ITT Technical Institute Reviews
322 Reviews - Nationwide

30% of 322 students said this degree improved their career prospects
35% of 322 students said they would recommend this school to others
Programs with 5+ Reviews
Student Reviews
Angela Mae Bridger
- Reviewed: 6/1/2023
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I was learning network, I enjoy going to school, meeting new people, had great teacher, great class mates, I wish the school was still going on, never missed of school, I would have graduated on September 2017, I had three months to go before the school closed down, I would had my associates degree in 18 months"
Chris Ciero
- Reviewed: 1/28/2019
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2002
"I am a firm believer in education for many reasons. The foremost in thought is furthering one's abilities by learning from others in an education setting. This being said, as long as the institution follows the guidelines for teaching I believe that the student interaction with instructors is critical. Online, offline, in person, brick and mortar institutions are good, but an avid learner can learn anytime anywhere. This is what I did at school. I was paying for it, so I got the most out of it I could. While the institution no longer exists I credit them for helping me learn as they should. School helped me improve my job prospects. I met some excellent people and ended up deciding to go further with my education, but the key to my success was my attitude to learn and understand everything I could and is why I still am doing so to this day."
- Reviewed: 12/5/2018
- Degree: Healthcare Administration
- Graduation Year: 2007
"Give it a try structurally enclosed to a no outside influence good teaching schooling key secret is the eviorment.Also being of the sameness . In order for student . But also there teachers. My to two sense would still learning maybe I need a communication course now . Plus I enjoyed talking to the young lady for my intake , very strong skilled I was able to even get instructions there thanks "
Anton McCullough
- Reviewed: 2/18/2017
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I wish they did not close my school. That school helped me, and now I do not have a chance to go and get my Bachelor degree.I really learn a whole lot the instructors. The staff was so friendly. The staff tried their best to make sure all the students had everything to succeed."
- Reviewed: 1/7/2017
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 1997
"Graduated from the electronics corse at ITT grand rapids, mi. Paid off all my loans painfully, I never got any employment in the field, or much help finding any from Itt employment services after graduating. Now I hear ITT is in trouble with the government and bankrupt! I want my money back. Let me know of any law suits concerning this."
Tiffany Tucker
- Reviewed: 12/19/2016
- Degree: Criminal Justice
- Graduation Year: 2010
"When I attended orientation for ITT, I was rushed though the enrollment process and told to sign documents without them being explained to me very well. If I hesitated or pushed back they pushed harder that it was the best school. Of course at the time I was young and able to be bullied into many things. Needless to say I enrolled in October 2012 and throughout my next four years I experienced sexual harassment, and bulling by the teachers and staff. I reported each incident, and was always told it was documented. Many years later I found out that it was not. It is now my word versus theirs. My degree has earned me $160,000 worth of debt and a job that is not in my degree field. I have since returned to school to earn my Masters in Project Management in a effort to still have a good career from which I can retire. This money would help pay my ITT loans for 2.5 months while I attend another semester of school."
Shane F.
- Reviewed: 10/29/2016
- Degree: Engineering
- Graduation Year: 1996
"I attended ITT in 1995-96 and studied AutoCAD. I had a great experience at ITT and recommended it to many people over the years. The instructors were very knowledgeable and I learned more than I ever expected. My course of study covered all the mathematics, theory, lab work, and a few social and economic courses that were required. The school was accredited at the time I attended, and all of my credits transferred to a 4 year university that I currently attend to obtain my Masters Degree. I have heard people say that ITT credits don't transfer, but that is not correct. When I graduated, I was highly sought after and was offered many top positions in tech companies as a designer. It has served me well over the years and I owe it to ITT Tech. I understand that an education can only get you so far, but ITT gave me a great foundation to grow from. From reading some reviews, it sounds like some graduates expected to walk right into a job paying 60k a year. That can happen, but it's not a realistic expectation. Every individual is different, and they must continue to pound the pavement until they find a job. Just because you graduate from college doesn't mean you are guaranteed a great job right away. I have many friends who also attended ITT and they are all doing very well. Granted, they aren't all working in their field of study, but ITT gave them a platform in which to get their foot in the door somewhere."
- Reviewed: 10/17/2016
- Degree: Political Science
- Graduation Year: 2016
"This school is now closed and filed for bankruptcy which I am glad before I went to far with the program. Financial aid was always to busy to get back to anyone and never gave you any detail about financial aid. The advisor assigned to you is no help as they tell you to talk with another form of administration for any questions. Teachers were put in classes to sub when they have no idea about the class. Some teachers don't provide a study guide or even tell you what's to study for finals, and if they do provide information it is the day of the final. This school was a waste of time and money. They were all about money, pushing you to take courses you don't belong in or coincide with your major."
- Reviewed: 9/15/2016
- Degree: Cybersecurity
- Graduation Year: 2016
"This is a good school. I did well here and now I have a job making 60,000. I took the information given and research more with in my field. School is what you make of it. This school gave me the information I needed to learn more. The hands on experience helped more."
R Taylor
- Reviewed: 9/15/2016
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2008
"I received a great hands on education from professors which were as good as any in state colleges. I found an engineering position right after college graduation and continue to have a great position. The financial department made it clear at all points what the costs would be."
- Reviewed: 9/7/2016
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I am very happy with the education I received and I had no problem getting job offers after I had my degree. Those that complain about the cost are being unfair to ITT, yes they are expensive but it is not hidden - you see and have to sign off on the cost. If it's too much for you, go somewhere else. Also, I have met many students that complain about job opportunities after receiving their degree but a degree does not entitle you to a job. Getting a job is not just based on education, it takes drive, networking and good sift skills. The teachers I had were great and qualified instructors, most of which are now teaching at top name colleges. I don't know the specifics of what the government says ITT is fraudulent in but it seems they are getting unfair treatment based on an abundance of naive people who think they can skim through getting a degree and be handed a $100K job without working for it."
- Reviewed: 9/6/2016
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Okay, where to start. Well my fiance and I went to this school to just check it out. Well the lady trying to get us to join, was basically shoving the school down our throats to join that day and made me feel rushed. My fiance joined that day, but I waited later that week because I had to talk to the head person. After talking to the head guy, she was talked into it down. After talking with another recruiter, I joined. I should have went with my gut and not joined. Honestly I didn't learn much from the teachers, and basically this could have been a online class. Saying this because all the "teaching" was literally online.. To sum it up don't go here, it is not worth it. But the teachers were nice, I'll give them that."
Carlos Sosa
- Reviewed: 9/2/2016
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I attended this school hoping I would learn a few things about Internet security. I did, but also accrued over $20,000 in debt, which wasn't worth it in the least. They gave me a computer for all my troubles and it even included Widows. However it was a pirated version, which tells you a lot about the school itself. If you're going to go into debt for school, it might as well be legitimate. I switched to Linux. You might want to do the same thing. Instead of going to this school just learn it on your own."
ITT tech north-houston
- Reviewed: 8/27/2016
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2014
"This school was not that bad, but I got to say don't go. The programs were in good intention, but there were a lot of questions unsolved.The prices for the semesters were ridiculous and the theory made everything look like roses, but when it was "LAB" time, all you got were the thorns. the computers were outdated, the classes were simple(just desks and a dry erase board). the only way one was to pass these classes were with YOUR own research and YOUR own study time, because the teachers were not going to help you one on one. since it was obvious that they had a life and were not going to waste it on you. they tried to bribe us with pizza, but you would think with all the money we spent we should have a buffet everyday. OMG and they took away our coffee maker. a 50 dollar cheap o coffee maker...i would have bought one myself, whats the problem...anyways. no, I would suggest keep going to your local community college or a real university. at least with a university you would get what you paid for. Oh, and one more thing I'm still unemployed..>( thanks a lot ITT. I was better off as a bartender."
NSA (Network system administration) great school WORTH IT
- Reviewed: 8/18/2016
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Why do people keep saying negative things about ITT tech , it does teach you a lot of things , as far as I know I'm on my way to success when I hear people talk about how its a scam , or how it doesn't teach you anything , it makes wonder what you actually did in class while i was learning all the it stuff , I remember thinking it was a scam but its not , its the fact that people get lazy and careless and decide to look up the answers and then complaining how they didnt' learn anything or how the teachers should be fired. it bugs me because , this school teaches you a lot so far I learned a little of , information system security, Sub-netting , LINUX networking , CLI ,bash ,how DHCP works , how active directory works ,DC, IPS,IDS, lans , wans , gateways, how to configure static ip's, how to script both in Linux and windows, and entering in some of how to script with routers ,switches etc. simulation for Cisco, FRAME, IP PACKETS, vm-ware , so I hope when people tell you that its a scam its NOT , I hope this encourages you to go and pay attention and learn as much as you can lead yourself . IT IS A VERY WELL TAUGHT SCHOOL DON'T BE LIKE THE REST AND LOOK UP STUFF OR DON'T STUDY ,I ASSURE YOU I HAVE SEEN IT ALL BUT I CHOSE TO LEAD MYSELF AND PURSUE MY KNOWLEDGE , because in the end it will pay off and its all about you and how you want to succeed ."
- Reviewed: 8/16/2016
- Degree: Software Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2016
"For the love of everything, do not attend this school. They sucker you in by promising a career and a usable diploma. But wait, its not a diploma, its a certificate that is a useless, $65k piece of paper. Luckily, I escaped this death trap after sinking in 12k for two quarters. My first quarter consisted of two completely useless classes that are "prerequisites" for your actual major. One class is basically how not to suck at school, and the other is "hey this is a computer, did you know that?" Then comes second quarter, where it can be seen the teachers do not care at all. Class time is in two phases: lecture and then lab. The lectures are truly brilliant. The "professors" read off of a corporate generated Powerpoint, where about half way through each one they begin quickly flipping through slides saying its not important. Then why is it there?? After the astonishing presentation, they show you a few YouTube videos on what you're learning which was the final straw for me. I am not paying a corporation (key word corporation) $6k per quarter to watch YouTube videos that I can find on my own. My final project in one of my classes was creating my own website which I achieved, but only because I watched a one hour HTML and CSS tutorial that taught me more than my classes did the entire quarter. ITT Tech is a scam, all they want is your money, and they do not care. I am lucky to have come to my senses before paying a full $65k for a certificate that doesn't hold the same worth as an A.A. Save yourself time, and save your own money by simply attending your local community college and get an education that is a hundred times better in quality, for a TINY FRACTION of what this "school" will cost you. At least that degree will be useable and you have the option of even continuing your education elsewhere."
Nancy Avery
- Reviewed: 7/18/2016
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"This place is the biggest scam ever. Stay away. Don't waste your money. They only want your money. They lost their most important accreditation. They no longer issue useless diplomas, yiu now get a certificate. The credits you think you've earned are not transferable. It is a pyramid scheme, only the people at the top make money. Don't go."
- Reviewed: 7/17/2016
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2016
"The Electronic Engineering program at this school is a very well-developed program. The countless classes offered provide students with fantastic opportunities to pursue the things they love regarding developing Electronic projects. Instructors at ITT Technical Institute of Seattle are all concerned for the well-being and success of each student and are all willing to work with students in order to help them reach their full potential. Projects I developed while I was a student in ITT Technical Institute are: 1_ Wireless Home Control System. 2_ I2C communication Master and Slave PCBA Control. 3_ Robot Arm Control using C++ programing. 4_ PCBA design I got a lot out of this school. Lets me out it this way If you want to get to what you want listen to the instructors and do all the homeworks even if the instructor skip it. I love this school."
- Reviewed: 6/8/2016
- Degree: Electronics
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Recently graduated from ITT and still looking,most of my job leads come from and what comes from my school has very little with what I attended for. I have a degree in electronics and just had an interview for a job fabricating industrial filters through a temp agency and they received my resume through the career counselor of my school. As they say "passing the buck"."
Upset nursing student
- Reviewed: 6/8/2016
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2016