North Seattle College Reviews
7 Reviews - Seattle (WA)
- Annual Tuition: $5,547

33% of 7 students said this degree improved their career prospects
71% of 7 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 9/23/2019
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Dealing with this college has been a struggle the entire time. Office hours and class availability are not designed for those who work an 8-5 job. Limited evening classes, advisor hours are until 4pm (you will need to take off work several hours just to meet with your advisor or get a student ID) - websites are convoluted and tuition is increasing even though they do not offer more selections. This is NOT the college for working adults. I should have done better research before enrolling, avoid this college if you can."
Wilson Bauer
- Reviewed: 11/30/2018
- Degree: Culinary Arts
- Graduation Year: 2005
"Went for culinary school in mid 2000's. Half way through they replaced our instructors with incompetent ACF chefs. They closed the program before a lot of us finished. couldn't finish at any of the other colleges. BIG WASTE OF TIME!!! Dean is crooked. Worst community college in Seattle. On top of all that, the instructor that was supposed to teach us gave me poor grades, even though I was one of two or three people to do all assignments and almost perfect attendance. I think its because I was a better and more knowledgeable chef, and I think he became jealous how the other students listened to me more than him. Its embarrassing telling people i went here for school, which is why I don't tell many I did."
Dana Griffin
- Reviewed: 3/23/2018
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2018
"North Seattle College is one of the better community colleges in the Seattle area. I've had amazing support from the financial aid office and tremendous help from the free services offered through the school: open labs and the math tutor center. I'm grateful for my experiences at North and definitely recommend this college. Most of my professors work for UW and it amazes me how I'm getting a UW education for less than 1/4 of the price. Going the community college route is such a smart financial plan for your first two years of college. Because I went to North straight out of high school and avoided a University I took advantage of the low tuition and made sure to dabble in as many fun "filler" courses as possible. What a fun experience taking random exciting courses and not fearing for insane amounts of student debt later down the road. I recommend this school. Teachers are top notch and the staff truly care. If you can get over the prison-like appearance of the cement architecture, you'll love this school."
- Reviewed: 11/18/2017
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2018
"This college in general is a nice place. I have been in attendance since Fall 2016 and plan to exit out Winter of 2019. So far my experience, I have had many ups and downs in terms of instructors. The majority of the Instructors I have experienced are helpful and caring and seem to enjoy teaching us the material, while other's have a rigid, half glass full approach to us students and their jobs. Check around before you sign up for a class with any instructor because it's the most time convenient. Wait for the best instructor for that particular subject. In my 1 full year at the school I have seen instructors belittle adult students and act very unprofessional due to issues in their personal lives. My last math teacher switched 2 exams 9 days ahead of his syllabus. Academic Advising is not the best either. It's a great stepping stone though and you will meet nice and interesting people in your classes."
- Reviewed: 4/8/2015
- Degree: Liberal Arts
- Graduation Year: 1982
"I took courses toward my AA degree at both Edmonds and North Seattle College. I already reviewed Edmonds. North was also a tremendous experience. The campus was more "compact" so it was nice to not have too far to go between classes when the breaks were short. I took a lot of my math and science classes at North and really enjoyed them. I also served on the school newspaper which was a paid position at that time. All of the degree classes transferred to the University of Washington which is where I eventually got my BA. I loved going to North (and Edmonds) for my AA degree. The classes were so much smaller than at the Univ of Washington (25 instead of several hundred) and I got all of the help I needed from instructors and tutors. I eventually earned a doctorate degree over the course of my academic career but I look back on the two community colleges I attended and would attest that they offered some of the best instruction and support to me."
- Reviewed: 7/30/2014
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2007
"Nevermind the fact that the place was engineered by same person that did/does design prisons. You might get the ambiance of a gloomy school, but fact of the matter was that I really enjoyed my time at this school. I was able to make friends very easily in the small classroom sizes. The instructors were very knowledgeable in their subjects and there was a genuine concern for their student's grades. The curriculum was also setup very well for my transfer to the University of Washington so that many of my prereqs were finished by the time I was accepted. The few times that I happened to drive the school, I'm reminded of some bitter-sweet memories... mostly sweet."
Gary Bayley
- Reviewed: 7/17/2014
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2011
"North Seattle is a nice college, the instructors definitely know the material that they are teaching, and the tutoring center for math and sciences was amazing. My only issues with the professors at North Seattle College were, as follows, their seemed to be a high number of instructors who had accents so thick that I would spend about half my time trying to decipher what they are saying and the other half trying to understand the material they are trying to teach, very frustrating. My only other complaint, and a complaint I had heard shared by many of my classmates was that some of the classes were formatted poorly. Quizzes on material prior to the material being discussed in class for example, very frustrating. Now this isn't a shot against every instructor there are a lot of really really good ones. I'm just saying that if you go to North Seattle, do your homework on your professors before taking a class. It means a lot."