettes and gossiping. It got to the point that instead of course work, we were talking about who said the instructor was having favoritism with what students, who was cheating, and why is this answer correct on my test and not yours?! The commercials say that you graduate and you get a career. Not just me, but everyone that graduated with me are either still unemployed, or working minimum wage. The only jobs everest hook you up with is your externship. You help the company they place you with catch up on their work, then you job hunt full time. I told myself I wouldn't be negative about the school, but I encouraged a relative to go there and she graduated for medical assisting and does not have a job in her field after being hired at her externship. She get paid 8 dollars an hour. Who wants to go to school and still get paid minimum wage?In the end, I decided to further my education somewhere else and still, unable to get a medical billing career. Huge waste of money when you can't get a job to pay it back."
ND (Respiratory Grad.)
  • Reviewed: 7/9/2011
"I attended the Everest campus previously known as Georgia Medical Institute off North Druid Hills rd. in Dekalb,GA for Respiratory Care (c/o 2005)and graduated with honors, I was had alot of knowledge in healthcare as an LPN before I started the program. It is an accelerated program (quarters not semesters) with teachers teaching with barely a bachelors degree. All Im going to say have to fend for yourself and educate yourself if your going to attend this school. Teachers do not teach by the book, you are not prepared for the registry or certified exam that you need to practice, absolutely none of your credits transfer and it is a private school (so no scholarships are accepted) but you can qualify for pell and student loans. The price $40,000 for the program is outrageous! No school charges that much for an associate only degree in science specailizing in respiratory therapy. If you are not a quick learner, self motivator, do not have networks with hospitals or respiratory jobs in place by the time of graduation, then not only will you NEVER find a job, but you are stuck with half butt education and debt. I am working as an RRT now and paid very well, but that is by the grace of god...literally!!! I reccommend you find another school such as southern crescent, coosa valley, GSU and so fourth. No one working at the so called school will tell u this! You can never transfer any of your credits to further your education or bridge to a bachelors degree. BE your research on schools, the competiveness of the program acceptance, accredidation and price. IJS!!!!! You have been warned. "
  • Reviewed: 6/16/2011
",p>I went to this school & finish. I did everything I was asked to do. This isn't my 1st time going to school for nursing so I expected things that we just did not have.,/p> The teachers & staff were childish & friends with the students. I will say this some people did ok at this school but most of the bad comments your reading are 100% true. Just because someone misspelled a word don't mean that your a bad person. The facts are the school is really just about getting paid by the grovernment & using you to do it. I finish 6/10 with 450 students & only 30 had jobs. Do the math go to another school & check it out 100% before you sign anything. As far as this school I wouldn't even tell the devil to go here."
Suma Cum Laude
  • Reviewed: 5/19/2011
"I have to disagree with most of the comments against Everest for these reasons. The initial one is that Everest opens opportunities for the non-traditional college student. I am a graduate from Everest and I can say that my campus had GREAT instructors who were qualified with outstanding career oriented experience and some of the instructors had related military experience. The campus sets high standards in their teaching and I tremendously enjoyed what I learned for my career. If it weren't for Everest's non-traditional college learning environment I probably would still be in my older retail job. However, I do agree that some of the students that make up the campus population to be sometimes ill, but the Instructors are pretty knowledgeable and professional. "
Danny Homman
  • Reviewed: 5/19/2011
"I took hvac at everest great intructors but job placement sucks 9 months of time wasted i did graduate and got my certs i applyed for jobs after jobs after jobs job placement is sopposed to be helping you they dont do nouthing false avertisement dont make the same mistake i did go to anouther school EVEREST SUCKS!!!!!"
  • Reviewed: 5/3/2011
"As a professional, the schools expectations are completely inappropriate and completing 40 hours of unpaid "course"work for online teachers is demeaning. This will never garner quality teachers!!"
you'll never know
  • Reviewed: 4/30/2011
"This school is a scam. they charge you 15k for a 7month program. I gradated there with good grades and applied for job after job after job. all i got was an email from an employer saying they weren't going to consider me for employment because of where i went to school. Everest gave me nothing but empty promises. And I didn't even feel safe with all the violence that took place while attending there....."
  • Reviewed: 4/19/2011
" I would not recommend this school. Go to a Community college, or a city Non profit School, 4 year university. You can not transfer your credits. You will waste money, time and energy. The professors will not tell you because they will lose there job. you have great professors but at the end of the day you have a degree you can't use and debt. They will suggest that you speak to your advisor whom still can not tell you for fear you will leave. If you are a student be aware and research the accreditation. You can not transfer to FIU or any normal School. Get out while you can. My conscious is clear!"
Kimberly Michelle
  • Reviewed: 3/22/2011
"Well, I was browsing the internet and decided to type in Georgia Medical Institute and see what I would get, and I must admit I am VERY shocked. I attended Everest when they were called Georgia Medical Institute, and I am a Graduate of Georgia Medical institute(c/o 2005) and I am glad that I made it through(even though I barely did), because the experiences, people, and places i have been in the last 5years of working in the medical field has inspired me to futher my education to become a nurse. The question is would I recommend Georgia Medical Institue( now known as Everest Institute) to anyone? I would have to say NO! and let me explain why.... Even though I graduated with honors, received my diploma in the mail, and meet a lot of good people that i'm still in contact with today I barely made it through becasue they charge me 11,000 to for a progra I was pell Grant elgible but never seen any of that money and what i mean by that is I ended up having to get my Younger brother to co sign with me on a sallie mae personal loan to finish on top of the two student loans that I already had. So the three loans equaled out to the cost of the program(10,989) So my question was what happened to Pell? And when i finished I later realized what i went for Patient Care Technician is the same as CNA. But I am glad I did go and I have had the opportunity to touch people's live and change people's lives in SO MANY WAYS! And I decided to go back to school to be a nurse, but this time I did my research and went to a real college and was pell elgible, recieved the hope scholrship didn't have to get any student loans. And I am Two semsters away from being a nurse. So, again the question is would you recommend GMI( Everest) To ANYONE? And i would still have to say NO! They are lieing to ppl and ripping them off!"
crytsal garcia
  • Reviewed: 2/23/2011
"I am on my last mod at Everest College for the medical assisting program, and I gotta tell you that I have enjoyed everyday here. I have been accepted to my externship site and I also have another site set up for an interview. The staff really prepare you for real world scenarios and the hands on experience is great. Career services was extremely helpful at placing me where my skills could be used. I would recommend this school for anyone looking to get into the medical field. If you can't get a job after you attend this school then you should probably re-evaluate what you are doing wrong on your interviews."
  • Reviewed: 2/16/2011
"I go to everest in norcross and i like it for the most part the only issues i have is the fact that the people in charge there really dont seem in charge at all they said refer a friend and get a gift, ok well i refered my friend and she is in her last mod and i have never gotten my gift. not only have i asked them about it i have went to people in charge and they just wanna direct me to someone else who is "in charge" of this kinda thing and that person always seems to be on vacation i have went up to the offices 4 times now and i know i shouldnt be going crazy over a gift but personally i think if you say your gonna do something then do it and stop saying you will also the requirements are always changing when i started the teacher made the test and everybody knew what to study and know but now the test are made by someone else and half the answers are wrong and you usually dont even learn about the material on the test, and we have to write a paper now i understand were students in a school but in all reality im gonna be a massage therapist not a journalist i dont see why we have to do these thingsBUT on the other hand the hands on learning is amazing for me learning all the mucles and where the originate and insert and what they do is awesome, you really find ways to help people with muscle probles and the teacher is great (mr newdom) he teaches us to the best of his ability and makes it to where its never a boring day at school you actually wanna go everest is a ok school their teaching is good but there staff blows and really needs to get on top of things"
  • Reviewed: 2/10/2011
"I attended Everest or tried to anyway,myself. It sounded great they filed the financial aid paperwork for me and told me I could start. I thought I could trust them, after all this is their job. Boy was I wrong. First they give you every book you'll need the whole time you are there. This ensures that they will make money off of you no matter what. Why in the world would anyone need every book they are going to need to finish their program at the very start. To make matters worse as soon as I finally open my books, someone comes into the classroom and tells me that I'm needed in financial aid. To make a long story short they tell me that I now need a cosigner. Why couldn't they tell me that at the beginning. I didn't have a cosigner and ultimately was not able to finish (or really even start my classes). I spoke to a student advisor who was very rude and short. I withdrew from the classes that day and then later started receiving calls from the school asking me where have I been and such. They told me they had no records of my withdrawing which means that I was being charged even though I'm not attending anymore. they also weren't honest about their accreditation and how it would be beneficial to me. I'm glad that some people have had success with Everest, but I was not one of them. They are billing me for two identical $1092 charges. I have no idea what they are for.I also have charges from sallie mae showing on my credit report.I now attend my local community college! I'll pay far less for my education this way, not to mention my degree will be accepted and recognized in way more places. It's sad that people who have had positive experiences are calling other people who want to better themselves lame. Trying to insinuate that someone who receives poor service is less educated is just insensitive. I wish good luck to all higher education seekers."
Ashley kern
  • Reviewed: 12/9/2010
"I'm currently enrolled in the medical assisting program at everst. I'm going into my fourth mod there and at first i loved it but then everything was so disorganized. We had to get a new instructer whos never taught before and she couldnt handle some of the students in our class. But there have been days that we have had no instructer show up and other days we would sit there for four hours and not do anything. I just think for the money i would have been better off going else where. i would not waste the time or the money going here but now im stuck. "
nicolle wheatly
  • Reviewed: 12/2/2010
"I am a student considering attending this school. The majority of you "reviewers" can not spell correctly or use proper English language, yet you accept to get not only employment, but high paying employment. If reading one of your pathetic-sounding reviews is any inclination...there is no wonder you can't find a job. An interview with one of you people would be a complete disaster. The school is not a welfare system, which I am sure most of you are used to. It doesnt give you rights you don't work for nor deserve."
  • Reviewed: 11/22/2010
"I had an awesome hands on experience at the Greenspoint campus, until I went out to start my externship! I made awesome grades, did all my work and was a very hard working student! Then when I went out into the field i am getting more hands on experience. My problem with this particular school is the faculty they are very rude, and when you ask a question its like it was a crime to ask that specific question. I just wanted to know what was right from wrong because I mean come on we are dealing with peoples lives out here!! I guess it jut depends on the location you go to, but I would never recommend Everest Greenspoint to anyone!!"
Janice Henager
  • Reviewed: 11/12/2010
"This 'school' will take your money and not give anything in return except a few books and promises. $15,000 and no job. It was almost impossible to get an intern referral to finish the course.They are totally unresponsive, and I would advise anyone to steer clear of this scam."
  • Reviewed: 10/28/2010
"I have read numerous negative reviews for Everest Institute, and I am appalled at the amount of GROWN people on here who do not take responsibility for their choices and actions in life and education. I keep seeing people blame Everest for not providing them with a job that pays over $15 an hour. Where's your part in this? I have to say that most of the complaints about the school not providing a high paying job or a reputable education seem to be without any true evidence, and frankly, that's pretty annoying and ludicrous. On the commercials, which come on daily, they clearly say that graduating will not provide you with a two- or four-year degree, but that it will provide you with CAREER TRAINING that can help improve your life and career choices. Also, it says that you CAN find a rewarding career...they never guaranteed or promised a high-paying or rewarding career. You need to start paying attention to what people say and not put your own spin on it. Plainly put, you need to take responsiblity for YOUR inaction and lack of drive because many people have made this career training from Everest very useful and lucrative.I am pretty young (24 to be exact), and I graduated from a top four-year college in 2008; I have my Bachelor of Arts degree. To further my education, I am currently enrolled in a local university for a Master's Degree, and I graduate May 2010. I am NOT from a privileged background (I am the first person in my family to graduate from college, and I came from a poor, single-parent home), and I have had to work extremely hard to successfully complete my education. When I graduated from college, I immediately found a full-time job with great benefits, and I made over $35,000 a year, which comes to about $18-20 an hour. I recently relocated to the midwest in September 2010 because I got married, and two months later I am still unemployed because of the tough and competitive job market. I have been on a few interviews, and one job had the audacity to offer me $11.00 an hour without benefits! So, my question is, what makes you think that graduating from Everest in less than a year entitles you to a job making $18.00 an hour? That's completely ridiculous! I have a higher degree, which took four times the amount of time and effort to complte, and I am having a tough time finding employment because of the horrible economy. You have to understand the job market is horrendous, and employers have the choice of the most highly qualified people to choose to hire. Plus, you have to have working experience in the medical field as well as be an actual nurse or respiratory therapist to make the "big bucks." Honestly, you should be happy that people are willing to start you off with $10 or $11 because in time you could get a raise...IF you actually work hard and put in time. That's just the way it is. Period. Also, I have student loans, too, and so do many Americans, so stop complaining! No school has the golden ticket to employment...and sorry to say, neither does Everest despite what you think Everest should do for you. The problem is people assume that the world owes them something. I'm not trying to bash people's grammar, but if you can't spell basic words, have subject-verb agreement, or write a basic sentence, that's a major problem because I assume that when you write your resume, it has those same errors. No job is going to hire you with elementary mistakes on a resume. Secondly, I also assume that you speak exactly how you write, so I'm sure this comes across in your job interviews as well. No one wants to hire someone who can't speak or write clearly. Heck, no reputable four-year college or university would admit you into their degree programs.Finally, I noticed that the SUCCESSFUL and EMPLOYED graduates from Everest knew how to write well in their posts, researched how they were going to make Everest work for their career goals, and they didn't expect a high-paying job to be handed to them without any effort. Complaining about Everest is not going to get you anywhere. Blaming won't help either. In today's world, the minimum amount of education you need to get a "good" job is a bachelor's degree, so even if you go to your local community college, you'll STILL have to go back to school to further your education. Stop taking the quickest route and expecting a big pay off for doing so."