Georgia Institute of Technology Reviews

  • 93 Reviews
  • Atlanta (GA)
  • Annual Tuition: $32,876
93% of 93 students said this degree improved their career prospects
94% of 93 students said they would recommend this school to others
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  • Reviewed: 1/3/2017
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"One of the best experiences of my life. Georgia Tech was a great school in a great city (Atlanta), and I made some valuable friendships there that I still have."
Kevin M Hixson
  • Reviewed: 9/27/2016
  • Degree: Business Administration
"Georgia Institute of Technology is located right in the middle of Midtown-Atlanta, GA surrounded by opportunity. On every corner there are new "innovation" centers being built helping to develop new tools, technology and their students. I am currently attending the Executive MBA program (Global Business Focus) with hopes to graduate 12/2017. This program is typically 3 weekends of in-person classes a month (Friday 530PM-930PM and Saturday 830AM-530PM), 2 Immersion weeks, and 2 class trips (e.g., China & Panama this year). To-date the program has been very challenging while working full-time, but it has been manageable when I prioritize my obligations. The students in my class are a mix of BRIGHT full-time professionals who are seeking to learn to become an executive, further develop their skill set, and or both. The accelerated Global Business EMBA curriculum is designed to be to give you a foundation skill-set and (e.g., Accounting, Econ, etc.) in the first semester and with each passing semester include more theory, strategy and ultimately the cap-stone project (consulting strategy). Their are also optional classes available to the students during the week that I have been taking full advantage of the opportunities. Overall, if you are looking for an EMBA in the Atlanta market, which is a buyers market, Georgia Tech is tough to beat!"
  • Reviewed: 11/30/2015
  • Degree: Information Technology
"It's a fun campus with pretty good programs in human computer interaction, digital media, and related fields."
Heather Handy
  • Reviewed: 11/5/2015
  • Degree: Psychology
"The classes are incredibly well taught and the professors really give you a sense of wanting you to succeed."
  • Reviewed: 10/5/2015
  • Degree: Social Sciences
"Going to Georgia Tech was the hardest and best thing I have done. Just the knowledge of where I got my degree has opened doors, and I had the best experiences of my life there. You really can do anything that you want at Tech, from studying abroad to sports to clubs."
  • Reviewed: 10/5/2015
  • Degree: Industrial Engineering
"Great school, very focused, very challenging."
Heather Handy
  • Reviewed: 9/30/2015
  • Degree: Psychology
"One pro (in my opinion) of the graduate psychology department is the small number of people. Since there are fewer students, the current students get to know others better, which leads to better networking and collaborative capabilities. A con I feel is the differences in the number of students in the different psychology programs. For example, there are so few quantitative psychology students compared with the other programs that the quantitative students may feel overshadowed or under appreciated compared with the students in the other programs."
Carolyn Hartzell
  • Reviewed: 9/30/2015
  • Degree: Psychology
"Pros: Lot's of job recommendations all the time Mostly friendly faculty Excellent reputation Cons: Not a lot of social interaction between labs, between psychology types, between students. Atlanta traffic Atlanta weather Atlanta crime (probably on par with any city though)"
  • Reviewed: 9/29/2015
  • Degree: Economics
"Tech is academically rigorous but rewarding and prepares you well for the real world, both with its rigorousness and its location in a bustling major city rather than an insular college town. It is also fun and lacks pretense. Students are free to be themselves."
  • Reviewed: 8/19/2015
  • Degree: Electrical Engineering
"It's an amazing school located in a well-developed city center. The professors are knowledgeable, and, for the money, there is absolutely no better education to be had. The courses are incredibly difficult, as they should be for the planners and builders of the world."
  • Reviewed: 8/10/2015
  • Degree: Computer Science
"Georgia Tech was a great school for learning and social life. Classes are difficult and meaningful, teaching good skills for an entry-level Software Engineering position."
GT Aerospace
  • Reviewed: 8/10/2015
  • Degree: Aerospace Engineering
"I am very proud to be a Georgia Tech grad. The 7 years of my life to get both my B.S. and M.S. was hard, but rewarding."
  • Reviewed: 7/13/2015
  • Degree: History
"Please only choose this amazing school if you are interested in STEM. If you are not entirely certain, go to a school with a broad range of majors. I can't help but feel that I robbed myself by not attending a Liberal Arts University."
  • Reviewed: 7/13/2015
  • Degree: Business
"Georgia Tech is an environment filled with people who truly want to learn and make the world better through innovation. The campus feels like a tight-knit community, but with the appeal of being right in a major city. It was the best 4 years of my life."
Matt Kunkle
  • Reviewed: 3/28/2015
  • Degree: Business
"Very good school with great reputation. Costs more than other schools in the area."
Gautami Newalkar
  • Reviewed: 3/22/2015
  • Degree: Chemical Engineering
"The school and program should help international students to with exploring future career choices. This help should be very personalized."
Bruce Caughman
  • Reviewed: 2/18/2015
  • Degree: MBA
"Pros: Competitive, great career services counseling, good selection of electives. Cons: None"
Yanxi Hou
  • Reviewed: 12/9/2014
  • Degree: Mathematics
"The school receives a high fee each month which lowers the essential financial income each month without giving any consideration to the increasing living cost for years. Besides, The TA work is a little more. We need to teach two courses each semester and this really slow our research speed."
Akanksha Prakash
  • Reviewed: 12/8/2014
  • Degree: Psychology
"Competitive environment and good quality of education but the campus feels unsafe at late hours."
Laura Lewy
  • Reviewed: 12/2/2014
  • Degree: Psychology
"Georgia Tech School of Psychology is one of the best in the nation. Living in the heart of Atlanta is fantastic, though transportation is a bit difficulty without a car. Top notch faculty that stresses getting people out on time. Highly respected."