Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Erie-Behrend College Reviews
8 Reviews - Erie (PA)
- Annual Tuition: $26,370

100% of 8 students said this degree improved their career prospects
75% of 8 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Joseph Francis
- Reviewed: 11/10/2021
- Degree: Chemistry
- Graduation Year: 2022
"The education you receive is second to none. The professors actual make you learn the way graduate programs teach you. The professors in my major (chemistry) are outstandingly proficient and knowledgeable about their respective areas and have a great overall knowledge for the chemistry topic. The administration though, is the worst in the country most likely. The administration only cares about money whether it is received by student's tuition or government funding. They also charge you 300 dollars a year to park in vacant lot with deteriorated roads and terrible functionalities, sometimes it takes me almost an hour to simply get off of campus because of the administrations terrible design flaws. They also govern you like you are a prisoner to the university and barely give any money that they don't award directly to themselves. If you are fine with hating your life, the area and the school for four years, go ahead and attend this school."
Tara Seigworth
- Reviewed: 11/14/2019
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I feel as though my overall experience at Behrend was very positive. I didn't enjoy going to class and taking exams, but for the most part loved the professors and the other students. A lot of my Psychology professors were doing research that students could take part in, as either research assistants or participants. I loved most of my professors because they were very passionate about what they were teaching and what they were doing research in. I don't believe my academic advisory was super committed to advising students as she was to her field of study. She forced me into a concentration for my science degree when I could've just gotten a general science of psychology degree. She was the lead on one of the concentrations and I feel as though she was trying to get more participation in her area, even though I ultimately ended up going with a different concentration than hers. She didnt tell me that with my majors requirements I couldve also received a minor and multiple certificate if I wouldve matched my majors requirements with the requirements of the minors and certificates. If I could do it all over again, I wouldve been able to graduate with a major, a minor, and 2 certificates. One of my classmates informed me of this during my senior year and I had already taken my majors requirements that didnt match up with the minors or certificates requirements. The career services offered by the academic and career planning center were definitely what I needed. You could have them review resumes, cover letters, job applications, and they offered two job fairs a year with hundreds of companies looking for recruits."
Airforce Airman
- Reviewed: 7/30/2019
- Degree: Mechanical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I started off at the main campus but my GPA was not high enough to get into Mechanical Engineering there, after bothering the advisor enough and refusing to change my major to History they told me to just transfer to the Erie Campus. Honestly I wish I went to this campus from the begining, the classes are way easier and the professor don't treat you like trash because there main job is to teach not do research. That being said, the academic is the only thing going for it. There absolutly is nothing to do around the campus and the clubs at that campus offers are so small and they meet for only an hour a week, if even. The amount of male to female ratio is also aweful. It is dominate my male, so you offend see Fat ugly girls in relationship with hot attractive guys. The males there are so hungry for female that it's downright sickening at times. Don't think you can date off campus ether since the campus is no where close to real civilzation (without a car). The location also snows all the time, because of the lake effect, keep that in mind. If you are a married man with your own wife and family then this campus is for you, but if you are a single male that want to date while studying engineering this campus is not for you. Go to Penn State Harrisburg if this is the case, they also have a 4 years engineering program but they actualy have and 50-50 ratio of male to female and it is close to the city and Hersey park."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: MBA
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Getting my MBA changed my life for the better. Bigger raises and more understanding of the business environment"
Maria Chis
- Reviewed: 3/3/2017
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The engineering program at Penn State Behrend is designed for success. The classes and programs are definitely more rigorous than other colleges and only those determined enough will survive and that is why the students are so successful. Penn State Behrend has formed strong connections with industry constantly pumping out reliable engineers to fill job opportunities. There are even companies that recruit from only Penn State Behrend because they trust the engineers they produce so much. I received my first full-time job offer before I even started my senior year fall classes. Any engineer that goes to Behrend will definitely have a job when they graduate and will be successful."
Olivia Duryea
- Reviewed: 2/23/2017
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Penn State Behrend was a beautiful campus. I loved that it was small, because it gave the university a very homey feel. The professors were all very knowledgeable and enthusiastic. The only thing that I would stress about this branch campus is that unless you are going to be transferring to main campus, there are very few extensive programs and degrees offered there. The campus is also "walable" to local shopping and social locations."
Carol S.
- Reviewed: 2/1/2017
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2002
"Excellent faculty who encouraged me to reach to achieve what I did not think I could. I will always be grateful for this education. Though my path took a different turn than intended, my education has continued to be useful in all areas that I have worked in."
Dilia Cohen
- Reviewed: 2/13/2013
- Degree: MBA
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The Full-time MBA program offers great opportunities for those that are pursuing an MBA as a career change. There are many MBA students who work full-time. However, for those that do not have the business background, this program is perfect. Students interact with career professionals and carry open discussions on actual professional experience. Additionally, not only are the professors engaging, and personable, but they are accessible. There are two required workshops that introduce students into business management and practices, which really sets the foundation for understanding how the business world works. Apart from the overall structure, the greatest weakness about the program at the PSU Behrend College is the lack of program specializations. Allowing students to focus on a particularly field would greatly enhance this MBA program."