Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Reviews

  • 5 Reviews
  • Kansas City (MO)
  • Annual Tuition: $9,480
100% of 5 students said this degree improved their career prospects
60% of 5 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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  • Reviewed: 12/12/2019
  • Degree: Finance
"MBTS has some good things about it and has some not so great things. The education is good. I really enjoyed all the things I learned at the school. But, MBTS has an awful system for handling money. Throughout the whole semester the MBTS office was unprofessional with the way they handled my money. After I had paid all my fees they took money out of my bank account. This caused problems with my bank and I had to pay extra fees. In September I found out I had to leave the school at semester due to a family matter. I talked to the director of my program, the school's finical advisor, and serval other people at the MBTS office. I told all of them I was leaving and I asked all of them what I needed to do to leave at the end of the semester. They said nothing about filling out a form. Then about 2 weeks before the semester ends I get an email that I need to fill out an intent to vacate form and if I don't fill it out at least 30 days prior to my move out day I can't get back my $100 deposit. I explained the situation to serval people and they denied my request. While MBTS has a great program, they didn't handle my money very well."
Melissa Stiffler
  • Reviewed: 9/30/2016
  • Degree: Counseling
"I greatly enjoyed my time at MBTS. I studied the counseling program with Dr. L.C. as my mentor. I was stretched beyond what I thought I was capable of achieving. I learned the content, but also the theories behind the curriculum. My time spent at MBTS was one of the best decisions of my life."
Matthew Adams
  • Reviewed: 1/30/2016
  • Degree: Religious Studies
"The obvious pros of my graduate program are its affordability and competence of its staff. Many schools in its field either have an affordable tuition but expensive cost of living or vice versa. Midwestern does an excellent job of keeping them both low. Despite it being a small school, the competency level of its staff and their grasp on each subject proves that a small school doesn't mean a deficient curriculum. The cons of my graduate program are the availability of courses on campus. Due its small size and staff the number of courses available semester to semester is limited and often times the more intriguing electives are only available on demand."
Ilya Davidovich
  • Reviewed: 10/31/2013
  • Degree: Religious Studies
"It gives a great foundations for future ministry at churches and working with other religious and non-religious organizations. Not always it is going to be a well-paid position, or a great place to live. Being a pastor is not easy but definitely worth it!"
Stephanie Fogle
  • Reviewed: 2/6/2013
  • Degree: Liberal Arts
"If you are a Southern Baptist male in a Master's of Divinity program, then this school will be great for you. Any degree that isn't straight theology or Biblical languages isn't worth it. If you are a female, make sure you enroll with your husband or in their counseling program, or walk away."