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Everest University Reviews

  • 222 Reviews
  • Brandon (FL) (and 8 others)
  • Annual Tuition: $15,822
50% of 222 students said this degree improved their career prospects
45% of 222 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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  • Reviewed: 7/29/2010
"Well I have read all the reviews complaining about this and that. Truth be told you only get out what you put into it. I recently graduated from the Tampa campus taking there MA course yes it was like a zoo at times but mainly it was the students they let in. If your not really trying to get a education and career stop wasting the school and class mates time of people who really want to learn. stop missing class days and weeks at time then say it was instructors fault. Do you own homework don't copy your friends. stay off you cell phones and learn something.As far as finacial aide goes they are a for profit school so yes its high for books and such the ma course is 15,000 they do your finacial aide right to the penny you don't get any of that money. thats your whole tution . you can however apply for extra grants to have money left over."
  • Reviewed: 7/22/2010
"Well let's see.. Where to start? Most of the MA instructors are gone, the head of the MA department has been fired. When you go in the admissions person tells you that you will get job placement. You don't. I was given little to no information before going to my extern site, not how many hours a day Iwas to work, how many hours I needed to complete the externship, nothing. I told them I would prefere an extern to hire like others were "supposedly" getting, instead I was put in one of the little clinics you find in a store. I used NONE of the skills I killed myself learning. I was on dean's list with perfect attendance, one would think this makes me more hirable. WRONG!! They employers see Everest and see the commercial with the goofball with the hat turned sideways and thinks we are all like that and promptly toss the resume in the trash.I was lied to about tuition cost, what the shool would do among a miriad of other faslehoods. Also, other schools include Certification in the tuition costs for MA. Everest does not. These people are a scam. This is just a way to make money from the government and screw with people's lives. Do not bother. If you see an Everest, I would advise you to find dog pooh, dirty diaper or sewer sludge and slap it on the door step."
  • Reviewed: 7/22/2010
"First off, I am an actual student, for those who seem to think that people on here are employed by the school. I attend Everest College Phoenix Online. I pay LESS for my classes than I did at ITT Tech. I also have been taught A LOT MORE than I was at other schools. I am being taught by a Supreme Court Justice. How many other people can say that? Even schools that are considered the best in the country can NOT say that.As for attending another school, when I am done with my degree I will be attending law school. I have already talked to them. They know that I attend Everest online. As long as I keep my grades up and do well on the LSAT, I will be able to attend that school. It is in the TOP 30 schools in the COUNTRY.Also, do your work. Just because it is an online school, that does not mean that they are going to just give you an A. I work on my classes 3 ours a day. It paid off. My GPA has not dropped below a 4.0 and I am on the President's List. You have to work for it. And by the way, do your research, there is more than one Everest. There is one out of Florida, which has lost its accredidation, and then there is one in Pheonix (which I attend) that is REGIONALLY accredited. so next time, get your information straight people."
Mrs. LaBlue
  • Reviewed: 7/10/2010
"First I would like to address tne individuals who are under the impression that those of us who express discontent with this "school" are whining. I have invested a year into this place and have maintained a "B" average. Why? Because that is the effort I have decided to put in.Second, my experience has been negative ever since they began sending me letters informing me that I was on academic probation and the business office has been calling me telling me I have a balance with each conversation while in the same semester.I receive grants and loans to satisfy my tuition and any costs related to my education and therefore, should not have any balance once monies have been applied. Moreover, everytime I have tried to call the Financial Aid office I only reach voicemails; and when I do speak with a live person they talk in circles and fail to provide viable explanations.The classes are not challenging. I just thought it was the individual instructor, it is not , this is the curriculum. I am not returning to this school for anymore semesters and will attend a more reputable institution. I underdstand that everyone does not have the time to go to a brick and mortar school, myself included but anything has to be better than this."
Damon Hodge
  • Reviewed: 7/9/2010
  • Reviewed: 7/2/2010
"I am a current student at Everest University Jacksonville Florida, and so far everything what was said has came to pass and is true, my classes are small and the teacher is very concern with your learning. I do not do any online classes,I am a claasroom student and everything is excellent.I even saved $2,000 plus by attending this school for this program. (Massage Therapy) So for those who had bad experience I think it is the school you attended, maybe their staff sucks, or maybe you as a person have issues... but I can trully recommend this school."
Lydia Ellis
  • Reviewed: 6/25/2010
"As for those of us who have been out of high school for a while, Everest is a great place to learn.I began my formal education in February of 2005 at the age of 48. At first, I was worried about keeping up with the younger students, but in a few weeks, I was helping them. It took only 15 months for me to complete my Associates Degree in Accounting. I attended classes at the Brandon, Florida campus, and took some classes online even then. At the time, it was still called Florida Metropolitan University.While attending the Lakeland Campus, a family emergency and the economy forced us to move out of state. There were no problems transferring to all online classes. This is one area where Everest has an advantage over other schools. If you have to move, you can still attend classes uninterrupted. Some schools cannot offer their students that option.I admit there have been issues with the staff; as in ANY school you would attend. However, the campus President at Lakeland is very caring and quick to respond to the students' needs.There are students who have trouble with the English language. However, I see/read improper grammar and spelling in many student posts. Some students who have graduated from an English speaking high school and were born and raised in America, still have a problem with the language.As for Everest not being accepted by prospective employers, perhaps there was another reason you weren't hired. I had no problem going to work in a reputable CPA firm during tax season between completing my AS and starting my BS.Also, let me point out that there are problems with any school you might attend. While Everest is not perfect, I think it serves a great need in our society. I would say that you will reap what you sew in education. If you work hard, regardless of your classmates and teammates, you will get a quality education from Everest or any college you attend.Finally, I cannot say whether the people who posted negative comments are being honest or not. But I do believe they are exaggerating a bit."
  • Reviewed: 5/20/2010
"I wish people would quit lying about how much tuition costs. Several people have said they only took three classes and received a bill for $15,000. Do the math. The tuition for associates and bachelor is $404 per credit hour. $1,616 per class. If you took three classes that is $4,848 for the term. If you are reading a review that says they paid $15,000 for three clases, that person is a liar and probably never attended Everest.I am getting a MBA at Everest so tuition is around $510 per credit hour."
  • Reviewed: 5/20/2010
"I have been doing Everest University online for 7 month and about to get my assiocate degree later in the early fall this year 2010. This school is very excellent and great staff to help out. I don't have any problem with them.After read bad review, I don't understand what is going on but nothing happen to me. I am getting my degree in medical billing & coding. It is great school to earn your future career online. Classmate and professor are great and work with everyone to succuess career that you want to have in the future. I really recommed this school to do online."
  • Reviewed: 5/13/2010
"I got a lot of scholarships and grants to cover my tuition on top of my loans and it is taking them too long to get back to me about my money.Then I get told that I wont get the money even though it says on my award letter that I will get the money and it says the amount. The instructors are generally very nice but I have had a lot of problems with my instructors.They expect you to log in everyday and post and then reply to other students on the other days, but never the same day. It is just stupid. I wish that I would have chosen a different school. Plus I have gone through about 7 different student advisors because the other ones keep getting fired or they just leave their jobs."
Jennifer Rodgers
  • Reviewed: 5/12/2010
"I received my so called AS Degree from Everest only because I was too far in the program to turn back before getting wise by researching. Fortunately I attended a regionally accredited college prior to Everest to obtain most of my credits.To make a long story short while attending I reached my limit for my student loans with nothing to show in addition to paying out of pocket for tuition and books because of reaching my aggregate limit.I transferred to a regionally accredited university for my BS Degree. All Everest/Florida Metropolitan credits were rejected. I received a scholarship to move forward with my BS from a regionally accredited university, which I completed 4/2010. I am now stuck with a student loan that took approx 1 year of my time and effort.I refuse to place Everest on my resume for any position. I went to obtain a career and degree, but instead got shafted due to lack of knowledge."
Erik Larson
  • Reviewed: 4/20/2010
"My wife and I have been enrolled with Everest almost four years. We have earned our Associates in Science Degrees and are working toward our Bachelors. The material covered is current and the books are up to date. I advise people interested in college that online courses are for those who like to read and have a good work ethic. Because there is no classroom styled interaction, students enrolled in Everest University read far more of the textbooks than attendees of the old style schools.Support staff is professional and will follow up with you. I have never talked with one support staff who I did not feel had my best interest in mind and a sincere desire to solve my problem. The current economic crisis has increased the enrollment. I have had to leave voice mail messages more often than speaking with the person on the first try. However, I always receive follow-up in a timely manner.If you work well unsupervised, learn from reading and want a quality education, I recommend Everest University Online."
Michael Wolfe
  • Reviewed: 4/12/2010
"I have been reading all of the comments and the negative comments are concerning. I have been attending Everest since 2005 and I must say that if you thought online schooling would be easier than campus you were fooling yourself.Keep in mind that Everest University is handled differently from Everest College and Everest Institute.I had to earn every part of my degree, course by course. This means that I have had to read ALL of my material, attend my classes regularly and meet all of my course criteria and timelines. I graduated with a 4.0+ GPA and worked hard to do so. You you are not willing to do this then NO, Everest University is NOT the school for you.I graduated with 2 bachelors degrees and was able to to compete 6 academic years in 4. I am currently enrolld in their masters program. The amount I have out in loans for TWO bachelors degrees is far less than Phoenix University, Kaplan, or any other online university wanted to charge me.The Everest University staff have all been very kind and helpful. I had 2 instructors that slacked in their cirriculum. When I reported them to my counselor, I immediately received a call from the president of the school. The instructors were dealt with and are no longer working with Everest.All in all, I must say that Everest University is by far the better option if you are self-disciplined and self-motivated."
  • Reviewed: 4/1/2010
"It was a great experience and one really did get a valuable education. The convenience of online classes and the flexibility of the instructors made it worth while. I really did learn a great deal and I would highly recommend attending if one plans to attend school online.The price of the tuition includes all books and they are autoshipped to your home. However, register for classes early so that books are recieved in a timely fashion."
  • Reviewed: 3/24/2010
"I have been attending Everest Online for nearly a year now, and I honestly can say I have not had any complaints so far. I have attended a community college prior to Everest, and I had to drop out due to lack of child care. The staff at Everest made getting financial aid very easy, actually they helped me more than the counselor at my previous school. I havent had any issues with recieving my course materials, all have arrived on time, and my advisor has been very helpful. The classes are great, and I am really enjoying going to school. Online makes it easy because I can do it when I have the time. Everest is a career school, it focuses on what you have to know to get a job, and it is a bit pricy, education always is, but I feel its an even trade for the convenience. As with any school, you will get out of it what you put into it, and I have learned a lot this year. I read one of the comments stating that someone felt that the instructors just pass you, but that is not true at all. I feel you are graded on your effort, the assinments that I work hard on earn good grades, where as if I do not put adequate effort I do not recieve a great grade. As for job placement, the way I see it is you will also get what you put into it. If you want to settle for a low paying job, that is what you will have. Overall, I feel that Everest is a great CAREER school. "
Christopher Goodwin
  • Reviewed: 3/18/2010
"Ok. I know that there are a bunch of reviews on here with everyone comoplaining and whining about their expirience but I can tell you now. This is the best time i have ever had. i hear all the time, even in class about how everyone thinks this is boring or stupid or something like that. all I have to say about everyone who is complaining is SHUT UP! No one forced you to attend this school. If you didn't like it, it is not hard to go to the dean and say "I would like to withdraw" and thats it. It is expensive because it is a CAREER COLLEGE. I am sick and tired of people putting down a school or university because "they didn't help me enough" grow up and take some responsibility. I love attending Everest and would reccomend it to anyone who was looking to attend school."
  • Reviewed: 3/8/2010
"I've only been in Everest University for about a month and i have already regretted going. I've decided to transfer to another college. The school just seems to be after the money and the teachers don't help when they are suppose to. I know someone who joined and after a few months she transferred to an actual college. If you are looking into this school DON'T. This "school" is totally not worth the time or the money."
  • Reviewed: 2/4/2010
"This school charges through the nose for tuition. They charged me $400 a credit hour and each class is 4 credit hours. $1600 a CLASS!! Is this Notre Dame?! Harvard?!I spent 2 full semesters attending Everest Online toward an Associates Degree. 5 straight "A's". I certainly do not think these classes are/were educationally worth 4 credit hours. As far as i'm concerned, it's just a way to increase tuition.Want to transfer credits from Everest? Good luck! Everything I have read says you are going to have a big problem trying to do that. I intend to try it with one of my local schools just to see what would be accepted, if anything.Everest has a problem with student plagiarism. I reported several acts of plagiarism while I attended, which is certainly my right considering what the cost was. When a student has to point out to an instructor that another student has copy and pasted, there certainly is a problem somewhere.Everest places students who can't read, write, and comprehend English very well in classes with students who can. Everest expects them to be able to interact online with each other. It does not work. I found myself hard pressed to understand alot of what my classmates were trying to say.Another problem is students use the online format as a platform/soapbox to spout off about their religous beliefs. They use their religion as a cure-all for everything, including assignments. They try to push it upon other students. I did not enroll in school to be preached to.As far as the instructors go, I only had one instructor that really didn't do much as far as participation goes in a class and I let her know about it.The bottom line is Everest Online is way over priced, the education is over credited for what you get, the credits are questionable as far as transferability. They need to address the plagiarism problems openly and the students who want to push their religion on other students and show that it's being handled.They don't post final grades of fellow students/classmates. You don't know if the school is just looking the other way and passing people to obtain their loan and/or grant money."
  • Reviewed: 2/1/2010
"This is my experience at Everest. The fist day that I came there they fired the teacher who was supposed to teach us. So after that we had about 6 or 7 teachers. At that time I was attending night class. The teaches that I had was nice and everything. But when I found a part time job I had to switch to day time classes. It was terrible! The teacher didn't teach, the students were playing around like kids, teacher was not mature, the school was not clean, the whole thing was a disaster. I am sorry to tell people that I went to this school. Even my friend who found a job with the Everest Diploma she is making 7.50 on hr. These things are not OK. For 15,000 I deserve much more.Everest is not worth the money at all. I feel sorry for my self now that I know what this school ls all about. Maybe Everest could be a better school. But its not a good one! You are much better off on going to some other school. If you are reading this..Please Feel My Pain..and What I went through. Its real. Get your degree from some where else. But don't get a Diploma from this school."
  • Reviewed: 1/31/2010
"When I started Everest from the first day it was a disaster. The students were complaining about the school and they were not happy. I thought I would be able to learn a lot and have good teachers but I didn't. I had good and bad teachers. The ones that were good they all left. Everest hires teachers that don't teach. They don't do their job. Everest can tell you what they want to. But the School is not good. I can honestly say that. I was told that I was supposed to go out there and look for a job. They don't help you with the job search. Its a waste of time and money. Go to any other school, but don't go to this one. You wont experience good things with Everest. You will end up with no job! and No money."