Grand Valley State University Reviews
88 Reviews - Allendale (MI)
- Annual Tuition: $19,856

92% of 88 students said this degree improved their career prospects
94% of 88 students said they would recommend this school to others
Programs with 5+ Reviews
Student Reviews
Stephanie Curnow
- Reviewed: 5/23/2022
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2023
"Grand Valley has a little bit of everything. If you like living in a more rural area you can live in Allendale. If you want to live in the city you can live in Grand Rapids. There is also Lake Michigan rather close to the school as well as Cannonsburg ski area and Bittersweet ski area in the winter. Social life and partying is pretty minimal on weekdays but if your looking to party you usually can on the weekends. Sports are some of the best in D2. The dorms are really nice and the food is pretty good for a college campus. Freshman year is usually the hardest. But, it gets so much better when you move into the apartments, make a variety of friends, and join different clubs/organizations. GVSU doesn’t do a great job funding clubs, unfortunately (reason for -1 star).Biggest advice for freshman is go to campus life night and join different groups/organizations. It took me a while to find one that suit me best but I ended up making so many friends through Ski and Snowboard team."
- Reviewed: 1/7/2020
- Degree: Criminal Justice
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Overall, the Criminal Justice Program at Grand Valley State University prepares you for a diverse range of post-college options. No matter what you are interested in, there is a faculty member who can share their unique experiences and act as a mentor to help you reach your goals. Whether you are looking into policing, corrections, victim advocacy, federal enforcement, environmental protection, legal studies, or continuing on to graduate school, there is someone there to help you. Small class sizes allow you to get to know those in your program and faculty members on a more personal basis. What makes this program stand out from others is that you are recognized as an individual rather than just another student sitting in a lecture hall."
Elizabeth Cullen
- Reviewed: 12/16/2019
- Degree: Teaching
- Graduation Year: 2012
"GVSU's Music Education program is excellent. The general music professors are top-tier academics and care for their students. The studio professors do vary in quality. It has been years since I attended, so I do not know which studios are currently at the top. I would recommend researching this and taking several lessons with the studio professor of your choice before committing. The audition process is standard. Music scholarships are typically small, and would need to be supplemented with academic scholarships. I would not recommend attending GVSU for music performance. The general education program at GVSU is average. This is a liberal arts school, so be prepared to take courses from a variety of disciplines. I really enjoyed my liberal education, and eventually added a minor in Philosophy because of one of the classes I took. This being said, liberal education is not for everyone. If you want an education with laser-sharp focus on one academic discipline, this is not the school for you. GVSU is a Division II school for sports. They are a top D2 school and regularly win national championships in multiple sports. We won two national championships for football while I was there. This was particularly fun because I was in the marching band. On-campus housing is above average. There are suite style options for freshmen, and many students stay on campus throughout their degree. It costs about half as much to live off-campus, and there is a reliable bus system. I personally lived right across the street so that I could walk. It was less than a mile each way."
Sarah Baird
- Reviewed: 12/12/2019
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2012
"The content, classes and teaching staff at Grand Valley State University were amazing and very knowledgeable. I did not receive any help finding a position however after graduating. It took me 3 years to find my first teaching position and I had to move to another state to find one. I felt very prepared to teach my classes and have been successful in my career now that I have found my first position."
Melissa Berry
- Reviewed: 8/21/2019
- Degree: Biomedical Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Grand Valley was the absolute best choice I could have ever made for myself. College is overwhelming enough, and not having a support group could add to that pressure. I flew across country to attend a college where I did not know a single person, yet, I felt surrounded by warmth and support everywhere I turned. From the professors to the advisers to other students, everyone there is helpful and friendly. It was the perfect size school, not too big or too small, but just right. I recommend GVSU to anyone looking for the greatest adventure of their life."
nicholus kopacki
- Reviewed: 8/19/2019
- Degree: Physician Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2008
"This program is very difficult but will prepare you well for the rewarding profession of a Physician Assistant. The beginning part of this program is considered the didactic part of your education. during this time you will be in class 4-5 days a week learning about physiology, pathophysiology, clinical medicine and pharmacology. This is a very difficult part of schooling for most PA students. Most days are 7-8am to 5-6pm. Additionally there is hours of studying after classes are done for the day. Many weekends are consumed with studying for exams that are the following week. The didactic portion of the program is 15 months in duration. The second phase of the program are the clinical rotations. these rotations are typically 4 weeks in duration. Family practice and internal medicine are the exceptions and these are 8 week rotations. Students are able to choose 2 elective rotations in addition to the required core rotations. These can be in any are of medicine the student chooses. at the end of every month the students come back to take an exam on the previous rotation just completed."
Krisi B
- Reviewed: 6/29/2019
- Degree: Public Relations
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I'm proud to be a Grand Valley grad! The campus is beautiful, the school pride is strong, and (most) faculty legitimately care for your future. The professors have real world experiences in the programs they teach, although some of the coursework is outdated. The majority of the facilities are phenomenal, especially the library, but the art building and lake buildings could use some updating. My biggest issue with Grand Valley was the parking. There was never enough parking and people would stalk you to your car so they could take your spot. Be prepared to walk because all of the parking in on one side of campus. Bundle up in the winter because it's COLD and extremely windy."
Angela Thweni
- Reviewed: 6/28/2019
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Great place to go for 4 years. This school aided in me gaining a ton of independance, professional contacts, and overall life expercinces. It gives you the big school feel with small, personalized classrooms. Great loacation, having Lake Michigan to one side and Grand rapids to the other. Would highly reccomend."
Jessica Herring
- Reviewed: 3/31/2019
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Grand Valley State University is a great school with great facilities! Grand Valley is a big university, but it is quite small at the same time. It was just created in the 60s and continues to expand so much every year. There are thousands of classmates per class, but the biggest lecture size is just over one hundred students. The professors can easily teach lectures without the need of teacher assistants which is one of my favorite aspects at Grand Valley State University. This allows the opportunity to get to know your professor better, and to not get confused on who to contact when you need to seek help. I also enjoy that there are two different campus' - the main campus in Allendale, and the downtown Grand Rapids campus. The university does a great job at making sure it is easy to make it to both campus' with the rapid 50 bus. Not only is Grand Valley a great school from an educational standpoint, but it is on the cheaper side for a university! The estimated cost for Grand Valley State University is $20,000. This cost includes tuition, books, rent, food, etc. As the cost for Grand Valley is fairly low, unfortunately, Grand Valley does not offer a lot of scholarship opportunity. They have some great academic scholarships that you can be eligible for coming out of high school, but that is about it. To receive scholarship money, one must look at outside scholarships. However, scholarship opportunities would be the only downside of attending Grand Valley State University. I would still recommend it to anyone!"
- Reviewed: 12/26/2018
- Degree: Biomedical Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2016
"There were elements to attending Grand Valley that were very positive and others that were not so amazing. The best part of my experience was the faculty and the facilities. Grand Valley really does have great resources -- as a BMS student, I was able to take a class in the cadaver lab (which is something not all undergraduate...or even medical... schools have!) The library is beautiful, all of the buildings have tons of room to study with so many great chairs and tables that are isolated enough to get things done. The campus is in kind of a strange location; Allendale, Michigan is not exactly an awesome place as it's pretty much just cornfields. But the campus is just 30 minutes from Grand Rapids and I felt very connected to Grand Rapids even from the moment I moved out to Allendale. As I previously stated, the faculty was something that really made Grand Valley a great experience -- my professors for sociology, organic chemistry, genetics, and creative writing were incredibly encouraging, helpful, and interesting to learn from. I felt well supported by them. The career center also has great resources and the campus is always hosting mock interviews, guest lectures, and other events to support students. I wish I had taken more advantage of those events (although, to be fair, it would have been difficult to keep up on those things while a full-time student.) Sometimes because Grand Valley is a "suitcase college" (everyone leaves on the, seriously...) it can be a little lonely if your'e hanging around campus on a weekend or, for me, even though GV is not a big school, it felt pretty big to me (I attended a small private school from elementary through high school.) All in all, they provide great financial resources and scholarships for undergrad, they have a great faculty and facilities and resources. You just have to make the best of it -- no one is going to be watching over your shoulder making sure you take advantage of the right opportunities. They are there but you need to pursue them!"
Garrett B.
- Reviewed: 6/26/2018
- Degree: Exercise Science
- Graduation Year: 2018
"My time at Grand Valley was well spent making new friends, forming connections with the faculty, and exploring everything Allendale and Grand Rapids has to offer. The Laker community always felt united whenever at sporting events, in class, or just on campus!"
Patricia Shijka
- Reviewed: 3/8/2018
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Grand Valley State University prepared me to be in the world as a new social worker. The teachers were all knowledgeable and shared stories from their own experiences in the world. The practicum was also a very valuable experience in order to prepare me for my career upon graduation."
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Communications
- Graduation Year: 2010
"I went to Grand Valley State University for my undergraduate and graduate degrees. The class sizes are small, and the professors are attentive. I enjoyed my experience there so much, that I now work for the university!"
Jenna Martens
- Reviewed: 6/28/2017
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2011
"The BSN program at Grand Valley is very well organized. The faculty works very hard to plan the program and make sure you understand what is required to complete the program. GVSU also offers a direct admission program from high school (if you meet certain criteria) which can take so much stress off a student when the time comes to apply to the program which is very competitive. The academic advisers are easy to reach and VERY involved. When it is time to begin clinical in the hospital setting I found I had to do a lot of my own advocating for my education. My preceptor had 7-8 students on the same floor so I really had to take the initiative to ask nurses and staff questions and seek out learning opportunities. The clinical sites students are matched at are fabulous and there are lots of opportunities for students in west Michigan."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2009
"College was one of the best experiences of my life. Undergrad provided the base work, to earn my masters and begin my professional career."
- Reviewed: 4/26/2017
- Degree: Biomedical Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Great school in a great location. Lake Michigan 20 minutes west and downtown Grand Rapids 15 minutes East. Not a very diverse school. Considering the school has only been around about 60 years they have grown tremendously and have gained a greater presence across the Midwest. I think you can get a quality education in any discipline at Grand Valley."
- Reviewed: 4/23/2017
- Degree: Special Education
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Grand Valley State University greatly prepared me for my career in special education. The rigor of the courses simulated what teachers experience daily. The student teaching experience helped me to experience the classroom and students, and it also helped me to build connections and lifelong mentors."
Reba L. Fuggs
- Reviewed: 3/29/2017
- Degree: Education Administration
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Grand Valley State University is an amazing institution for a graduate degree. It is more diverse at this level than the undergraduate level. The education itself is amazing. Professors care about you and you're not just a number in its cohort model. If you apply yourself to the program, you are bound to be successful. The course content is coupled with a cohort model and assistantships which bring theory into every day practice. You will be well prepared for a future in Student Affairs through the College Student Affairs Leadership program. Many students have published with faculty. Connections are long lasting and those in CSAL celebrate your accomplishments even when you are gone. I recently got into a doctoral program and will begin this summer. The program coordinators, staff and faculty celebrated and there's a hashtag called #csalswag. I love it! This has been one of the greatest academic experiences that I have had thus far. Note: There was a study abroad in Jamaica trip available at the time I was in the cohort!"
Angileena Gibson
- Reviewed: 3/27/2017
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Grand Valley State University is a school that provides you with a well-rounded education! Diversity is definitely a priority within every educational program! The professors strive to make every student prepared to deal with the educational and grand spectrum events of the real working force! Professors take numerous hours and tremendous amounts of effort to propel students to their positions of success. The educational curriculums available are phenomenal, in their own respects. The learning styles are very hands on, as well as, textbook cultivated. The leaders of the educational curriculums are not only fully trained within the realms of the subjects, but have much earned experience in the fields as well. The on-campus activity and groups are very welcoming and stable to assist in the furthering years of every students future. Many boards of these organizations are sponsored by companies and corporations located locally within the surrounding community of each campus, as well as, national companies that have partnerships with Grand Valley, for the sole purpose of graduates succession. Being from an inner-city background, the rural atmosphere of Grand Valley changed my life. Ive met some outstanding individuals that have shaped my life tremendously. Many of my mentors were professors who I didnt know actually cared about my college career and the one gained thereafter. Furthermore, I honestly wouldnt know where I would have been in life without attending this great school! My life has changed for the better and I owe it to Grand Valley State University! Best decision!"
- Reviewed: 3/23/2017
- Degree: Occupational Therapy
- Graduation Year: 2012
"GVSU provides a strong entry-level program for students interested in theory related to occupational therapy. For the size of the program, professors make a reasonable effort to learn personal details about their students, such as interests, and learning styles, to help tailor the learning experience. Some semesters are challenging with minimal professor collaboration, and more challenging grading, but this is to benefit students as they prepare to enter the work force. Clinical skills vary with each professor. Many are strong theory educators, and a few are profoundly talented instructors in the real life skills students will need as professionals. Community respect for the program varies."