Harris School of Business Reviews
57 Reviews - Multiple Locations
- Annual Tuition: $11,450 - $16,735

25% of 57 students said this degree improved their career prospects
19% of 57 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 1/23/2023
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2020
"I went to and graduated with a 4.0 from Harris. I loved my instructors. They were passionate about what they taught and I was passionate about learning Anatomy. I absolutely loved learning what I learned. My instructors were completely supportive.The school would recruit these horrible "troubled" students, who had to be enrolled in a program in order to stay out of prison. They were disruptive and disrespectful, got physical with the teachers, yelled at them, etc. It was a nightmare to deal with on a daily basis. One student actually cheated using one of my test papers. She was so stupid that she got exactly the same two answers wrong that I did. Hmmm.........When I did my externship, I was placed in an optometrist/opthalmologist private practice where I didn't get to exercise one thing that I learned at the school. I hated being there, due to the staff being so backbiting and unprofessional. Now I am trying to persue a Radiology degree and I'm working at a local hospital and I'm trying to track down my transcripts. Crossing fingers. You get out of life, what you put into it. With all of the disruptions and issues, I still got excellent grades and loved what I studied."
alumni (what a joke)
- Reviewed: 8/9/2018
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Do not waste your time with this place, they will promise you everything and get you nothing. My class waited till our second 5 weeks before we got most of our supplies, teachers all leave. Had two out of all that actually taught me something. You'll never get the job they say you will, career services does nothing to help. I have requested transcripts to be sent to my current college and almost 2 months later, they still don't have them. My advice to you is RUN LIKE HELL! Do not let them talk you into it with all their promises, nothing will happen. The only good thing I took from here was some great friends I made in my class."
Analisa Loder
- Reviewed: 7/20/2018
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2019
"After 25+ years as a Medical Assistant, 20 of those years as a medical biller (8 ) which I ran a billing company near the shore and (12) my own billing company in NJ which I am certified through the DOBI. (Department of Banking & insurance) In late 2016, I became a widow. Most recently, I decided to go back to school to update my education and credentials. I am not fluent in ICD-10 or EMR. I learned the old school way of billing. My goal is to be a CPC ICD-10 and get my AHIMA credentials as well. I did a lot of research and found that in my locality there are not many choices for billers/coders to physically go to school. Most are only offered online. I prefer a class room, and I didn't want to 2 year college class and to travel over 1 hour each way daily. I wanted something that was obtainable in 1 year. I researched Harris School of Business. I didn't just read reviews. I talked to local people, I went to the school several times armed with a list of questions. At my age I felt this was probably my last chance to update my education and get a great job. It's not all about the money at my age, although I need a pay check. But I need good benefits and a pension, paid sick time and vacation. After the loss of a spouse that was sick for 10 years I had nothing left, no retirement, no income and no business and no longer good health insurance unless I wanted to pay $1600.00 per month. (my choice to take care of my spouse) I also had to down size and sell my home of 24 years. I was now faced with what am I going to do about my future. I decided through talking to my grown sons (good advise) to continue in the field were I was most knowledgeable, billing and taking care of others. So I am now pursuing the last half of my life. I am not as young as I was 20 years ago and yes it's hard, but hard work = reward. (now 56 y/o) I can not say enough about my instructor @ Harris/Linwood, NJ she is top notch!! she is patient and kind and caring and believe me she knows her stuff when it comes to this industry, she makes you feel that regardless of how old or young you are, that through hard work and dedication YOU CAN SUCCEED!!! it's up to you. You get what you put into things and yes I understand that Life happens. No one is going to sugar coat things or hold your hand, if that's what you are looking for then perhaps this isn't for you. We are adults, these classes can tough, but it's obtainable. You need to be dedicated first to yourself and you will have success. I am sorry for my long winded post. I am so looking forward to graduating and getting a great job with a hospital system, perhaps even going back to work for myself someday. The skies the limit !!! Good Luck to you all. a fellow student at Harris School of Business Linwood, NJ."
- Reviewed: 11/8/2017
- Degree: Dental Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Horrible school, unprofessional, all they care about is your money. I do not recommend. I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up. Everyone lies and twist words. For yourself, don't come go to this school. Do yourself a favor. I have 0 knowledge ."
Registered Medical Assistant
- Reviewed: 10/2/2017
- Degree: Medical Office Administration
- Graduation Year: 2009
"I attended Harris 2008-2009! I was a newly single mom that had no career and was tired of working jobs to barely make ends meet! My best friend referred me there and I started right away! I love my career and it has opened so many doors for me!! I owe it all to Harris!"
Happy student
- Reviewed: 8/12/2017
- Degree: Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I went to HSB in Danbury, and graduated with a 98%. I have never ever graduated with a 98 in anything in my life! But my instructor made me feel like I could do anything! So far I can say that my overall experience at the Danbury Campus was a pleasure. My day class teacher was not only knowledgeable, but at the same time inspirational. I loved going to class. Loved my instructor's accent (she is from Brazil), love, respect and understanding for other cultural backgrounds. Everybody in my class felt welcomed. We all became a small family!"
- Reviewed: 8/2/2017
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Cherryhill Harris school was very disappointing, between teachers that don't explain rite or they just sit there doing nothing, not teaching right, not explaining right and internship was a joke. They sent me to terrible places that are very disrespectful towards you.. I feel like I didn't get good education...terrible school don't go there.."
Frustrated Student
- Reviewed: 5/15/2017
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Please don't go to this school I attended the one in Dover Delaware and they make you think there's a lot jobs offers they have for the students. But this is not true they never got me an interview no where, all the interviews I had I achieved them on my own. You are not prepared for the Coding exam they discourage you for taking the five hour test. There are no jobs available to you. Some students drop out because they see the future not promising a career as a Health Claims Specialist. The course cost $18,000 for Health Claims specialist please take my advice go to Del Tech. you will be more successful there."
Corrine Britt
- Reviewed: 5/4/2017
- Degree: Dental Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I attended the Wilmington, DE campus, and I graduated in 2013. I had tremendous support; the staff treated me like family. My teachers really helped me to retain all the information and skills that I needed to become a successful Dental Assistant. My extern site I chose was at a dental office in Hampton, VA. The dentist I worked for ended up hiring me after I completed my externship. I really enjoyed the hands on experiences both in class and in the dental office. I greatly appreciate the teachers and staff that pushed me to reach my full potential and wouldnt let me quit. (Mrs. Jones, Ms. Judy, Doc. Bev, Ms. Sue, Ms. Crystal and Ms. Keicha) Thank you all for everything, I would not be where I am today without you."
Jennifer Gagnon
- Reviewed: 4/20/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I absolutely love the school not only did I finish school with all A' s. I got my certification before I even went to extern!! I enjoyed all of the staff they are awesome i learned some very good skills while i was there. If you really want to change your career I recommend going to Harris they treat you like family. If u want to be productive you have to want it you have to strive for the best. Harris school of business was a awesome choice I made and I wouldn't change it if I could....."
- Reviewed: 3/21/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I am still looking for work!!!! I graduated in 2016, was told you'll get this job--just show up. Well I did, went in early, stayed late and the girl told me that the doctor never hires a student from HARRIS only uses them to file and do filing. When I called to switch sites I was told no. I spent 16k to learn to file. I am still at my previous job (cashier). They never call you back and all the good teachers are gone!!!!!!! This place is a joke and I am so very sorry I went to them. The girls on the westside was right--this place is a joke and only want your money. From what I hear, the teachers they have now are not real teachers, not one of them are certified or experienced. DON'T GO HERE!!! THEY ONLY WANT TO MAKE YOU PAY A LARGE STUDENT BILL AND LAUGH AT YOU BEHIND CLOSE DOORS."
- Reviewed: 3/21/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Run!!!! These people are preditors. They prey on the poor and they will lie to you deceive you, tell you that are YOUR HARRIS family and as soon as they get ALL your money-no HELP or return calls, especially that ghetto b they have in career services. The school is so ghetto-from admission to the loud mouth director and the smart mouth short miserable person. I was told by a potentuial employer I should've went to another school--they WONT hire a Harris graduate--not the lie I was told. DO NOT GO HERE---YOU ARE BETTER GOING TO DEL TECH OR SOME OTHER SCHOOL BUT NOT THIS SCHOOL--THEY ARE CROOKS and you will be their sucker!!!!!!"
Kimberly Helm
- Reviewed: 3/11/2017
- Degree: Medical Office Administration
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I was unsure of attending any school at my age. I knew I had done well in school 30 yrs ago. I decided to enroll here at Harris in Wilmington and I have been pleasantly surprised at the campus and dedication of all the staff. From the Dean, Sue Bitters to Ms. Crystal to all the dedicated First Rate teachers. I am a living testament to life begins after 50. Don't let your age stop you. You can do it . All the staff are willing to help you at any time. I felt like a priority. Like we are family. They make every little success as a student a big deal as well as the big successes. They cheer you on every step of the way. And when it's time to spread your wings and fly away a success you know they will always be there"
Unhappy student
- Reviewed: 2/7/2017
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Horrible Horrible Horrible. They promise you the world and never deliver. Supplies are almost non existent. Students are full of drama and teachers spend their time talking about their personal life. Worst experience ever. Don't waste your time and money. Students cheat and still pass their classes."
Please do not let them rip you off..
- Reviewed: 9/9/2016
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2016
"This company uses students to funnel federal funds straight into your pockets. If you have the appropriate books for your classes, which they usually don't, you will absolutely not be able to code correctly. If you get a job through them you will only be making $10 an hour as a biller. Problem is you don't need a certificate to be a biller. People do not pass the ICD10 coding cert after attending this school. The cert you do get means nothing because its just a paper you are given from the school. Please pay careful attention to student reviews before going to this school for medical coding and billing. The Teachers are not certified teachers and they are forced to teach things that they did not study. And if they can't reach you they will say it is a self taught class. $19,000 is a lot to pay for a self taught class. You can teach yourself at home for about $2,000, which would include purchasing the books and taking the cert test."
Frustrated Student
- Reviewed: 7/28/2016
- Degree: Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I attended the campus in Danbury, CT this summer for CNA. Right from the start I made it clear I wanted my certification as quickly as possible so I could work this summer. It is only a 3 week program, 2 weeks in class and the third week in clinical. I had 2 different instructors each week because of their error in scheduling (my scheduled instructor was in the middle of teaching another CNA class, so we had a "substitute" for a 3rd of the program without any notice beforehand!!!). Thankfully my one instructor was phenomenal, but the substitute was honestly lazy and didn't seem to want to teach. This is only part of my problem. Signing up for the program, my mother and I set up a weekly payment , and planned to have the program completely paid off by the time of completion. Despite filling out these payment forms and sitting with the director,apparently SHE put the wrong date or something into the computer so the whole time, our payments weren't going through. NO ONE TOLD US OF THIS. The program has the be at least 60% paid in order to sit for the state test... We thought everything was paid, but I couldn't register, and only then did they admit they made the mistake and made it seem like not a "big deal"! After sorting it out, they let me sit for the earliest test date. I passed with a nearly perfect score and was told my certification would be mailed within 5 business days. I waited about 7 business days before calling to ask about the hold up... Apparently, because I hadn't paid for the program in full yet, they were holding my diploma and certification. This was never verbally said. Even in the big packet they gave, it only says "In addition, the School can discontinue a student's enrollment status, not issue grades, and deny requests for transcripts should a student not meet all of his/her financial and institutional obligations." That doesn't say they will literally HOLD my certificate after passing the exam, especially when I am in the process of paying them!!! After arguing on the phone, we paid in full, which we would have done from the start if we knew this would happen, and they said they were putting it through. Fast-forward to now, over a week later and I only have my diploma, I'm still not on the CT State Nurse Aide Registry and Prometric (the testing site Harris uses) says my application is incomplete....!?!?!?! Just called, apparently they received an influx of applications and mine somehow got shoved aside, and they NOW see that I completed the payment and are changing my application status. I still have to wait 48 hours to be on the nurse aide registry and 5-7 business days to receive my certification. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS that I have to literally call for them to do their job. GO ANYWHERE ELSE BUT HERE BECAUSE THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING."
- Reviewed: 6/3/2016
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I would not recommend this school at all, it is a waste of time and money. The school has no supplies, no working scales or appliances. All they worry about is getting there money. Please do yourself a favor and DO NOT attend this school. I wish i did not waste my money on this school at all."
- Reviewed: 5/31/2016
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"When it comes to the fact that you finish and the job placement it is a worse thing nothing happens, and also I am having trouble with the certification, and I would not recommend that school to no one. If I was you I would go to a different school, and they only care about the money and that is all they care about."
Bad experience
- Reviewed: 4/11/2016
- Degree: Healthcare Administration
- Graduation Year: 2010
"My teacher was good, but there was couple of classes we never got to study due to the time administration set for teachers. When it came to the person in job placement or help you get job interviews, nothing was done. They just try to convince you to choose their school, but when you graduate, don't want anything to do with you. i graduated in 2010, its 2016, have not been able to get a job in my field of study. I have tried to contact them during the years for help like they said they would help in orientation, but jokes on me. NO HELP!!!!!! Most of the time when i call the person was never available. there was another time the guy just told me to search online and told me "Good luck." wasted my time there and got stuck with a worthless $9,000 student loan."
- Reviewed: 7/6/2015
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Graduated a few years ago and if you're reading this here's the breakdown. Some of the teachers (back then) are great but the education you get there is very basic. You do not get credit for any of the classes you take. You can take a full accredited program at MCCC which is down the block and it will cost you less than Harris. The only thing I got out of this school is phlebotomy. They tell you that you can make $19 per hour as an MA which is false, you start off at $12 and after 20 years maybe you will make $19. You may be able to get a job but for the price they charge for a certification it is not worth it. Instead try looking at MCCC or other accredited schools that you can actually use in the future if you plan on becoming something worthwhile (like St. Francis school of nursing). Don't rush into things until you do your research, I wasted $11,000 on this program and could not get a decent job for more then $13.50 per hour."