Samford University Reviews
17 Reviews - Birmingham (AL)
- Annual Tuition: $36,725

100% of 17 students said this degree improved their career prospects
94% of 17 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 1/31/2024
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2027
"Beautiful campus and weather was nice. If that is all you need, it's the school for you. If you want friends, must be in a frat/sorority. Don't be fooled, 95% of ON CAMPUS Freshman are in them! Not many people around on weekends because so many live in the area or close enough to commute. Everything they show you during tour is fake. The beautiful chapel is NOT used for weekly chapel. Food is not good at all (if you could see the FaceBook posts in parent groups you would understand) and SEVERELY limited for allergies. I bought food off campus every day and dorm kitchens were gross. There is a reason you don't see them on tour. Dorm air is moldy and rules are not followed. I had a roommate that vaped and had a boy in constantly. Nothing was done after reporting it. They would not let me change rooms for ANY reason and the process to report was ridiculous. Head of housing is in way over his head and lives in one of the female dorms. Classes and Professors were underwhelming but easy so good news is I had a 4.0 GPA to transfer. Party scene was huge, especially for a Christian University. Library hours were very limited and not enough for mid terms and finals. Exercise facility was not open and closed until 2024 Fall. I joined Lifetime fitness. NOT even close to enough parking or dorm rooms bc they overbooked Freshman class by a lot and plan to continue that process. Many dorms were 3-4 ppl to a room that was barely big enough for 2 ppl. I transferred to a better school in Midwest. Live and learn!"
Kim McAlister
- Reviewed: 9/10/2018
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 1986
"Samford University is an outstanding institute of higher learning. Classes were very small and students were able to receive individualized attention from faculty. Samford is the home of Ida V. Moffat School of Nursing, where I received training that led to my 32-year (and counting) career as a registered nurse. I remain in touch with many of my faculty, and returned there in 2004 to complete my master of Science in Nursing. My Educator track faculty was also one of my undergraduate faculty, who is now working with me on my dissertation plan for my PhD. The enduring relationships, the excellence of education, and the amazing facilities Samford provides makes me the educator that I am today, and I am forever grateful."
Kim McAlister
- Reviewed: 9/10/2018
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 1986
"Samford University is an outstanding institute of higher learning. Classes were very small and students were able to receive individualized attention from faculty. Samford is the home of Ida V. Moffat School of Nursing, where I received training that led to my 32-year (and counting) career as a registered nurse. I remain in touch with many of my faculty, and returned there in 2004 to complete my master of Science in Nursing. My Educator track faculty was also one of my undergraduate faculty, who is now working with me on my dissertation plan for my PhD. The enduring relationships, the excellence of education, and the amazing facilities Samford provides makes me the educator that I am today, and I am forever grateful."
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2009
"I think it is necessary if you want to work a white collar job."
- Reviewed: 3/29/2017
- Degree: Fitness Trainer
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Samford University prepared me so well to go into my field of study. When I got a job, I realized that I was prepared more than some of my fellow coworkers that went through the same program of study at different schools. I felt confident to enter the field after I graduated and am thankful to the professors, preceptors, and advisers who put so much time into helping me succeed. Samford challenged me and pushed me to do my very best so that I was well prepared for my career after graduating."
Suellen W. Epps
- Reviewed: 3/21/2017
- Degree: Early Childhood Education
- Graduation Year: 1997
"I graduated from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1997. The degree I earned was a Bachelor of Science in Elementary and Early Childhood Education. My four years at Samford were some of the most memorable of my life! Going to Samford meant small class sizes with professors who knew my name. Though it's been 20 years since I graduated, some of my professors are still there. I met my husband at Samford, and he graduated from a different department. We went to Samford last fall to hear one of his former professors speak at homecoming. I like that many professors who teach and research at Samford stay there for many years or even their entire career. While at Samford, I truly enjoyed Greek Life with great people, many of whom are my lifelong friend. My husband and I have moved often due to his career, but everywhere I've gone, my Samford Degree has served me well. It's a true honor to be a Samford Alumnae, and I am currently applying for graduate school there. It think it's rather nostalgic to return to my undergraduate home 20 years later as a graduate student."
Rebekah Carrington
- Reviewed: 2/9/2017
- Degree: Human Services
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The mission of Samford University is stated "to nurture persons in their development of intellect, creativity, faith and person hood- fostering academic, career and ethical competency while encouraging social and civic responsibility and service to others". I believe wholeheartedly that when I ended my time at Samford, I gained more than a piece of paper to hang on a wall, I learned how to respect others, view the world through a new lens of thinking, and how to become a lifelong learner. The unique core curriculum is not merely a breeze through English and History to move onto one's major courses, it is a series of courses encompassing literature, theology, history, philosophy, speech, and biblical perspectives. This model ensures every student receives a solid foundation and valuable tools to engage with the world and truly make a difference with the knowledge that has been imparted. The professors are intelligent and approachable. They are your teachers but also your biggest fans. It is not uncommon to have class dinners with your Professors and they will meet with you and truly care about your success. The community at Samford is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. In the years I spent there, the students and faculty became family. There are so many events and groups to take part in from Greek life, intramurals, Step Sing, concerts, philanthropy events, student ministries, and even residence hall activities. These people become life long friends. The school actively seeks to engage with the local community as well as make impacts nationally and globally. The school is widely respected in the community for providing high quality education and also fostering compassion and desire to impact the world in the students. There are so many volunteer opportunities from tutoring around the city, serving in churches, and cleaning up houses, to serving on mission trips around the world building wells, teaching English, spreading the gospel, and meeting the needs of others. They do not shy away from the hard things in life, rather the professors teach students to dig in knee deep in the troubles and issues in society, use the education given, and make a difference or try to impact in a positive way. Although my degree was in Human Development and Family Life Education, I am entering a masters program to become a Physician Assistant. I truly believe my degree gave me a solid foundation in learning to work with others, think about their lives from a psychological and societal standpoint, and will be very valuable in treating patients. My major provided an extensive research competent as well as internship experiences that enabled me to apply what I was learning in a practical way. If you are looking for a school to show up and be a number in a seat, where you can easily fly through and walk across a stage for a diploma, Samford may not be your school. However, if you are looking for an educational community where you are known by your professors and faculty at the campus, where you have dinner at the President's home, a place to challenge you in your courses but also make you the best you can be, then Samford is the school for you. I recommend this University wholeheartedly for any major and truly believe the people who leave here are passionate, hardworking men and women who will change the world."
Christian Finn
- Reviewed: 7/7/2016
- Degree: English
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I loved attending Samford University. The campus is beautiful, and the campus life is very inviting. I built life long bonds with the students I met there as well as many of the faculty members. I appreciate that Samford allowed me to grow spiritually as well as academically, and I know that I am a better person for my experience there."
- Reviewed: 8/19/2015
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2006
"Great environment for learning. Business school and accounting program prepare students for the real world challenges they will face after graduation."
John Thomas
- Reviewed: 2/13/2015
- Degree: Pharmacy
- Graduation Year: 2018
"The pros: The Faculty and alumni of the school want to help and are more than willing to do anything for you. I've had experience being invited to shadow, sit in on phone conferences on research projects, even been given a band aid for a cut on my hand. I love this school. If you are a fairly religious person, then you will feel right at home and have plenty of opportunities for religious growth. The cons: The school is a private christian school, and expensive. If you are not a super religious person, you will be a little uncomfortable at times, but it is never anything to worry about. It is actually refreshing to be around some of the more open minded religious people."
Miya Moore
- Reviewed: 7/26/2014
- Degree: Law
- Graduation Year: 2017
"There are many benefits of this graduate program. As a current student, I applaud the student teacher relationships as well as the thoroughness of education that is provided. The campus is clean and any resources that may be needed are readily available. The graduate program holds a high percentage of those who graduate a receive jobs and hold careers. Even though this private institution is expensive, it is worth it."
Ashelie Halla
- Reviewed: 6/5/2013
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Great program for the person who always has thought about teaching but did not think it was possible."
Delisa Brooks
- Reviewed: 5/8/2013
- Degree: Educational Leadership
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I loved Samford and loved the family atmosphere. I like the ideas of having cohort because you get to network with other professionals around your area."
Nichol Pritchett
- Reviewed: 2/3/2013
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The school is expensive but very accredited"
Nichole Pritchett
- Reviewed: 2/2/2013
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The faculty and teachers are great, but the cost of the tuition is very high"
Malinda Chambers
- Reviewed: 12/11/2012
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I am currently enrolled in Samford's graduate nurse anesthesia program. It is known to be one of the most competitive programs in the state of Alabama. I'm blessed to have been accepted into the program. The workload is tough but the professors and other axillary staff are wonderful with their ability to make graduate school the best experience possible. Every semester we fill out evaluations about what we would change about the course- I have seen first hand that they make improvements based on last year's feedback and it really is a testimony to the school itself. I'm proud to be at Samford University there is no other place I would rather be!"
Sharon Edmondson
- Reviewed: 11/14/2012
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2016
"McWhorter School of Pharmacy does an excellent job of preparing their student for our profession and for being an active advocate for patient safety and quality of care. The professors make it their first priority to be available to students, and they emphasize understanding as opposed to memorization. I currently do not have any complaint about the school of pharmacy or the university as a whole."