Furman University Reviews
18 Reviews - Greenville (SC)
- Annual Tuition: $55,772

100% of 18 students said this degree improved their career prospects
89% of 18 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
J. W. 73
- Reviewed: 9/15/2021
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 1973
"As an alumni and physician, I feel that Furman's demise is sad. The motto has gone from learning and Christ, to woke victimhood with so called safe spaces where the communist race based lies are intellectually unassailable. Under its current president, the university has adopted the Marxist lies that seek to destroy personal exceptionalism, scholarship, and merit based performance with group identity and victimhood. Instead of teaching how to think, Furman's woke professors are teaching students what to think and how to become Marxist revolutionaries. Any semblance of scholarship and Christian principles has been replaced with identity politics, deceitful Communist idealism, the lie of systemic racism, reverse racism, etc.. The school of Sustainability, for which I once had high hopes, has adopted the U.N.'s Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, fear based climate change lies, Communist economics, wealth confiscation and redistribution, race based forced mediocrity instead of meritocracy, etc..The University has become nothing more than a factory to produce intellectually weak Marxist revolutionaries. It is the most shameful demise of scholarship I have witnessed in my lifetime. Whatever you do, do NOT send your child to Furman University."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2020
- Degree: Sociology
- Graduation Year: 2021
"Furman is a great college if you care about a quality education and that's it. Furman doesn't really provide the avenues for success that other institutions can afford too. I'm currently a rising senior and I can safely say that if I were in your shoes right now that I would not pick Furman University for the next four years. I strongly considered transferring after sophomore year after I hit a brick wall both mentally and academically. I was almost prepared to start over from scratch and looking back I might have had a better experience if I did so. Furman consistently Scores above its belt in academics and it truly is astonishing at some of the things Furman can afford for its Sciences, BS, and MS degree seekers. But, I feel a lot of attention is left out for those who opt for a BA route. Departments either aren't funded or just don't know how to market their programs and make them genuinely exciting. I have been in several courses related to Sociology, my major, where I felt I am just in this class for a prerequisite and not because I actually enjoy the subject. Social Socially Furman is lacking, Greek organizations encompasses pretty much all of the Universities extra curricular activities. And many students, myself included, don't feel welcome if they aren't in a fraternity or sorority. There is most certainly a Furman mold, Furman tends to admit the same type of person and I'm sure other reviews have mentioned the country club feel that Furman has and that is 100% accurate. And this is great if you fit the mold but if you don't then you feel like an outsider. Furman also likes to market that they are in Greenville South Carolina. THEY ARE NOT in Greenville SC they are located in the blink and you miss it town of Travelers Rest SC. You are about 15-30 minutes from Greenville there is literally no night life in Travelers Rest so don't think you can go there after school. Plus Greenville is super expensive for its nightlife and due to its distance from Furman encourages drinking and driving. Food Food at Furman is great for a college dining hall. But seriously lacks variety and value. The dining hall, DH for short, is owned by a company called Bon Appetite which they out source all of their food services too. The second option apart from the DH is the Paladen or P-den which sounds great when you are in High school (unlimited Moes Chick-Fil-A etc.) but healthy options and affordable ones are few and far between. Also Food is insanely over priced for what it is. The P-den prices a box of cereal at about $5-8 not to mention that all students are REQUIRED to have a meal plan of some sort if you are a first year you are forced to take the unlimited option at a hefty 5K and if you are a senior you can opt for a plan that is 2K per year but is grossly over priced as to what you are buying. The dining hall has about three different menus and does okay but gets old super fast. Plus on campus there is NO food past 8pm there has been times where I just miss the 8pm cut off and they won't even let me go in just to grab the left overs they throw out I've also starved on several occasions since I don't have a car and can't order delivery every day. Living Furman has the most appalling living conditions of any university I have ever seen. Furman forces students to live on campus and live in their enormously overpriced living conditions. Freshmen are either placed in "the slums" or south housing which was "renovated" in 06 but honestly the only thing they do is put a new coat of paint on each year. I worked on housing staff and overheard custodians talking about black mold in the showers. There is no way South housing would pass a code check if conducted today. Lakeside is the second option for freshmen and they are okay they like to say that they are so nice but for the price you pay (about 900 a month) you are really getting ripped off. Don't even get me started on the 70's hotel style of North village where the junior and Seniors live its actually just horrifying from the bug problem to the bleach stains in the carpets that look worn and out of style. The main thing that really grinds my gears about housing is that there are several new apartment blocks sprouting up just across the street from Furman but students are forced to live in $1200 a month death traps. Plus what makes me more angry is that If students could live off campus then, the surrounding community and travelers rest would build up around the policy change not to mention for the time being the few apartments that have opened up are just around the corner. Furman sounds like a great idea from the start and it really is an awesome school if you are coming here solely for academics and not for a college experience. And I firmly believe that you learn a lot from those experiences either cooking for yourself or finding a sublet Furman shelters students from these issues that graduates have to face in the real world. Furman is 100% a bubble and a lot happens within the gates but I feel as a consumer of their product it is disgusting how much they charge for what you get. Its truly a shame because there are several professors and faculty administrators that I really look up to but I can't say that I am having a good time at Furman my money would be well spent at Clemson or University of South Carolina Columbia or some other state school Furman just doesn't cut it in my book."
- Reviewed: 11/6/2017
- Degree: Reading & Literacy Education
- Graduation Year: 2018
"The professors at Furman go above and beyond to help students achieve educational success. They are accessible and approachable, and are always willing to answer questions or offer suggestions. They are also very encouraging and did a lot to keep me going when I felt like I wouldn't make it."
Luis Gonzales
- Reviewed: 3/25/2017
- Degree: Laboratory Technician
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I loved my time at Furman. The diversity of students is lacking and does not represent the actual workforce which is a disservice to the students. It can also be intimidating for students of color to go to a school that is predominately white. I believe that Furman is trying to be more inclusive and is wanting to increase diversity. The campus is beautiful, the social life is active , and the professors are brilliant and engaging. I love Furman , I would do another four years in a heart beat."
- Reviewed: 3/23/2017
- Degree: Music
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Furman University exceeds all expectations in terms of its faculty and their quality of teaching. They are innovators both in and outside of the classroom, motivating their students to think outside of their comfort zone and to ask the larger questions in life. Students thereby leave Furman with a greater understanding of life and their purpose within it. The faculty also make a visible effort to establish close connections and mentorships with their students; this is aided by the small class sizes, creating an intimate class environment through which students typically excel greatly. The staff work alongside the faculty to foster an environment of comfort, security, and acceptance. The facilities on campus -- classrooms, technology, study spaces. libraries, gym, dining areas, etc -- are up-to-date and easily accessible; essentially, students can find a place to study both privately and in groups at any time of the day or night, the most popular spots being classrooms themselves. The atmosphere of Furman is one of beauty; the lake and the surrounding nature engulfs one in a plentitude of allergies but also an appreciation for the natural beauty both of the world and of people. Furman, being one of the most rigorous schools in the country, thereby offers many outlets through which Furman students can destress and enjoy their collegiate experience, i.e. by walking around the lake. However, the student body lacks in diversity, creating a stifling atmosphere for students who go beyond traditional conventions of belief, dress, thought, gender, etc. Thankfully, the faculty members actively try to counteract the lack of diversity by encouraging diversity of the mind and fostering a culture of openness. The living facilities are quite nice, especially in comparison to the antiquated facilities found at many universities, and they are currently being renovated. There are some departments/majors which require an excess of time (i.e. music and sciences) and may limit students opportunities to become involved in other areas of Furman's campus. However, the plenitude of opportunities offered by both faculty and student run groups makes it nearly impossible to be uninvolved in something outside of one's primary focus. Sadly, there are no dining facilities (or coffee shops) which remain open through the night, but there are places near Furman, particularly in downtown Greenville which is on a brief drive away, that are open late and very accepting of students. The financial aid department is extremely helpful in working with students to receive more aid if needed, making the cost of Furman affordable for many students who otherwise would be unable to attend. In all honesty, Furman University is an excellently geographically placed school which is and should be renowned both for the intellect of its faculty and staff and also its students. It is the ideal place to grow both academically and personally and is a wonderful stepping stone to further education."
- Reviewed: 3/16/2017
- Degree: Political Science
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Furman University was all I could ask for and more in a college. The academics were rigorous, but rewarding. The professors are very knowledgable and always invested in their students. Furman provides a great environment for learning and growing as a person. I would highly recommend this university to everyone."
Jonathan Painter
- Reviewed: 2/28/2017
- Degree: Teaching
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Furman University has a beautiful campus on which to study. Students are asked to think critically and to step outside of their comfort zone. The academics of Furman University are very rigorous, but the small class sizes allow for one on one instruction and after class meetings with the professor. When you are not studying, Furman offers a variety of sports and events to which you may attend. These activities include sporting events, movie showings, and concerts. Many students may see the price of Furman and be discouraged from applying. However, the financial aid and scholarships at Furman provide a significant amount of funding for a majority of students on campus."
Elizabeth BARRIER
- Reviewed: 1/30/2016
- Degree: Reading & Literacy Education
- Graduation Year: 2018
"The cost is affordable and the hours are great--evening classes during the spring and fall semesters. Support from the professors and other staff is wonderful. I wish more online classes were offered though."
- Reviewed: 10/13/2015
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Furman was one of the best things to happen in my life. I met my best friends. I gained invaluable experience in research and real-life job settings. I had amazing professors who taught me so much more than subject material. I learned how to be humble and think about the world in which I live. I learned to really think about my values and how I can apply them in my everyday life. The opportunities at Furman are abundant but it will be up to you to you to seek and pursue them."
- Reviewed: 9/23/2015
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Furman provided many opportunities to expand my thinking, such as study abroad and service learning."
- Reviewed: 9/4/2015
- Degree: Music
- Graduation Year: 2011
"The Furman University Music Department provides excellent training for graduate work in music. This training, combined with the many opportunities to take courses outside of the department--opportunities not available at larger schools of music--makes Furman an ideal place to pursue both serious music study and the liberal arts."
- Reviewed: 9/1/2015
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2008
"This was a stellar education where teachers actually love teaching. The work is challenging, but the majority of the students are hard -working and strive t9 excel. The political and cultural climate can be narrow, but I believe that is improving every year. And a beautiful campus!"
- Reviewed: 9/1/2015
- Degree: Economics
- Graduation Year: 2008
"I loved and love Furman. I met my wife and so many friends that I'm certain I'll know for the rest of my life at Furman. It is truly hard for me to imagine what my life would look like if I had gone to another school. That said, it's not to say Furman is for everyone. It is a small school and if you're someone who is very sensitive to that then it is likely to not be a great fit. You'll almost certainly live on campus for the entire time you're a student there, which I found as a positive but some people feel is restricting. My best friend, who I met on my freshman hall at Furman, is fond of saying "Furman doesn't work for everyone but if it works for you, it really works" and I think that is apt."
- Reviewed: 7/27/2015
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2010
"Furman gave me a wonderful experience that I know I couldn't have had at any other school. From the first week of Orientation freshman year, I knew I was going to love it - I was so sad to leave after graduation. So many of the professors are at the top of their respective research fields, so it was a unique and invaluable experience to be able to form relationships with them and learn from them. Furman is like a big family, where professors and staff truly care about the students' well-being. I learned so much within my field of study and outside of it; most of all, I learned a lot about myself. The course work is certainly difficult but always rewarding. I feel confident that I can communicate intelligently about any field of study, because all Furman students take at least one class in many disciplines. I will forever recommend Furman to any prospective student who is ready to face the challenge and reap the rewards of being a Furman alumni for life."
- Reviewed: 7/27/2015
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2009
"I absolutely loved my college and my college experience. A liberal arts education was a perfect fit for me and really prepared me for graduate studies and life after college. The professors were wonderful and have continued to support me throughout my postgraduate life. The academics were rigorous and challenging. Furthermore, I made true, lifelong friends at Furman. I cannot imagine having chosen another school."
History & Spanish grad 2009
- Reviewed: 5/29/2015
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Furman provides many opportunities out side of the classroom, like foreign study and undergraduate research. The faculty is smart and caring and they take teaching seriously."
Dr. Paladin
- Reviewed: 5/29/2015
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2007
"Furman is a beautiful campus with faculty that take a personal interest in students' success. It offers a multitude of local and global opportunities via the "engaged learning" program. Although Furman has always attracted academically competitive students, in recent years the student body has become more diverse."
Ashleigh Gregory
- Reviewed: 9/25/2014
- Degree: Educational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2017
"While I am only in my first class of this graduate program, I feel the pros are how the content of my class is directly related in my profession. As a working teacher pursuing a degree in school leadership, it is exciting to see how much this education will affect my career. The cons of this program, and with any graduate program, are the cost and the time. Working and attending school is challenging but rewarding."