Interactive College of Technology Reviews

  • 1 Review
  • Multiple Locations
  • Annual Tuition: $10,610 - $11,090
100% of 1 students said this degree improved their career prospects
0% of 1 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student & Graduate Reviews

  • Reviewed: 11/5/2014
  • Degree: Accounting
"Well, I am trying to be as objective as possible here. I was one of their best and luckiest students. Studying there has indeed helped me career-wise. I was able to land a good job. Financial aid, employment assistance services were good. There were some good and nice instructors too. That's the positive. Now about the negative - unfortunately there was a lot more of it. There were a lot of classes where instructors were simply a joke. Accounting was my main subject and the instructor was, I'd say, a bit below average. Things got ugly when I tried to point out the shortcomings of the college in order to change something for the better. I'd say those in charge don't give a damn. I say, Don't go there! By the way, like I said, I was one of the most successful ones there. I've seen a lot of people being a lot more frustrated than I ever was. I, too, got frustrated by the end and withdrew. Lucky for me, I already landed a good-paying job so it didn't matter at all. My overall score for the college is 2.4 out of 5. If you like that, best of luck to you. You can succeed there too but don't count on a top-notch education. O, yea, the cost is rather high too. P.S. I ended up switching careers since office jobs are boring!"