Oral Roberts University Reviews
25 Reviews - Tulsa (OK)
- Annual Tuition: $32,640

89% of 25 students said this degree improved their career prospects
84% of 25 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Reyenna Ryan
- Reviewed: 9/22/2022
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2025
"They do not care about their nursing students. For two year, they have failed their freshman nurses. The nursing students don't have a lecture. They are given Youtube videos that don't line up with their lab (Which is supposed to be for another class entirely.) The professor for this class teaches highschoolers during the day making them unable to answer questions that the students have. The students only get to interact with the professor for thirty minutes a week which results in most of the nursing students being unable to get their questions answered. The professor also don't consistently respond to emails. The quizzes don't use the terminology that the books are using. I know once apon a time the ORU nursing college was respectable and well renown. That is not now. That is not today. And they have shown no inclination to rememdy the errors of their curriculum. (or honestly lack of it.) I would not come here for their nursing program. I hope to soon see them make this all a lie. If they don't, they will find themselves without nursing students."
A Laymon
- Reviewed: 3/26/2021
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 1993
"Excellent instructors, environment conducive to learning, encouragement, respectful student body, guidance to meet goals were all influences that shaped my career development. The experience at ORU allowed me to make lifelong friends, gain mentors, be competitive in accessing opportunities at 3 major Dental Schools in my area. I graduated in 3 years with a minor in Psychology, and Major in Biology. I hold a Masters in Early Childhood Education and a Doctorate in Denistry from Baylor. My values were never compromised and I had the freedom to exercise my faith freely in a setting that did not include the pressure to act inappropriately to be accepted. I love my school and I am very grateful for being prepared for the opportunity to own my own business and care for my family."
Yellow Duck
- Reviewed: 3/12/2020
- Degree: Ministry
- Graduation Year: 2019
"The only positive note I have to make is that my core professors in my department showed real integrity, professionalism, and what it means to be a Christian leader in a Christian institution. Otherwise, this school is not worth the time or money. This school's staff that is there to "help" students is absolutely horrendous. In the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 school year the financial aid department lost my FASFA. When applying to study abroad, student accounts and financial aid over charged me $4,000 dollars and refused to contact each other to figure out who made the mistake. Instead they sent me back and forth to be the messenger until one department closed in the midst of the conversation without resolving the issue first. It took several days to resolve their error. Many times when seeing the student loan department, the ladies would lecture me for taking out loans before dealing with the real reason I came to them, which is just unprofessional on all levels. During my last semester, the school managed to delete my identity from the system but managed to have on file my debt - go figure. They blamed me for the problem, requested sensitive documents to be sent to prove my identity which they lost in their mailing system, and threatened to fine me registration late fees that could have resulted in dismissal of my attendance and hinder me from graduating. Regarding the dorms, concern for students health are not there. My roommate and I discovered black mold in our shower, requested it to be clean, and the housing director did nothing about it. We ended up getting black mold poisoning and falling ill, but still nothing was done. It was not until parental intervention that the school sent a team in hazmat suits to clean the mold but reported that they were cleaning up tar to cover up their negligence. President Wilson is also a hypocrite. He claims to be a man of God but encourages deception. Wilson puts up a facade that he is down to earth. He makes his team pour out a generic water bottle and fill it with Fiji water because his preference is to drink Fiji but because he desires to relate with students he shows himself drinking "normal" water. I could honestly go on. This school is highly controlling, unprofessional, and fake. They claim to be a Christian university but it seems that the real concern is money with all their hidden fees and fines (i.e. braking curfew) and not so much being what Oral Robert's himself wanted and that is a university that is a ministry to students. Some leadership fails to be a positive example to the world what a Christian institution is like. If you do not mind anything I discussed then this school is for you. Also, if you do not mind some professors being sexist against women going into ministry than this is also an environment for you. I had a professor grade me harder on an exam saying, "If you (referring to me) believe you are called to this then you should perform at a higher level than a man.""
blue penguin
- Reviewed: 2/18/2020
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2018
"This school's administration and any office really, will screw you over at some point. Have all documents saved. They randomly lost my account and failed me on all my classes, and I had to prove what grades I got. They also sent me my diploma wrong, made me pay for it to be fixed, then mailed it back in a regular envelope. It came back crinkled and torn. There is so many hidden fees and you are told how to be and act. If you are looking for a Christian education, go somewhere else. Their values are very fake, and often they do not practice what they preached. Overall a waste of money, huge disappointment, and really controlling. If you skip anything is most likely a $50 dollar fine. If you like being told to be a adult and treated like a middle schooler, then this is the school for you."
Jesse Muller
- Reviewed: 6/28/2019
- Degree: Theology
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Attending ORU has been one of the best decisions I have made. The professors truly care for the students, the classes are applicable, and the campus life is engaging. Being from New York, I feared to be home sick, but the community and extracurricular groups made me feel at home and I would highly recommend this university to any looking for a place of higher education."
Cooper Sadowsky
- Reviewed: 6/25/2019
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I am indescribably grateful for my Bachelor of Science degree from Oral Roberts University. This school is founded on the Holy Spirit and challenges students to bring healing to "every man's world." Every credit hour is saturated with this vision and purpose. Students at ORU are encouraged and empowered to complete their work with excellence. The academic instruction is top notch. A requirement for all graduating psychology student is to complete "senior paper," which is essentially a miniature dissertation. This process challenged me but also prepared me for graduate school and for my profession as a whole. It is clear the faculty views teaching as their mission and purpose. Each student is treated with the utmost care while being held to high standards. I would highly recommend Oral Roberts University. It is worth the cost. The environment and people are second to none. I cherish my education from this school."
DeVante Malone
- Reviewed: 6/7/2019
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Oral Roberts University wasn't originally on my list of potential schools, because it was a private Christian university and up until that point I had attended primarily religious institutions for the crux of my educational career. Through getting a good amount of scholarships from the university it was a good enough reason to visit the campus for a tour. Upon my first visit I was taken aback by how warm everyone on the campus was without it being forced or disingenuous; the campus body was legitimately glad to be apart of the university. I had plans to attend a university with a good theatre program and ORU wasnt on my list of notable programs, but after sitting in on classes and talking with professors I saw the potential for this university be a good fit for the aspirations I had. A big selling point that aided in my decision to attend ORU was their initiative and scholarship program of the Whole Person. This initiative was focused on finding potential students who where committed to developing themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually, and that initiative was something that aided in the growth I experienced at ORU. In attending ORU I gained lifetime friends and an understanding of my spiritual life that I dont believe I would have had the space to explore at any other university. Though ORU is known for being strongly Christian theistic, the institution is still committed to producing students that will be viable in whatever professional career they choose to take, religious or otherwise. My current university, where Im receiving my masters, is a secular public university and on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from my undergrad education and Im thankful to have these two juxtaposed experiences. I feel that attending both of these institutions has broadened my worldview and aided in understanding myself and humanity. I would suggest ORU to any one who is interested in developing their spiritual life as well as receiving a world-class education."
Shawna Briscoe
- Reviewed: 12/19/2018
- Degree: ESL
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Oral Roberts University is a school that cares for its students. Since it is a private school, there are some rules and expectations that the college holds that some students rebel against. The school's rules are based off of biblical principles, yet they seem to be too much for the adults that attend the school. The school is very strict, but has amazing classes that are full of learning opportunities. The best thing about ORU is the education department. The teachers are knowledgeable, and the classes are full of everything I would need to know to become an effective teacher."
Charis Norell
- Reviewed: 8/17/2018
- Degree: Fine Arts
- Graduation Year: 2012
"ORU was an incredible experience. Not only did I get the opportunity to make lifelong friendships, but I also gained immense confidence in operating in the professional sphere. The art department is small, but growing, and since I graduated in 2012, they have introduced a BFA. After graduating with my BA, I went to another university for my MFA, and I will say that it was a bit of a rude awakening. I felt like I had much to learn, and I don't know that I was entirely ready for the art world upon exiting undergrad. However, the professors deeply care for the students, and the small class sizes allowed for more one-on-one education, and I learned so much from the faculty!"
- Reviewed: 3/26/2018
- Degree: Political Science
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Oral Roberts University is definitely a spirit led culture carrying university. Attending this university will surround you with strong spiritual mentors and there is a really strong "can do" "change the world" atmosphere. This is extremely encouraging however unfortunately due to the sizing and the nature (location) of the university it is difficult to provide the student body with the same type of opportunities as other larger universities are able to offer. This being said certain of the larger degrees (Nursing, Business, Marketing) have more all encompassing scholastic outcomes for their students. However, the smaller degree often leave students with a feeling of educational dissatisfaction."
Miriam Byrtus
- Reviewed: 3/30/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Oral Roberts University is a beautiful private Christian college. They offer an array of degrees in both graduate and undergraduate. I loved the professors, they earnestly strive to connect with their students and make them feel at home. I loved them. I have made connections with my professors that I believe will me life-lasting. The students in my major classes have become my best friends and some of them family. Everyone seems to genuinely care about each other and that was so refreshing."
Moriah G.
- Reviewed: 3/1/2017
- Degree: Exercise Science
- Graduation Year: 2016
"The atmosphere at Oral Roberts University is unparalleled. One is greeted with a majestic scenery upon arrival as well as a warm, kind-hearted community of people that are sure to lift any spirit. The campus isn't so big that one might dread the journey of the days tasks, but isn't so small as to make one feel isolated from the rest of the world. It is diverse in population and courses of study as students and graduates travel the world and plant themselves abroad doing mission work and serving in their respective fields. Your time spent at Oral Roberts will render you a complete person as it is the schools mission to develop the "whole person", healthy in mind, body, and spirit. It's curriculum reflects that as students are required to learn and dedicate themselves to not only their studies but their overall health as a person. Although there is not as much room for error and or misguided fun as one might expect within the traditional college experience, one will grow to realize that all of the things that really matter are what's important at ORU and they are no limits to what you can achieve as a golden eagle. I wouldn't trade my ORU experience for anything. Please visit and see for yourself!"
- Reviewed: 1/19/2017
- Degree: Theology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Attending ORU was one of the best decisions I've made in my entire life. The students, faculty and staff truly set ORU apart. I was equipped and have successfully been prepared for the next season of life. The culture not only inspires and challenges you to dream big but also equips you with resources to pursue those dreams! I would recommend ORU to anyone!"
Lonnie Collier
- Reviewed: 7/9/2016
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Good program and worth the money. A lot of credit hours required and the curriculum is tough sometimes. The best professors in their field work there. Strong moral requirements for students. Required weekly chapel, but worth going to. The University has good reputation around the world and in the state."
Meghan Wagner
- Reviewed: 7/9/2016
- Degree: Christian Counseling
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Oral Roberts University is a great university to learn and grow. The faculty are approachable and care a great deal about their students. The student body is exceptional with many future world leaders. My area of concentration was intellectually challenging and rewarding. I learned to think independently and felt comfortable challenging all types of thought using excepted research practices."
- Reviewed: 7/4/2016
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The university provided much opportunity for preparing my CV for applying to medical school. They have a 100% acceptance rate to medical school for their honors students, and their other programs are excellent as well, such as nursing and business. I had lots of opportunities for extracurricular activities, work study, research, etc. Campus life was excellent and I loved living in the dorms. I'm good friends with several people who lived on my floor freshman year."
Proud Golden Eagle
- Reviewed: 2/1/2016
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2016
"The College of Business at ORU has far surpassed my already high expectations. While professors offer challenging, well planned, and effective courses, they do even more outside of the classroom to prepare students for life after graduation. The various clubs, seminars, and internships that have been at my disposal have pushed me to grow and reach my professional goals. In my experience with students from other universities, they simply do not exhibit the academic or professional competence, skills, or experience that ORU has given me. In addition to fantastic academics, ORU offers a campus life that is both exciting and encouraging. They do a great job of building community through various events. I have created friendships here that will last a lifetime, and for that I am extremely grateful. While the dining options on campus are less than spectacular, there are plenty of options within a mile of the dorms, and most of them even accept EagleBucks and offer student discounts. ORU has given me the best college experience I ever could have imagined. I will graduate in less than three months and could not be more happy with the choice I made four years ago. I would recommend ORU to anyone that was considering it."
Joy Franzen Bennett
- Reviewed: 11/9/2015
- Degree: Public Relations
- Graduation Year: 2009
"I was a transfer student to ORU. I went to a community college for two years to knock out my prerequisites on the cheap. Transferring into ORU was very easy and they accepted almost all (if not all) of my credits. The professors really care about the students and are passionate about their fields. Cristi Freudenrich is an amazing educator and mentor, I still keep in contact with her today. The rules have relaxed slightly since I was a student there, but it was great having a set of boundaries. I thought I knew everything when I was in college, but looking back I'm glad that I chose a school that would keep me in check and not let me go off the deep end, like I may have going to a public university. The relationships I made there are the best relationships I have ever made. True, life-long friends with similar life values and goals. If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing."