Remington College Reviews
109 Reviews - Multiple Locations
- Annual Tuition: $13,401 - $23,477

15% of 109 students said this degree improved their career prospects
20% of 109 students said they would recommend this school to others
Programs with 5+ Reviews
Student Reviews
Aubree Richards
- Reviewed: 11/19/2023
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Waste of my time and money. They told me we would always be able to come back and be a ghost student to learn things we may have forgotten. I never passed the state exam, I still owe every penny of the student loan. I feel trapped. Never got a degree, never worked in billing or coding. I no am a government employee now. I wish I would’ve went for that first."
- Reviewed: 11/12/2023
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 1994
"Remington College, Lafayette LA.......🏃🏽♂️ It's been quite a while but I still think about the time I wasted there. I graduated at near the top of my class and I never had a job from this dump. I would never and I mean I would never recommend this so called "school" to anyone. The tuition is ridiculous. The teacher were nice and cordial as well as the student but this school does not lay a solid foundation for a career. I ended up in debt while working a menial part time job in retail while trying to pay back the student loans with that ridiculous interest rate. Once again, I would never and I mean I would never recommend this dismal excuse for a school to anyone. You're far better off attending a local community college. It's my pleasure to be of service to you and encouraging you to seek your further education elsewhere. You're welcome in advance."
- Reviewed: 3/3/2023
- Degree: X-Ray Technician
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I graduated from the First Max Class @ the Houston/Greenspoint Campus in 2012. first we were told that we would be able to work in a Hospital Setting... That was not completely true you can but more in a clerical way & not really performing and of the things taught in school... Second The X-ray course IS NOT A "LIMITED SCOOP PROGRAM" More like a NCT Program. In order to go forward with being a Radiologist Technician I have to go back to college to Learn what was Already Learned. Had this been explained I might have went to a different school & not wasted the 22k dollars.."
- Reviewed: 2/25/2023
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2015
"So when i enrolled I told them I wanted a class that focused more on phlebotomy. The lady lied and told me that the MA class was more about phlebotomy than anything else.We did go to labs everyday though.I could stick you all day long but I didn't know the theory of it cause they never taught that to us. As a whole class we reached out to the "dean", or whatever you wanna call her, and told her that we want to be taught the theory of phlebotomy instead of just sticking each other. We never got a response until the say before the last say of school. That's when the school decided to try to cram the theory of phlebotomy into 1 day. What a joke! The whole class was pretty upset about this. I did not get to walk nor did they give me my certificate but I was considered a graduate. All this because of $$. It may not be every campus but the one I went to only really cared about $$ and they lied often. I have warned people since I have finished this college not to go there, to go get a REAL education where they will teach you what you give them $$ for. BTW, their cosmetology program is stupid expensive! I went to cosmetology at a different college and was a cosmetologist for over 10 years and it didn't even cost CLOSE to what Remington wants. Just please do your homework on the college you plan to attend first."
- Reviewed: 8/24/2022
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2011
"They lied . My credits are not transferable for any other college .I never got any job offers after Graduating . They never sent me to a Dr Office to do any training . I would not recommend any one to go there . Don't believe me hem if they tell you you're chances are good of Gettysburg ng hired"
R. Williams
- Reviewed: 12/8/2021
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2010
"I joined the Houston-Greenspoint Campus in 2010. My instructor was excellent but none of it was useful. 10 years later, Ive never able to get a job in that field, also with no help with getting one. My spanish classmates was able to get a job, with the help of the recruiter. I graduated and still owe debt 13,000 plus, even though I've never gotten to benefit from it. Save yourself some money and go to Hcc its not worth it."
Madeline trimble
- Reviewed: 8/18/2021
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2021
"Okay, I read all these reviews after I was already enrolled at the Garland campus and I thought to myself what did I get into but, I experienced the opposite. Too clear up a lot of these reviews so the amount of money that was not covered by loans, grants etc (which is not much for most unless you make a lot of money) you start making monthly payments on while in school. The minimum amount that is owed must be paid which was 38 a month for me but you can pay more. When you graduate the remainder that you owe the school can be paid in full, paid monthly, paid weekly or however you want. They hold your diploma til you pay and if you need it verified for an employer they give you they link of how to get to it. Another review I read was that no one helped after graduation and I can’t speak about other campuses but garland campus which Christi Koehler is over is not at all unfair at all. Immediately after I graduated she reached out and I was taking a week to relax after work so I didn’t respond for a week and I got a reply almost immediately. She then explained I needed to come do my exit folder and if you don’t show up that is your own fault. Then she sends jobs that have openings and you have to respond back with which ones you would be opened to working at. You do Not get a free job with your diploma without lifting a finger. If you don’t respond to her she isn’t going to email everyday trying to get you to or send out your resume everyday to every job posting even though you haven’t talked to her and you expect just to get calls from employers randomly. If you don’t show up to interviews or if your late again that is not Remingtons fault because you thought if you graduated you were guaranteed a job or you get you money back. Another review stated that the teachers all want you to fail and that is a load of crap. Some of the teachers I had were in other states and your taking the whole course online and the other half are here and you go to lab once a week. The out of state teachers may have different time zones so if you email at one time and they are ahead of us and asleep of course your not getting a reply that night. Every single teacher I had at Remington were awesome. They went above and beyond what they had to do to help you. Like mr. Craig he will do anything to try to prepare you for your exam and give you print outs honestly anything you need he will help. Dr. Molnar and her husband Dr. Ahmadi are both teachers and they both are amazing. Dr. Molnar has had to have spent an incredible amount of her time not at work researching the RMA exam and taking prep tests so she can make us study guides and going through quizlet flash cards to make sure all the info is correct and goes over it every week with us. She is constantly trying to figure out what else she can do to help us do better they both are. CONCLUSION: Garland campus has nothing but faculty that will help you with everything and anything if you want help. No you don’t get to cheat through school graduate and get handed a job. And no they are not all about money. They would like to be paid the amount owed to them but it’s not sprung on you and they do work with you. So honestly if you want to actually go to school and try then remington is a great choice of school but if you want to get the diploma without actually having to learn anything or try then no your probably not going to graduate or not going to get hired anywhere."
Jermaine Frizzell
- Reviewed: 2/13/2021
- Degree: HVAC
- Graduation Year: 2019
"This is the worst school ever. I felt like this was a waste of time and money. The main instructors quit and took their knowledge elsewhere. They hurried and put almost anyone with a little experience to teach us. I feel very rip off and was charged too much."
- Reviewed: 3/10/2020
- Degree: Culinary Arts
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Starting off it was great. They hyped us up talking about the things we would do. Sounded great but should have known it would take a turn for the worst. They ask when you want to schedule class then change your schedule without consulting you. We had a whole cafe that was supposed to be used to sale items we prepared and that never happened. The kitchen was never stocked with what we needed when it came time to cook in the kitchen. Different classes in the kitchen with different instructors and some didn't bother to even clean before leaving. Leaving a mess to clean up before even using the the kitchen. Hopefully it improves sometime soon. I felt like the program was just thrown together to bring in more money with no concern if anyone actually learned anything."
Amanda Robinson
- Reviewed: 1/18/2020
- Degree: Radiology
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I enrolled per the Advertisement of the NCT Tech program. I've always been interested in the medical field because my mother is a nurse. I saw a oppurtunity to get my feet wet as a NCT Tech then was hopeful that when i graduated i would get hired and get promoted from within eventually. This thought was processing through my mind as I was signing my life away. Just like any school your going to have instructors that arent the best but out of this whole program. I kinda got the notion that before they were instructors something must have happened to why they chose to be instructors now. So i pondered .....they were negligent(this could be from paperwork, to billing and coding, etc) and were terminated, they were involved in malpractice suite, terminated for being insubordinate, received education and only completed their intership and didnt have the experience that most employers require, found out they would financially gain as an instructor due to the overly priced loans that the students get approved for once signed on, in my field they call this a concession, or maybe they didnt work well with others and were ask to resigned, or maybe they actually want to teach and mentor which im sure there is a small percentage that do want to be utilized their resource for others to succeed. In my experience this wasnt the case. Yes, instructors would be late, they would not come to class and no substitute was provided, Remington says they accredited but it seems they are only accredited to fail its students. Instructors would have no structure, no plan or program, no dialog, working on a limb to just stay busy and get through the day with juvenile activities like you were in pre-k or middle school. This felt like a complete joke. I was very disapointed. I actually was working full time in business management and going to the night classes. I dont know if the morning classes were more academically advanced then the night. Now ill be paying these student loans until i am in my 60s and this is going to be a big burden. Yes, the medical field is a great field to get in and you will always have to have a mindset of a student. There is always something that would be inhanced or modified for research and hands on friendly to learn. I just advise you to do your research thouroughly and precisely. In my personal opinion Remington is not the way to go to be successful in the medical field. Im surprised that they are still in business but then again im not. The only department thats doing there job is the Marketing, billing, and finacial department. Thats why they are still operating in business by comitting fraud and broken promises. This is a two way ordeal. You show up to class and do your part and the instructors will give you the knowledge you will need. This will not be the case with this school amongst others like it. Dont underestimate yourself, you are better then these programs, theres other resources that will be more beneficial in the long run. It wont be as costly and create a burden of stress. I wish everyone who will read this the best and pray that this predator of a school doesnt prey on its next victim."
- Reviewed: 11/20/2019
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2018
"This school is horrible they are doing bad things to their students ms latecia is very rude and she used her amount of years she been there and saying like nobody will believe us. She pretends like she care then down u saying she will make u owe all this money but withdrawing u. She always put it like she better than us and like she is so untouchable but I know someone somewhere in corporate cares and hopefully they see her for who she is I will never go back here I have warned so many people about this school please run far. Nobody care but Ms Pam she is the sweetest lady ever I only learned from her smh instructors wouldn’t show up to teach nobody tells us anything all this for over 20,000 of debt. Latecia needs to be fired anytime u use the system for personal use is terrible she is very evil please do not go there I am looking for an attorney or someone to help me and y’all who experience the same r even worse"
Jessica lanae
- Reviewed: 11/20/2019
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Going to this school was my worst nightmare. Most of the instructors are so rude and they down you a lot. I just started a few months ago and I know I made a terrible mistake most of the instructors don’t even show up to teach you. I literally sat in class over a hour waiting on them and they never came we really need help bc a lot of students are getting railroaded WHERE IS OUR HELP AND PROTECTION this school is crooked help somebody"
My worse nightmare
- Reviewed: 11/20/2019
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2018
"This school is the worst most of the staff are very negative towards the students. They will stand in your face and tell u they will and can pull the plug on you and u will have to pay all the money back for nothing. The lady that’s over medical assistant is very rude she always say she been there for years and can make u get dropped"
- Reviewed: 9/26/2019
- Degree: X-Ray Technician
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Current student. I wouldn't recommend this school to my worst enemy. DO NOT ENROLL HERE!! Some of the teachers are great but they academic administration is garbage. There are a few administrators that are willing to help but most of them don't care. They are disorganized and dysfunctional. If you go to them with a concern as a student, they attempt to blow you off and try to pacify the situation without actually creating a solution. It has become evident to me as a student that it is mainly about the money for a lot of the staff. For the money they are charging students it's sad that we receive cheap equipment and scrubs. If interested in a career in the medical field look for somewhere else. Save yourself the headache. Looking for somewhere else to go that will take the credits I obtained here."
- Reviewed: 9/19/2019
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Seems like everyone is unhappy. And bitter. I made a work for me. Yes one or more of my teachers suck but most of them did care and I did gain knowledge. I did get hired as a M/A right after graduation. Some things you can only learn by actually doing them. I love being a M/A and am excited about furthering my career. If you really do not love this type of work it will not work for you."
- Reviewed: 4/30/2019
- Degree: HVAC
- Graduation Year: 2019
"I an currently going to remington college and its a disaster. Ive been in This school for more then half a year and i feel as i am not learning anything. The teacher is horrible he talks for the whole class time. The higher up are not helpful and blow you off as if they dont care about you for 20000 a year i have yet to feel im getting my moneys worth . I still havent gotten my refund check. And the finacial lady is never here. Im constantly getting told that im not going to make it by my teacher and i feel as if im being discrinanated for me standing up for what is right. I deserve more then what they have to offer me.. point blank do not come to this school."
- Reviewed: 4/22/2019
- Degree: Network Security
- Graduation Year: 2004
"I have regretted it from the first took that long to realize that it was a joke....that is why they keep selling and changing the Name was denver college, then education america and now Remington college....what a total waste of time. it was supposed to be a microsoft based learning...but what we got was not current programming training....the world was moving to .net and they were still pushing visual basic...."
M Davis
- Reviewed: 1/7/2019
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Remington started out to be a good choice until I graduated and did not receive my diploma. I waited about six months for them to mail it to me. When I finally got in touch with someone from the online bachelor program they told me that I owed money to the school and that I would not be receiving my diploma. It was funny that the VA paid for my schooling but I owed Remington. They are crooks and I would not recommend them to my worst enemy."
Tabatha Maya
- Reviewed: 1/4/2019
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2008
"I attended the Little Rock, Arkansas campus majoring in their Medical Billing and Coding program. My experience was not a positive one.My classmates were rude to other students and certain teachers.One teacher was knowledgeable about MIC but boasted constantly of his income and told us he was" always right even when he was wrong". In the end I ended up with a worthless diploma in medical billing and coding. Because most places wanted candidates that had at least two years coding experience. Many of my ex classmates were sent to job interviews but hardly any were hired from my understanding. That job placement Remington promoted just was not true for many of us. It is 2019 and I still have a student debt. The original student loan debt was 13,000.If you miss payments your credit score will go down! I recommend going to a community college, apply for FASFA(federal financial aide for students), and forget these for profit schools because the time and energy could be used elsewhere better."
jason A
- Reviewed: 12/3/2018
- Degree: Physical Therapy
- Graduation Year: 2018
"The Physical Therapy Assisting program @ Remington college is a Sham. It does not adequately prepare you for your clinicals or the field, and you will spend the rest of your life paying off the 45,000 tuiton. The clinical coordinator of the program will place you in extremely long distance clinicals if she does not feel you are well suited for the profession, so the added stress of driving a hour each way will increase your likely hood to fail or drop out of the program. Extreme bias displayed towards certain students while other students are given full attention of the faculty to be successful. Not an even playing field here folks. If I could do it all over, I WOULD HAVE NEVER, NEVER SETTLED ON THIS EXTREME JOKE OF A COLLEGE. HORRID EXPERIENCE!!!! Live and Learn."