Miller-Motte Technical College Online Reviews
28 Reviews - Multiple Locations

50% of 28 students said this degree improved their career prospects
29% of 28 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 1/18/2024
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2023
"For 30k I can say I didn’t learn much and don’t feel prepared, the teachers for the most part weren’t very helpful and the teachers from other programs seem to walk around all day and hang out while not in class. Also a lot of gaslighting and false promises, save your money get a real education"
Feeling ignored
- Reviewed: 6/13/2023
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2023
"The teachers don’t offer enough attention to students and communication is poor. They seem to show favoritism to some and not others. They could be a little more prepared rather than just reading a bunch of notes off of some papers or the computer on a projection screen."
- Reviewed: 3/21/2023
- Degree: Pharmacy Technician
- Graduation Year: 2023
"This school is shady especially when it comes to financial aid. When I first enrolled in this school I was told i had enough funding to cover the completion for my certificate, now mid way through the program I am told since I enrolled late in the program I owe the school money for that term. Now that they have received that loan and grant money they are now saying I dont have any funding left to cover the rest of the program which I was not told in the beginning when I enrolled. Also they mailed me a computer out in the beginning of the semester, but I never received it so i asked for another one to be mailed and of course they charge me for it even through the first one that was shipped was returned back to them. How is that right. My financial aid information has changed so many times since I have started this school, and no one can answer the question as to why? Why wasn't I told any of this information before I even started. What is the point. I feel they are taking all the funds that I supposed to receive, and they pocketed every bit of it. There very rude and disrespectful and will harass you daily. But when you ask a question about your funding they will not respond or act like they have no clue as to what I'm taking about. I have been asking the same question for months now and still have not got an answer. Smh. I wouldn't advice anyone to go to this school it is a money racket for nothing. they do not help get a job and they do not care to help you with any questions you have."
- Reviewed: 3/15/2023
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2022
"Some of the most unprofessional and rude advisors I have ever worked with. They would freak out on me if I talked to them or financial aid with someone else in the room, I think it’s because they’re doing shady stuff with your money. I probably wouldn’t attend if I were you. Lesson learned."
Jane Doe
- Reviewed: 12/19/2022
- Degree: Pharmacy Technician
- Graduation Year: 2024
"This is crazy, I went into this not knowing a thing about college and how financial aid works and I felt like they were scammers. In the financial aid information that the school sent me it said they were charging me for room and board, I am in the online courses!!!! I felt like they did this to get extra money. After reading these comments I am glad I didn't question it much because I would be in trouble and get kicked out of school. Someone probably needs to have this looked into."
I did all this for nothing?!
- Reviewed: 9/13/2022
- Degree: Healthcare Administration
- Graduation Year: 2022
"I wouldn't recommend them to anyone!! I started in Nov 2020 Almost 2 years ago and I am 2 classes away from graduation! I got a call from my academic advisor stating that I was being dropped from the school. I replied with devastation stating "Wow, So I am this close to receiving my diploma and your telling me I did all this for nothing? To which her response was simply YES! No compassion or sympathy whatsoever!! Unfortunately During my journey I suffered many devistating documented illnesses/injuries. I was put Fa dismissal and was told to bring my grades up to which I did but it wasn't enough for me to graduate! I'm totally crushed because I worked so hard and never gave up! And for what?"
- Reviewed: 8/1/2022
- Degree: Pharmacy Technician
- Graduation Year: 2023
"This school is horrible with communication. I started in April and I've had two advisors. One just up and left. The second one does not communicate at all. Financial aid has given me the run-around and has not issued me a refund. I was told I'll get a refund in July, I was told that at the end of June. July has come and gone and the school has given me the cold shoulder. I work extremely hard. Full-time student and changed my life around just to dedicate myself to school and Miller-Motte really makes me want to give up. I'm in the process of finding another school to go to. DO NOT ENROLL AT MILLER MOTTE"
Vickie R Peele
- Reviewed: 2/18/2022
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2011
Sherie Page Cleary
- Reviewed: 7/13/2021
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2024
"Everyone takes the time to not only hear you but to understand as well. They really make you feel important and cared for. This is everyone and nit just when you firat enroll, they arr here for you till the end and afterwards with career services. I look forward going to class and even doing the homework. I even find myself workung ahead."
virginia kersey
- Reviewed: 2/25/2021
- Degree: Criminal Justice
- Graduation Year: 2021
"I would not have made it through my classes if it wasn't for my teachers and the college office staff, that school is great they care. I was going through very tragic times and I just wanted to give up and was to the point. Today I'm pending graduation I'm so happy and proud of myself, I owe thanks to the school and everyone under the umbrella if you know my name yes I'm speaking to you God Bless all of you."
- Reviewed: 12/20/2020
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2022
"I hate it here this school requires too much I am a mom and it's just too much for my lifestyle when I asked to leave I was a week too late I hate it here I have to take two courses at a time and it is way too overwhelming for my three month child I wish I needed attended Beth Zych was very nice but the online is very slow and it's just way to much for me I hate it here"
Current Student
- Reviewed: 10/13/2020
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2021
"I’m not sure if I should have selected Miller-motte technical college online or Miller-motte College online, however I am a current student at Miller -motte for the medical billing and coding program the first moth was great school was good instructor was professional I received my refund on time but here I am almost in my third term and haven’t received my refund for term 2 I have been giving the run around and told oh you should have it this week and every time I wait it never comes I am extremely pissed and plan to end my enrollment and calling fasfa customer service and informing the foolery i at experiencing every time I speak with them there is a different excuse every time and I still have not received my refund but I am expect to complete and pass courses or be threatened to be kicked out"
- Reviewed: 6/19/2020
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"HORRIBLE... Financial Aide was a joke... 2 of the teachers were arrested for felonies and allowed to keep their jobs... 2 staff members in the office got fired for stealing funds from students... tuition was supposed to be one amount and it DOUBLED after we graduated... lost their accreditation a week before my graduation and we were not sure if A. our degrees were valid and B. if we were even going to graduate. Useless office staff... made us take classes we didnt need for our career choice.. forced us to buy books for classes that were not up to par for the class and we then had to buy the correct ones with no refund on the wrong ones... my so called degree has hindered me getting a good job... once the employer sees MMTC on a resume they have ended interviews because that school is not one they want people from in their places. In the four years since I graduated I have been told they would hire me if I had the same degree from a more reputable college... so 22k down the tubes and its now 42k and nobody can explain why. Alot of my friends from there also have this problem... Campus got shut down and we cant get any help without a lawyer.Whats worse is I was smarter than the teachers and actually helped students/friends learn the subject matter because half the teachers could not teach at all."
Evangeline Thompson
- Reviewed: 2/20/2020
- Degree: Surgical Technician
- Graduation Year: 2020
"The experiences that I’ve had with this institution were extremely disappointing. I enrolled in the Surgical Tech Program in September of 2017. Everything went downhill around the beginning of 2018. There were a LOT of different situations that tested my faith and had me wanting to give on my future however I am going to only elaborate on a few. The main disappointment that I’ve experienced was with the young lady at the front desk. The FIRST face you see whenever you walk in is supposed to be friendly, inviting, and pleasant. However the attitude that I received from this young lady was extremely unprofessional and disrespectful, when I was just attempting to turn my badge in. She literally threw it in the trash and when I said something about it she said with a smirk if I wanted her to take it out of the trash. I am pretty sure her mother did not raise her to talk to her elders that way as I am old enough to be her mother. Even the security guard at the time didn’t say anything when that situation occurred, and if I would’ve reacted in a different manner, I would’ve just been the typical angry black woman or they probably would of kicked me of the property. The staff as a whole is extremely unprofessional and those that are superior to the professors such as the director seem to condone those unprofessional ways. For instance, there were times when I emailed and texted my professors, requesting information regarding my clinical hours as it felt like I wasn’t being scheduled like other students. There were times when I wasn’t on the schedule for the entire month at all to obtain the amount of hours and cases that I needed to graduate. During these times, I was told a number of different excuses about why I wasn’t able to be on the schedule which were all just excuses because there were a number of students who always had their names on the schedule 2-3 times a week. I believe there was favoritism from the professors and a lot of gossip about me as I have witnessed the whispers and stares along with the overall vibes and energy that I felt whenever I walked into the classroom or in someone presence. I received an F for the semester due to the fact that I didn’t complete my clinicals, when it was the professors’ responsibility to schedule me those hours! There were times where I would constantly reach out and still nothing was done, I even reached out to the head of the departments, calling the corporate office putting in complaints and I have yet to receive a response! I constantly showed persistence and dedication in attempting to complete the program, and I am extremely disappointed. There were times when we didn’t even have a professor! This program had several different ones since I enrolled. I have to admit I am very happy that this program is getting shut down. I strongly encourage anyone to NOT attend this institution! The staff here is just that, staff! They are here solely for the money and do not care about your future or your growth as a student. The only staff that I believe care about students are the lady I went to church with, Ms. Whitfield Mathis, Santo Staropoli, Deanna, and Mrs. Tamera Watson. The rest are very fake and phony. Please do not listen to these positive reviews as I’ve discovered they are posted by staff members and are extremely biased. However, I am a strong woman and I’ve experienced things much worse than this. I’ve been through things in my personal life way worse than this while I was attending this school and that only motivated me more and more to complete the program and obtain my certification, which will be done at another institution. So thank you Miller-Motte, you made me grow with the challenging experiences that I’ve faced and you ultimately made me stronger as an individual and inspired me to never give up on my dreams and my future! I now know that I have to be the first if only person to chase after my dreams and this was just a stepping stone to me and not a downfall. I hold no anger in my heart just disappointment as I was promised so many things when I enrolled. One thing I now have is better faith and determination. So I thank God everyday for getting me through this experience and holding my hand through it all. I am forever grateful and blessed."
Monica House
- Reviewed: 1/20/2020
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2020
"I Love it here, This school has taught me so much on how to strive for greatness, motivate myself and others, and never give up. I love all of the faculty and staff especially Mr.Wright, Mrs. Burke, and Ms. Gray they are my biggest supporters....I’m ready to Graduate and work in my field of study."
- Reviewed: 12/3/2019
- Degree: Cosmetology
- Graduation Year: 2020
"This school is the worst ethically. They don’t care about the students, only the money they make off of you. I was in my last month of a10 month Cosmetology program and they created a smear compaign against me around town to make me seem like I was crazy to get me out the school because I told the students to be question the Financial aid practices there. They love schemings. They manipulate the students who aren’t getting anything out of it but late student refunds , bills and a huge debt to pay after they drop out. Not many graduate nor do they find jobs. They even got me arrested under false allegations... smh.. the worst school ever!!!!!! Run!!"
Lizzie Dunne
- Reviewed: 9/6/2019
- Degree: Cosmetology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"If I could go back, I would not attend this school. It is extremely disorganized and I’ve never encounter so many problems with financial aid. They changed so much on me while I was attending, 2 years later I just had to pay a huge debt to the VA. They are also the worst to contact. I’m very disappointed with what that school has caused me. The only good thing was the program I took and they got rid of it."
Amanda Ahmed
- Reviewed: 6/11/2019
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2020
"I love going to school at Miller-Motte college cuz the teachers there are awesome and they make it fun to learn what you need to know. They take there time to help you if you don't understand the subject. Everyone there is nice and they help you out so much to make sure you can graduate."
- Reviewed: 10/30/2018
- Degree: HVAC
- Graduation Year: 2007
"I attended the Goodlettsville campus and it was basically a makeshift building where they just made rooms inside a warehouse .When I attended I had to pay whatever my grants did not cover , I had agreed to pay an amount each month and no one ever bothered to remind me when the payments were due each month . When I was near completion they somehow never figured the credits accurately and had to add six more months onto my classes and when it came time to do job "placement" they just basically went thru open positions that were online and sent your information for you .My understanding was they had you lined up for jobs after you graduated and you just had to decide where you wanted to go from that point . I could not see paying for them to scroll thru the same jobs I could look at myself and call it job placement. When it came time to graduate they were so nice and let me know I owed the money that I had agreed to pay at the beginning of the year ,but never bothered to remind me of during the time I attended. I realize they were not there to babysit , but if they knew that you may have forgot they could have wrote it down and let me know especially since I was in the same building as they were ."
Tamara Kimbell
- Reviewed: 9/11/2018
- Degree: Dental Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I recently graduated from Miller-Motte campus in Chattanooga, TN. Its a wonderful campus and the staff there are wonderful. If youre not willing to dedicate yourself or work hard towards your studies, you will fail and learn nothing! The programs have changed, so all the bad hear say is from past or students that do not care about their education. I have been to 2 offices in different counties and states and Ive been told I have been one of the best students to walk through their doors, and these are 5 star offices. The programs help you understand the basics and you build on that while out in the field. I love the smaller classroom size because I felt more valued and if I didnt understand something it was easier to have one on one explanation on the topics. Your instructors get to know you as a person and not just a number like bigger campuses. Give 100% you get back 100%. Nothing but good things to say."