Judson University Reviews
7 Reviews - Elgin (IL)
- Annual Tuition: $30,910

75% of 7 students said this degree improved their career prospects
86% of 7 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
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- Reviewed: 8/9/2019
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I highly do not recommend this school for anyone who is open minded. This school focuses more on making you Christian more than anything. I studied biology here. I do have to admit that some professors tried to help and others didnt care about their students. There is A LOT of bullying in this school. I was known to be ghetto and a stripper Just because one day I said Im broke I could be a stripper the womens soccer coach referred me as cancer because I was bringing the whole team down. They talked bad about me without getting to know me. One of their favorites lines they say to get things out of you is we care about you Unless you have white privileged or Christian, they will treat you like youre a stray cat. Womens soccer team coach is some guy from Costa Rica who focuses more on gossip than the actual soccer team. Im sorry but I am a Christian myself but I have never experience such discrimination like I did at Judson University."
Emily F.
- Reviewed: 11/2/2018
- Degree: Human Services
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Do NOT attend Judson. I whole-heartedly feel as though I wasted my money. If your questions to instructors don't involve comments about Bible verses, you will either get a vague, sometimes incoherent, response, or no response at all. I never thought instructors at a college could misspell simple words, give instructions to 15 page papers so vague the assignments were impossible to complete, or have such a lack of care for their students. The only assignments that I received actual feedback on were my 1 point discussion forum posts regarding biblical verses. At no point in time did I feel as though I learned anything to help me in my career. Judson's sole focus seems to be on educating Christians about Christ. I made multiple attempts to reach out to instructors and academic advisors regarding the several serious issues I was experiencing, and no one helped me. These people are extremely helpful while you're still in the application process, but once you're in and they have your money, their help is non-existent. Even after I completed my classes, I was STILL having issues with them sending me my diploma because I was not attending graduation. It was just one obstacle after another, so I hope this can dissuade anyone from attending this awful school."
Jonathan Janik
- Reviewed: 11/22/2017
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I recommend Judson University's Architecture program for a number of reasons. Here are three: It's small, it's challenging, and it's shaping. In May I graduated with my Bachelor's degree with only about 20 other classmates. This size allows for much more focused interaction with professors as well as the development of a "family" culture among other Architecture studio classmates. Architecture school has a reputation for incredibly long hours and no sleep. My experience at Judson was just that. And I wouldn't change it for anything! Professors require excellence, but are there with you along the way. Finally, Judson has shaped me as an Architect, but also as a human, it opened my eyes to a whole big world I would have otherwise ignored and now because of Judson I get to begin to find my place in it."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2010
"Judson offers a great learning environment where creativity as well as collaboration is encouraged. Both the educational and social atmospheres were encouraging and a great place to develop future occupational skills"
- Reviewed: 3/13/2017
- Degree: Counseling
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Everyone here is so helpful, the teachers and all the staff are here to help everyone progress. When I originally applied The first thing I was told was you have chosen a future that really needs you. I do not regret my decision one bit. I have never felt so welcomed to a community."
William Morris
- Reviewed: 7/11/2016
- Degree: Architecture
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Judson University's School of Art, Design, and Architecture (SoADA) provided me with a tremendous education. Not only did it prepare me to get a job as an intern during my sophomore year, I received employment months prior to my graduation. The professors genuinely care for you and they all know your name. There were many nights we worked in studio until the wee hours of the morning, only to find the chair of the department coming to visit at midnight, he was working too. The classes are hard, but enjoyable, and the travel opportunities I was afforded during my time at Judson were life changing. From week long field trips to a 4 month long study abroad tour in Prague, these experience contributed to the excellent education I received at Judson. The school is small an intimate, but located 40 miles west of Chicago in Elgin, IL it has all the excitement and opportunity that living in a dense urban environment can offer."