Georgia Institute of Technology Reviews
93 Reviews - Atlanta (GA)
- Annual Tuition: $32,876

93% of 93 students said this degree improved their career prospects
94% of 93 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Annie Daye
- Reviewed: 7/12/2019
- Degree: Physics
- Graduation Year: 2020
"The Materials Science and Engineering community at Georgia Tech is very supportive and has improved my experience. Coming to Tech, I wanted a university that would allow me to conduct cutting-edge research as an undergraduate student. I wanted a place that would be supportive of hands on learning. I have been able to do this and have been surrounded by peers that are also interested in research.The classes are challenging at Georgia Tech but I believe that anyone who really wants to be an engineer can absolutely accomplish the courses. Tech pushes you to work at your maximum capacity and prepares you thoroughly for the work place. Each major takes a lot of credits to complete and should be looked at as an investment in your future. The pain is temporary but the rewards will last a lifetime. My favorite classes by far were Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. Both of these classes I have used in my internships. The majority of professors are actually supportive if you seek their help. I learned that it is ok to ask for help especially if it will save you time and energy. Tech has allowed me to get internships easily compared to other universities."
- Reviewed: 3/30/2019
- Degree: Chemistry
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Great school if you are interested in engineering. If you are pre-health of any sort, I do not recommend going to this institution. GPA is very important for your future applications and Georgia Tech makes it very difficult (not impossible) to achieve the GPA necessary. Also, resources are limited for those students who are pre-health."
- Reviewed: 2/20/2019
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 1987
"I graduated in 1987 and did not work in my field till 2006. There is no placement. The school is unsafe. Atlanta has few jobs in EE and most are taken by highly experienced northerners who are moving south to escape winters. I never worked in my field until I moved to Ohio where there is some industry and the experienced engineers leaving for the south opens up opportunity. The only tech jobs in Atlanta are for Computer Science majors or EE's with computer programming experience. This is a problem for Tech EE's because the CS school forbids EE's from taking any classes in it's school, or using any of it's facilities. Tech advertises that there are more grads working in silicon valley than any other college. What they do not include is that Tech grads are forced to work there as almost no grads find work in their home state. Local employers like Turner Broadcasting or Journal constitution hate Tech grads and have poisoned the waters for tech grads. There are many haters of tech grads in Atlanta due to so many who are denied admission or flunked out, then get jobs and rise to management. There are many anti-technology groups who take out their hatred on helpless Tech grads. There is a huge problem of the male to female population at Tech and in Georgia in general. The ratio was 10:1 when i attended. There were guys in my dorm my freshman year who would drive to Gainsville FL every weekend and break to escape the poor odds. The problem is so bad that women in Atlanta coined a hurtful saying about the advantage they enjoyed over men: The odds are good, but the goods are odd. You should never go to a school or city where the odds are so bad for finding a job or a girlfriend. I never made it in Georgia and I do not live there any more. I have only bad memories of the place. The poor start I got from Tech and poor education I got there haunts me to this day. My degree means nothing, and only hampers me and makes me angry."
Georgia Tech Grad
- Reviewed: 8/1/2018
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I enjoyed my time at Georgia Tech and benefited in many ways by attending there. I was an out-of-state student and tuition was expensive, but the home state schools did not offer nearly as comprehensive a program as GT. Also, the many networking and collaborating opportunities l had would not have been possible elsewhere."
Charles Russo
- Reviewed: 3/10/2018
- Degree: Aerospace Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The Georgia Institute of Technology is among one of the top Engineering Universities in the world, providing a world class education at a public university price. Many of the professors are the top of their field, world renowned experts whose research is the cutting edge of the field. Furthermore, its location in Atlanta and Division 1 sports teams allows for a vibrant social life with lots to do out in the city and at sporting events."
Christopher Timperio
- Reviewed: 12/27/2017
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Everything Ive learned in my undergraduate experience at Georgia Tech has brought me to the place I am at today, and I couldnt be happier. Its allowed me to reach every goal Ive set for myself by learning the fundamentals of engineering practices to studying complex graduate level coursework. Whether it was my last semesters fusion course where I learned the fusion engineering and how future technology can harness the suns energy as a renewable fuel source for space flight or back in my first semester at Georgia Tech learning about the fundamental building blocks past engineers had to know during the Apollo 13 mission to successfully bring three astronauts back to Earth safely. Looking back at this course, I learned so many key concepts that would stick with me during the entirety of my academic career. We defined engineering at its core and the role it plays in solving problems in everyday life. We learned about fundamental ideas such as ethics, constraints, feasibility, and tradeoffs. Ive also been lucky enough to benefit in other ways at Georgia Tech by helping to educate students as a teaching assistant in Electrical courses, and as a peer leader in introduction courses for new incoming students to Georgia Tech. In this I have given back to other students in need, and at the same time have gained a wealth of knowledge in my field of Electrical Engineering. It wasnt easy to attend Georgia Tech though. Ive spent many weekends in the library, foregoing social events to enrich myself and striving to learn the most I can. However, this has all been worth it as with this difficulty, comes great advantages. Georgia Techs reputation for academic excellence and its commitment to electrical achievement is world-famous, and I have been able to benefit from this fact many times after graduating from this great university. In the Fall 2011 issue of Industrial & Systems Engineering Alumni Magazine, Provost states; Our tradition is not only to create knowledge but also to use that knowledge for the betterment of society. That is exactly how I feel. I feel that I have been able to utilize my strengths and abilities, with the help of a solid foundation from Georgia Tech, to be a significant contributor to my community and to society as a whole."
Brian Kim
- Reviewed: 12/27/2017
- Degree: Industrial Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Georgia Tech's Industrial Engineering program is number one in the world! The program has many vetted instructors who have achieved high levels of success and are well respected in their communities. I've found that the curriculum has molded me into a great problem solver and logical thinker. Many of the classes include real life problems and opportunities to partner with companies and complete real projects. The ROI for Georgia Tech finishes in the top 5 almost every year and many of the companies in the Southeast United States look to Georgia Tech first to hire for their workforce."
- Reviewed: 11/1/2017
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Like most other architecture programs, Georgia Tech's Bach is time-consuming and rigorous and has the benefit of being a distinguished and recognizable degree. However, the program seems determined to teach students sheer will power more than preparation for a real career as an architect or designer. While perseverance is certainly an admirable quality, I think the professors could be more merciful and encouraging towards their students."
- Reviewed: 9/6/2017
- Degree: Biomedical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Georgia Institute of Technology (or Georgia Tech) is an exceptional school for Engineering, particularly in Chemical or Aerospace engineering. Georgia Tech has a rigorous engineering curriculum. Most of the professors are subpar in terms of their teaching abilities, but that is primarily because their true focus is on extremely important research. That does not mean your education is poor - to the contrary, this method forces the student to learn material on his/her own and show conviction to hard work and higher learning which are the qualities most critical to an employer. Speaking of employers, Georgia Tech has a high post graduate employment rate due to the rigor and reputation of the school as well as a large career fair held each Fall. Overall, you will work extremely hard throughout the curriculum, but your degree has high value and thus demands high salary/benefits from top company employers. I would highly recommend Georgia Tech due to the skills and employability received upon graduation."
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Great for Engineering Degrees and Industry Connections."
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2008
"It was a great campus. They had a lot of work study opportunities for graduate students. I received a full scholarship and didn't have any debt."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Famous engineering school with affordable educational cost"
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Physics
- Graduation Year: 2008
"Georgia Tech is an excellent institution, and at least for the Physics graduate program there's a lot of support and help to make sure you stay on track and succeed to the best of your abilities. The support is reasonable and the attempt to fast-track the PhD program is extremely helpful and relevant."
Brian Kim
- Reviewed: 3/16/2017
- Degree: Industrial Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Industrial Engineering at Georgia Tech is ranked number 1 in the world. The professors, student body, and curriculum not only provided the necessary skills that all basic professionals desire, but also equipped me with problem solving skills that are transferrable to all businesses. Thanks to the schools background and reputation, landing internships as a student was very easy. After graduation, having a Georgia Tech education and internship experience put me at an advantage while job searching. I realized all the benefits that came with the school so I came back to pursue my MBA to broaden my knowledge and network of professionals to advance my career."
Laura O'Connell
- Reviewed: 3/16/2017
- Degree: Civil Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Georgia Tech has an amazing civil engineering program. The classes are difficult, but there are lots of resources on campus to help you like tutors, TA's, the passion of other students, and weekly professor office hours. There are five concentrations you can participate in including structures, geotech, transportation, and environmental engineering."
- Reviewed: 3/13/2017
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I studied at Georgia Institute of Technology from 2012 to 2013 and received my master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The experience I had in Georgia Tech is one of the most rewarding and I would highly recommend anyone to this program. Below I have provided my experience at Georgia Tech and covered what Georgia Tech offers, in terms of curriculum, professors, network, career opportunities, and student body. Curriculum: The curriculum is very rigorous and help students both widen their perspectives and deepen their expertise. Taking advantage of this program, I was able to not only immerse myself in engineering studies but also expose myself to different area of interest, economics and business. This great exposure and comprehensive training fulfilled my personal and professional aspiration. Further, this became very resourceful asset at my current job. Professors: Georgia Tech offers a very close-knit environment where students and professors can easily interact. In the classroom, students are encouraged to provide feedback and ask questions. Outside the classroom, professors would welcome students who would like to further address their questions related to coursework and seek any advice related to career and further education. Network: The school offers vast alumni network, connection with professors, excellent student body, and valuable connection with recruiters. Leveraging this network, I have secured my current job which I am greatly happy with. In addition, I made strong bonds with my friends, professors and other Georgia Tech alumni. Career Opportunities: Georgia Tech offers various and many events and opportunities for students to connect with all amazing recruiters, ranging from consulting firms to financial services to high tech. Georgia Tech's footprint in many industries is so strong that Georgia Tech graduates are always most sought after. Student Body: Georgia Tech provides a very diverse student body. On the campus, students can expect to meet peers from different ethnicities, with different majors, hobbies, and career goals. This vast diversity which I believe to be another great learning exposure outside the classroom truly enriched my experience at Georgia Tech and shaped who I am today. Overall, I believe that Georgia Tech is one of the best institutions students can go to. And if an opportunity is given to experience Georgia Tech, please don't just let it go!"
Katily Ramirez
- Reviewed: 2/7/2017
- Degree: Chemistry
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Program has direct influence to actual market needs. Many companies are interested in the research done in campus and interested in the students development. I am glad that I have being accepted into GA Tech, I want leave at least a grain of proggress into the future's science and it is happening here."
- Reviewed: 1/31/2017
- Degree: Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2006
"Good school, good reputation, but doesn't cater the best to the professional world - tends to focus more on people going into academia."