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Nashville Auto Diesel College (NADC) Reviews

  • 13 Reviews
  • Nashville (TN)
  • Annual Tuition: $26,520
55% of 13 students said this degree improved their career prospects
46% of 13 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Student Reviews - Certificate in Automotive Technology

Student Reviews - Certificate in Automotive Technology

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Jason Ballard
  • Reviewed: 9/5/2021
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"I attended their twelve month program and graduated in 1995. During the twelve month program I received poor instruction and almost zero support from my instructors. I was left on my own much of the time. I had my personal mini truck that I worked on much of the time because of the lack of instruction. I accured a lot of student loans. I graduated and left the college with no support of finding a job. Jobs that were available were minimal paying jobs in the industry because of my extreme lack of skills. I finally realized I could not stay in this line of work because I could not pay minimal bills. The college made many promises to me and my parents during the recruitment phase but never did what they promised. It was a complete waste of my time and $20,000 for tuition, room and board. Run, don't walk, from this school."
Mopar Whisperer
  • Reviewed: 12/21/2018
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"First off I will say this: DO NOT let anyone convince you to go here based on NADC Tradition because those times are all but gone. I had a great experience there (when it was NADC) I have done pretty well for myself since graduating there, but it wasn't because of the school itself. I could have succeeded with a much cheaper school option. It was around $11K then, but I hear it's close to 40K now. No way is it worth that I can promise you. You are a cash cow to these "recruiters". It doesn't matter if you like your instructors because they don't get the tuition bill in their mailbox.....YOU DO. All you need to get started in this field are the FUNDAMENTALS in Automotive. There is no school in the world that can MAKE you a technician. That is a thing you have to work towards once you have the fundamentals under your belt. I work with current and former students in the field at a large shop and most of what I see are a bunch of people who have been mislead. They think they will be coming out of school making these big bucks within a couple years. Nothing could be farther from the truth. These days it takes almost 10 years to make a good auto technician, as opposed to 25 years ago when it took less than 3. No matter which school you choose, don't let any of them BS you."
Ronald Robinson
  • Reviewed: 4/10/2016
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"Left home at 18 ( first time 450 miles away) home sick for a couple of days,then made new friends(home sick no more). Had a great year, learned a great deal with hands on with the equipment. In 1960-61 there were no text books-the instructor wrote all information and diagrams on to the black board, and guess who had to copy them into our notebooks. The see it-read it-listen to it-,do it method worked great(Super Instructors) Worked for three major trucking companies,retired after 34 years,moved on to another career in welding & fabrication, then assistant welding instructor at a local community college, retired again (FOR GOOD ???). One of my instructors said "you will never get rich as a mechanic, but you can make a very good living"He was right. I have NASHVILLE AUTO DIESEL COLLEGE to thank for my training.In the trucking industry I met a good many other mechanics that attended NADC and all stood out over most learn as you go mechanics."
  • Reviewed: 4/4/2016
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"If you plan to go back home to a small town in the South don't waste your money . I picked up a few things but not enough to justify the expense. My advice is to find a job in the industry and work your way up. I had to do that after I went to NADC but 20 grand out of pocket. Money my parents paid but could have been better spent . The school is in a rough part of town with hookers and bums around the campus."
  • Reviewed: 12/11/2015
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"Look elsewhere. Campus is dirty. The kids are all idiots. It's basically a dumping ground for kids who don't want to go to college. I read lots of reviews saying that you get what you take out of it and that's true. I have a 4.0 and %100 attendance and am on track to having a great career. But I could have gotten a much better experience and education elsewhere. My jaw hurts from gritting my teeth all day because of the stupidity of the kids here. I have had some excellent teachers here who are very knowledgable but they all cater to the lower end kids. I'm not saying you won't learn much here but you will do much better if you look at some other options. The other thing is I have 4 months left of classes and am being forced to switch from night classes to morning which completely ruins my work schedule. They told me this with less than a months notice. Look elsewhere."
Malik jeffery
  • Reviewed: 10/3/2015
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"Where do I start... First off Nashville is a great place don't get me wrong but as far as goin to NADC... DO NOT GO. The school is all about money that's all. I been there for one module and stop goin. worst teacher there is all he do is talk and talk about nothing. If your recruiter told you that you won't have book work he is a damn lie . Each module you go through there's book work and you barley get to see the shop. College park is the ghetto side of the school I would not want to stay on that side if I was you . Douglas is where I was it's pretty nice an chilled. The dorms there are nasty. My first week there my room mate and I was fighting off roaches, spiders, and other types of bugs. There's no wifi or cable there the dorms are nasty and unclean. About the only thing I can say is good about that school is the food. But the meal plains they have are point less. There's the 10 meal plain and 15 meal plain. They each are designed for u not to eat on the weekends. With the 15 meal plain u can eat 3x a day mon-fri. With the 10 meal plain u can eat 2x a day mon-fri so chooses wisely how to eat."
Big Les
  • Reviewed: 7/29/2015
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"I had a good time at NADC when I went. I had a pretty easy time going through the school, growing up on a farm we did most all our own shop work I could rebuild pickup engines and rebuilding auto transmissions at 15. But there was a lot I picked up at NADC, I had a local job lined up before I got out of school and have never had more than 1 day between jobs. I now farm and own a Heavy Duty Tow/Recovery company I went to NADC in 87-88 school year"
Tony Johnson
  • Reviewed: 7/1/2015
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"My time at NADC was well worth it--with this background I could get a job anywhere I wanted. I was a Lincoln Mercury technician. But also Mercury & OMC technician. Lincoln Mercury- Ford began testing in 1984 and with my knoledge wasn't left behind like most of the old time mechanics. Not military but did retire the second time from Red River Army Depot. Retired now."
Denny Kincade
  • Reviewed: 6/19/2015
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"I have to say that the things I learned at NADC have benefited me greatly for the last 45 years. From working as a mechanic at a farm implement dealership to, a construction mechanic in the Navy Seabees, a mechanic in auto dealerships, working as a mechanic for a mission organization in Central Asia, to now a maintenance superintendent at a local municipality I have utilized the principles I learned from the great instructors."
Dave Miller
  • Reviewed: 12/5/2014
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"I'm reading some of these reviews and I'm getting a little laugh out of them. I remember some students that I attended with making the same complaints about the attendance policy and other negative comments. If you're not prepared to take your education seriously and want to mess around then don't attend, you are wasting your time. Start out cleaning a shop and show up late and see if you keep your job there. As a current manager of multiple multi million dollar facilities who employs 80+ people I look for employees who have the same fundamental traits that are reinforced by the strict attendance policy that NADC goes by. I have hired and still employ all of the NADC graduates who have applied with me and will continue to do so. The school taught me a great deal and I use things that I learned there every day. I would recommend this school to anyone who's ready to take themselves and their education seriously and feel that my tuition was well worth it and has paid me back ten fold."
bob brown
  • Reviewed: 9/6/2014
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"When I apply for a job and they see I went to NADC they simply laugh. I can only get jobs at tire dealerships changing tires or quick lubes. I should had listened to my father. Don't waste ur time or money. Its a joke!!! When recruiters bug you as much as these do should had been a red flag. "