George Fox University Reviews

  • 44 Reviews
  • Newberg (OR)
  • Annual Tuition: $39,540
86% of 44 students said this degree improved their career prospects
89% of 44 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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Slade Thackeray
  • Reviewed: 10/7/2014
  • Degree: Counseling
"I love George Fox. I'm finding it difficult to get financial aid, but the school and courses are everything I had hoped for. I would recommend this school for undergrad or for grad programs. Everyone is very professional, and willing to help. I am glad I chose this school"
Mandilyn Suzuki
  • Reviewed: 9/11/2014
  • Degree: Physical Therapy
"Professors are amazing! They are so supportive and they do what they can to help you become successful in school and mindful as an individual."
  • Reviewed: 8/12/2014
  • Degree: Art & Design
"One of the reasons I would recomend George fox University is the community of people that you get to know. It felt like I was in one big family when I was attending school. I was in the art department and had a friendship with the head of the artdepartment and all my prophecers.Tthe quality of teaching was superbe and they were always open to advice on how to improve the program. I learned a lote and feel it was benifitial to my carrier"
Aldar-Riplie Sugden
  • Reviewed: 7/1/2014
  • Degree: School Psychology
"Great school. The professors truly care about your progress and development."
Sue Han
  • Reviewed: 5/8/2014
  • Degree: Social Sciences
"The professors and faculty are great, the cons are that it is not the most diverse student body."
Lyanna Diaz
  • Reviewed: 3/2/2014
  • Degree: Health Sciences
"The atmosphere of this program is so warm and supportive which is an extreme necessity for a graduate school program that requires so much time and effort. The faculty is always available and willing to help in whatever they can. My cohort has become my second family and we are able to learn so much from each other's unique experiences. One con would be the lack of diversity, however the program is always actively trying to combat those issues through specific training opportunities, multicultural committees, and class discussions to help foster more constructive insight and awareness of diversity issues."
Rosanna Shoup
  • Reviewed: 1/21/2014
  • Degree: Psychology
"I have been looking for a program which encompass contemporary and scientific based study of clinical psychology while allowing for the growth and development of a clinician's Christian faith through study, discussion, and worship. The professors are well grounded in research and their faith commitment to be Christ-like in their endeavor to treat patients and teach students. I fully anticipate to acquire all the necessary skills to practice clinical psychology along with a deep well-spring of commitment and motivation to serve my brothers and sisters."
Christopher Luttrell
  • Reviewed: 1/10/2014
  • Degree: Elementary Education
"(Continued) the majority of the faculty really care about your success and your needs, and the instructors are either current or past teachers in your field of study. The cons are the lack of clear communication or change of plans, quickly overviewing or bypassing some areas that you may feel you missed out on, and the cost. Overall I would still recommend the program but I would give some advice: be sure your testing us done early, be sure to ask questions and get clear answers so you understand what is expected of you and what you can expect of them, and be assertive and get what you need. I have found that you can't sit back and expect everything to be handed to you... each person's needs are different and to be sure you are getting what you need from the program make it known. Every problem that I had during my time was addressed quickly and resolved even going out of their way to make sure my needs were taken care of."
Christopher Luttrell
  • Reviewed: 1/8/2014
  • Degree: Elementary Education
"Be sure to compare programs when deciding on what is best for you. I would recommend this program to others, but keep reading to see some areas of concern. Though the program is well planned there are individual instructors that make some classes less than ideal. It is nice to have the support of fellow classmates (I don't know what I'd do without you guys!) but the lack of communication is very frustrating to say the least. Though I have not had too much trouble personally because I tried to plan ahead and ask questions ahead of time I know many have felt out of the loop when it came to important areas of the program. I feel that the content of the program could be fine tuned to leave out some unnecessary content and provide more emphasis in other areas. The pros are that you are in a small cohort of students that you develop a close bond with and support each other through the program, the program offers options for working adults to complete the program, the majority of the faculty really care about your success and your needs, and the instructors are either current or past teachers in your field of study. The cons are the lack of clear communication or change of plans, quickly overviewing or bypassing some areas that you may feel you missed out on, and the cost. Overall I would still recommend the program but I would give some advice: be sure your testing us done early, be sure to ask questions and get clear answers so you understand what is expected of you and what you can expect of them, and be assertive and get what you need. I have found that you can't sit back and expect everything to be handed to you... each person's needs are different and to be sure you are getting what you need from the program make it known. Every problem that I had during my time was addressed quickly and resolved even going out of their way to make sure my needs were taken care of."
Grad Student
  • Reviewed: 1/8/2014
  • Degree: Higher Education
"This program is a joke. It does not prepare a person to teach in any 'real' capacity. My whole cohort suffered an exhausting, disappointing 20 months and came out with a pile of debt. The administration and many teachers consistently gave students conflicting information, changed expectations of students, mismanaged time, and even misspell things on the website. I'm paying money for THIS!? I would NEVER recommend this program to anyone. What a disappointment."
Lindsey Garcia
  • Reviewed: 1/8/2014
  • Degree: Teaching
"The MAT program is not worth the money. I have never experienced lack of communication or lack of support like I did in this program. With the exception of two professors, my experience was sub-par. My whole cohort suffered through the 20 months we spent at Fox. Consider other schools.The reputation of this program is changing."
Annastasia Breithaupt
  • Reviewed: 11/24/2013
  • Degree: Education
"Pros: it is fast, I will have my MAT in one year. My teachers are amazing people. Cons: there are hoops to jump through with just about everything. It costs a lot of money, and there isn't any time to work or relax."
Brent Crocker
  • Reviewed: 8/30/2013
  • Degree: Business
"The reason as to why I'm dissatisfied with my degree is because it has a rather broad look at business. I believe that taking a more skills based approach to college would be much more beneficial to obtaining a job and understanding what direction you would like to take your career in. While the BA is fun (and easy...) I would highly suggest getting a BS in something, simply for the challenge and actual skills acquired."
Elizabeth Kettner
  • Reviewed: 8/19/2013
  • Degree: Early Childhood Education
"The education you will receive at George Fox is worth every penny. The faculty knows you by name and cares for each individual student, the education is unlike any other, and it's located in one of the most beautiful states in the country."
Ryan Wiser
  • Reviewed: 7/18/2013
  • Degree: Physical Therapy
"As a new program, it comes with all the benefits and pitfalls of being brand new. However, the faculty are not all "new", some have extensive experience in academia from other institutions; the others bring valuable experience from real-world PT. GFU is great, and I almost can't see myself anywhere else."
Georgia Calhoun
  • Reviewed: 7/13/2013
  • Degree: Business
"At the part-time MBA program of George Fox, the faculty has strived to make the program cater toward people living full and busy lives. They have passionate and knowledgeable staff along with a strong alumni foundation and good reputation. My MBA degree from GFU will be a solid asset to my career."
Sue Han
  • Reviewed: 6/3/2013
  • Degree: Psychology
"Pros: great professors who care about the students Cons: lack of diversity"
Scarlet Graham
  • Reviewed: 4/27/2013
  • Degree: Counseling
"Challenging and engaging program. Some instructors are genuinely interested in their students and a experience with one of instructors have personal problems which can make it difficult for students in their critique of student and their unfair power standing."
Scarlet Graham
  • Reviewed: 1/25/2013
  • Degree: Psychology
"Great School, expansive high quality program. Some of the professors are difficult personalities and are controlling. Others, are quite invested in student success and flexibility. School offers rigorous program."
Amanda Bolich
  • Reviewed: 1/2/2013
  • Degree: Counseling
"I am in the Graduate Program for Counseling and feel that the program is very holistic in preparing an individual to become a well-rounded, successful counselor. The faculty has years of academic and professional experience, are accessible, and actively engage new students with experienced students and post-graduates. The graduate campus is tiny and has little to no social atmosphere, but it is convenient for older professionals."