Montana State University Reviews

  • 35 Reviews
  • Bozeman (MT)
  • Annual Tuition: $29,604
91% of 35 students said this degree improved their career prospects
91% of 35 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student Reviews

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Aaron O'Harra
  • Reviewed: 10/15/2019
  • Degree: Environmental Science
"Montana State University in Bozeman was my top choice for my undergraduate school. It had everything that I wanted from a school and the surrounding town. The school had plenty of organizations going around, and planned many events from concerts to comedy nights. Outside in the town of Bozeman there are boundless opportunities for the outdoor adventure seekers while still having enough in town to have a good time on bad weather days. The professors at the school are very helpful when you reach out to them, however they may not make the effort to reach out to you first. As you get into higher level classes the amount of students in the classroom generally lessens and great teacher-student relationships can be fostered. From personal experience and accounts of others, many professors will help students to find internship opportunities in the summers to full blown careers after graduating. Reach out and get to know the professors if you go here, they are very friendly and helpful, but don't get discouraged if you don't get a quick reply, they can be busy from time to time with their own research and recreation. This was a great undergraduate experience for me that lead to a job working for a graduate student at the school right after i graduated. That graduate position eventual became mine and I am very pleased to be returning as a graduate student to Montana State University for my masters degree."
Hannah Young
  • Reviewed: 12/25/2018
  • Degree: Human Services
"Montana State University was an incredible experience. They provide a terrific higher education institution that is settled into a unique mountain town. MSU has an multiple programs that have grown along with their students. They continue to adapt to new technology and new methods that provide their students with the best education. The school has grown significantly in the past five years and that alone is a true testimony to their institution. MSU provides various clubs and organization that amplifies your college experience. It is truly a wonderful college."
Katie Mitchell
  • Reviewed: 3/30/2018
  • Degree: Agriculture
"Montana State University- Bozeman was always the college that I had hoped to attend and a decision that I am still completely thrilled that I have made. I first received my undergraduate degree from MSU in 2016 in agricultural education. Due to the fact that I was very pleased with the education that I obtained, I then made the decision to continue my education to pursue my graduate degree also in agricultural education. Through attending Montana State University I have been able to acquire a teaching position as well as strive to become an even more effective educator through obtaining my master's degree. Montana State University has made my dream of being an agricultural educator a possibility and for that, I will forever be grateful. This is definitely a university that I have been suggesting to my students to attend and would strongly recommend to anyone else as well who has the desire to reach their career goals."
  • Reviewed: 5/22/2017
  • Degree: Health Sciences
"I loved the school, and the environment. I just wish that I could have learned more about publishing my research before leaving the school. I think the program was great: I feel like I learned a ton and had some great professors and colleagues throughout my time at the school"
Emma Garcia
  • Reviewed: 3/27/2017
  • Degree: Biomedical Engineering
"Montana State Universitys biological engineering program is a chemical engineering curriculum with an emphasis on biological processes. Technical electives let you focus on more environmental or biomedical aspects of bioengineering, and the biomedical side is expanding each year. There is a dual degree program for a biological and chemical bachelors that melds the two with one extra semester. If you are interested in the environmental side or the biological processes of industry (large scale reactors, oil and gas work, water reclamation), it is a great program. It is also a good stepping stone if youre going to grad school for any sector of the biological engineering field, biomedical, environmental, and otherwise. . If you are more interested in the strictly biomedical side, the program is still good as long as you pick your electives right, but I would highly recommend you get involved with research. There is fascinating research on biofilms on medical implants, knee replacements, and more in both the biological engineering department and others like mechanical engineering and chemistry. The faculty is open to working with undergraduates in their labs, and many work with you to have your own research project so you aren't just washing dishes. Research, I think, is one of the main strengths of MSU and its engineering college. The faculty at MSU are like the residents of Bozeman: passionate, friendly, and determined to make a difference in the world. I started researching my freshman year, and loved my lab mates so much I continued until I graduated in the same lab. There are great clubs and networking opportunities at MSU especially if you connect with professors. A lot of them in the engineering college have contacts in industry and across the world in universities, and the faculty is always willing to help you figure out your next steps. MSU is a good size student body wise so that you have smaller classes, especially in the upper level classes, and there is a good diversity of people. Functions like the Honor College really connect to students and help them with scholarship opportunities. As far as money goes, Montana is still a great deal, especially for out of state students. They are fairly generous with scholarships. If youre out of state and get above a certain score on your ACT or SAT, they will give you in state tuition. Bozeman is a beautiful town: good restaurants, surrounded by mountains, close to Yellowstone. The culture of the town is active, inclusive, and laid-back. Whether you love to ski or restaurant-hop or read by a stream, Bozeman is a beautiful place to be. I would go back in a heartbeat, and hope to return to Montana after graduate school."
Chris Kubicki
  • Reviewed: 3/24/2017
  • Degree: Environmental Science
"The Land Resources and Environmental Science Department excelled at teaching the hard math and science necessary to work in fields such as soil science, hydrology, and land rehabilitation. The only area which I felt the program could improve was helping students land jobs in the field after college. Many students need to return to graduate school to find work in the environmental field."
Taylor Adams
  • Reviewed: 3/12/2017
  • Degree: Exercise Science
"Montana State University is one school that should not be overlooked during the college-selecting process. Not only is the university located in Bozeman, the center of any outdoor activity known to man, the academics of the institution also measure up. If you are looking to go into any health-related field or graduate studies after your undergraduate degree, this is the place for you. As an undergrad you have the ability to study the human anatomy while looking at real cadavers right in front of you. A tool that few undergraduate programs possess."
Camille Allen
  • Reviewed: 2/1/2017
  • Degree: Teaching
"Montana State is a great school located in the most beautiful country. The professors are intelligent and helpful and the people here are so friendly and passionate about their education. I do wish that the History and Education departments could communicate more since they have a crossover degree, but overall I had a great experience here."
  • Reviewed: 1/31/2017
  • Degree: Physics
"Bozeman has a culture all its own. A visit to the town and university will help make the determination."
  • Reviewed: 1/3/2017
  • Degree: Accounting
"MSU provided a great education that prepared me well for the real world"
Ansel Traynor
  • Reviewed: 12/13/2016
  • Degree: Secondary Education
"Montana State University's education department prepared me for my career in teaching beyond my expectations. I would highly recommend this department and school as a whole. If you are an avid outdoorsman, you will also love the recreational activities offered near campus. GO CATS!!"
Lindsey Graden
  • Reviewed: 9/30/2016
  • Degree: Elementary Education
"Montana State University is a wonderful college for those seeking a school that can include an active outdoor life as well. MSU offers small class sizes and the professors care about their students and demonstrate a high level of content knowledge. When not studying there are ample opportunities for fishing, hiking, and skiing. The town itself has many opportunities for jobs for working students."
  • Reviewed: 5/31/2016
  • Degree: Biology
"Montana State is an excellent place to excel in research, here you have the opportunity to work in high calibar labs as an underclassman to gain a stong foothold for future endeavors. I cannot recommend this outstanding and often overlooked university enough! Great faculty, great location, great research, great school. Go bobcats!"
Matthew Beattie
  • Reviewed: 11/18/2015
  • Degree: Architecture
"From an environmental perspective the university really is located in a beautiful area with great access to outdoor recreation. However, I feel that the majority of the design studios that I took, and that were offered, while in the graduate program didn't provide me with anymore practical knowledge than what was offered in the undergraduate program here. The focus seemed instead to be of a philosophical or theoretical nature, rather than on providing the skill set that would create a more well-rounded and knowledgeable individual in terms of the real world practice of architecture. Although the content was interesting, from the perspective of someone in the work force I can not say that the majority of this content has had any practical application or significantly attributed to my professional development."
  • Reviewed: 10/26/2015
  • Degree: Agriculture
"It was an acceptable school with a few great teachers and the miserable ones you expect to encounter anywhere."
  • Reviewed: 10/26/2015
  • Degree: Photography
"Montana State is a great school, I just wish I had chosen a more technical degree!"
  • Reviewed: 10/5/2015
  • Degree: Public Health
"Love it! Classes are fun and enlightening and the atmosphere is energetic. Beautiful campus and town as well!"
  • Reviewed: 9/29/2015
  • Degree: Agriculture
"Loved college of agriculture as it was small enough you know everyone and the teachers and lots of clubs to involved with. Great location for outdoor activities such as hiking and skiing. Close to Yellowstone National Park too. Football games are lots of fun."
  • Reviewed: 9/1/2015
  • Degree: Architecture
"MSU provides a unique opportunity to engage in scholarly work, outdoor adventure, and quality education. The school of architecture is well structured and focuses on enhancing their students creative ability while educating them on the real-world application of architectural design."
  • Reviewed: 8/19/2015
  • Degree: Civil Engineering
"I think MSU is a very wonderful and happy place. It is very inviting and welcoming to its students."