Sanford-Brown College Reviews
0 Reviews - Multiple Locations

0% of 0 students said this degree improved their career prospects
0% of 0 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Angelica guimoye
- Reviewed: 9/18/2022
- Degree: Dental Hygiene
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Some of the teachers were very good at their job and some just had to do their job but they weren’t happy. I have filled out the borrower defense and explained a million times what this school did to me at the end. Yes I’m a graduate but I went thru a very bad time towards the end because of all the reasons that everyone knows about the school. I’m just going to say this is the worse school ever and I will not stop Saying it until I find justice to the degree of stress this school put me thru for no reason at the end. Which was only to bring more students back so that the school don’t close. Money! They only care about that- I’m still so stress because FAu or other schools don’t want to take my associates to make into a bachelor. This degree cannot help you Forward your education. (I had to do my own math- Homework for my final grades in one of their offices because they did it wrong). The whole thing was a nightmare and all because of rude- impolite, uneducated instructor. So much to say."
- Reviewed: 11/28/2021
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I know this school has since closed, but I got my Nursing degree here without any problems. Passed my boards on the very first try. I've always been able to find a job. I liked the flexibility of the program because most people have to work full time. Traditional colleges do not offer the schedule in their Healthcare programs for full time working people. I've been a Nurse for 11 years now."
- Reviewed: 9/5/2019
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2008
"I enrolled in their Medical and Billing Program in 2007. I was told that they were an accredited school and I could transfer my credits should I decide to continue my education. I had to complete two externships and neither of them benefited me. I graduated in 2008. I was told that I would receive help finding a job, which never happened. I was told that I could come back for refresher courses if needed for free anytime. I was certified at the time of graduation since I had already taken the test. I filled out application after application for two years straight and never got a job in my field. I now have student loans that are growing and cant afford to pay them because I dont make enough money. I wish I had known the school only had intentions of looking out for themselves and cared nothing about the students. I never would have enrolled. Now they are closed and nothing can be done. My loans should be forgiven due to all the lies that they told."
Lois Smith
- Reviewed: 5/6/2019
- Degree: Criminal Justice
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The professors were great and knowledgeable regarding my field of study. I was promised employment, once I graduated, but to no avail, things didn't work out. Because the college was considered non accredited. Without the proper business credentials along with educational resources, I was unable to find work in my field of study. We were not offered Laboratory resources, of which was required to full fill our college studies. We only received classroom time. The lack of student internship and full-time employment was gravely desired. Inability to transfer your school credits to another institution, to continue your education. Grave Financial constraints due to the lack of Career employment. At best, we should be reimbursed for our time and money of which we put into this situation. All Student Loans should be waved."
Simone Wilson
- Reviewed: 12/21/2018
- Degree: Medical Office Administration
- Graduation Year: 2005
"Man oh man I wish someone would have told me about this school years ago. When I signed up to complete a degree I was sold so many dreams man was I gullible at that young age. These people signed me into a loan that when I was finally educated on this school and why they are terrible I pulled out. Yes, I did all the paperwork to stop. Only realizing years later that they still took the loan disbursement and never sent it back. When I inquired they told me some b.s. about even though I left the school they were still entitled to receive the loans. I had attended and graduated another college before so I wasn't buying it. I argued back and forth with them for a month or so. But they got it. Now I am paying the price for a $20,000 loan. When I went back years later to fight again because of a conversation I had with a financial advisor at another college were I got my degree and graduated told me some things, come to find out the school was shut down...ugh so now I am stuck again because of my lack of knowledge when I was younger. As I went on in my college career I could not take anything credits nor knowledge that I got from Sanford brown and transfer it to other schools because it was simply not acceptable."
- Reviewed: 10/20/2018
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2003
"Attended for the Information and networking technology 2-year degree and unfortunately finished it. Hands down, one of my biggest regrets; should have quit or never gone there at all. Substandard education by a crappy for-profit non-regionally-accredited "college". Only good things were a few decent teachers and I managed to pay the loans off... even though I should have sued like several other students did for being misled and lied to. Overall it was a total waste of time and money. For-profit non regionally accredited colleges are cancer to the higher-education system and should be illegal. Good riddance they closed."
Sanford brown college
- Reviewed: 5/16/2018
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2012
"They don't care about the student just $$ , once you sign they will get the money lot of money,after that trash you, very expensive and less knowledge you get, All the promise they said about the job all lies, degree diploma or master wareavery they call NOT EXIST, because not real. keep calling you to do more classis, I am very very regret the day I walk in that place, after 3 years wasting my time now I am in UMUC, community college."
They got the gold mine. I got the shaft.
- Reviewed: 12/1/2016
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2012
"First off, I can't say enough about some of the instructors I met at the campus (before it was purchased by CEC). Some of the people who taught there were genuinely interested in making the most of the time allotted and seemed invested in teaching a good classroom. That was one positive about going to Brown -- the fact I was at least partially educated. The other was being able to go to the graduation ceremony. The rest . . . high-pressure shark tactics by the admissions recruiters. Promised transferability of credits. Promised job market projections. Promised services by the highly active career counseling department. The drive to actually complete college was there because again, it was better to go to college and complete the degree rather than not going at all. And in spite of being on the dean's list and maintaining a high GPA I still ended up completely unprepared, undereducated, disillusioned, disenfranchised and flat-out burned out once I graduated. Career counseling and guidance, with two shining exceptions, was a joke right out of the gate -- the counselor I initially worked with gave me the impression they were more interested in protecting their personal reputation within the private sector. After I had a problem with one of their contacts their only support recommendation was to work for their contact for free indefinitely. I declined to do this (on account of being completely broke at the time and unable to show up to their workplace with no gas in the car) and was given the strong impression I'd been blackballed. I've come to discover even major placement companies are scraping the bottom of the barrel placing me because of my credentials and lack of quantifiable experience. But at least the school got paid by the government for my time, right? TL;DR: this was a primrose path; a setup for expensive failure painted with fantastic promises and sprinkled by the aromatic droppings of creatures that passed before me."
- Reviewed: 7/26/2016
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 1988
"When I was young I paid dearly for attending this school for a career in electronics . There were no jobs when I finished And when I went back to school wasn't able to transfer one single credit! So paid student loan for 10 years for a program that was a dead end! Got scammed! And the name has changed 2 times since then of the school ! Do not go to school here ! Go to a accredited transferable college !"
- Reviewed: 4/6/2016
- Degree: Dental Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Best program they help me get a high paying job . Because of all the amount of information that this school tonight me I was able to find the perfect place to work. I don't just get good pay but I know exactly what I am doing and feel confident in what I do ."
Stacy G
- Reviewed: 2/15/2016
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Loved it! All the instructors previously worked in the field they taught it. I felt completely supported the whole way. It is an expensive school but i feel was worth it. I am now working as a medical assistant in a clinic and am glad for the education i got at the school. All the teachers really cared about my success. Just like any school though you will get out of it as much as you put in."
Tricia Rose
- Reviewed: 10/3/2015
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Seeing as all Sanford Brown locations have voluntarily closed due to fraudulent promises regarding finding work and transferring credits, I just wanted to get my say in because I attempted to transfer my supposed 42.5 "college" credits and was denied by an accredited college. I heard rumors about the lack of respect for my school from the medical industry. At the end off training, one of my instructors suggested my class accept even a $10.00 an hour position (uh oh). The career unit sent me job openings off Craig's List. Finally, my unpaid internship business only wanted free help and was so cheap they squeeked. The office manager told me not to waste money getting certified because computers were capable of accomplishing the coding instead of actual humans. Also, bilingual students were more apt to be hired. My GPA was 3.92 and I did enjoy the challenge and a few of the instructors. Too bad a bunch of decent people were essentially scammed."
Curtis M
- Reviewed: 6/17/2015
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I went to Sanford Brown after my business closed. I was 48 years old and looking for a new career. I had always been interested in medicine si I inquired about the medical assisting program and was assured I was a "PERFECT" fit. I attended 11 months, maintained a 3.86 GPA and was a student ambassador, yet when I graduated no one would touch me. The best reason ever given was that I was a man, too old and not the "type". I have never worked one day in a doctors office and most of the people I graduated with didn't either. It is ALL about the money!"
- Reviewed: 6/2/2015
- Degree: Pharmacy Technician
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Um, the Houston campus is shutting down and we all being treated like crap here, its not my fault they make the program so hard that they cant afford to keep her open bc everyone drops out, is discouraged, the wrong color. ahem not black and not chummy w the professors.I'm seeking legal help to get my loans refunded. the program chair is showing his true face and treating ppl how he wants. I came here to learn. Not drop out. Not make friends. I came here to make $. If I wanted to be treated like crap, I'd be married and a housewife."
- Reviewed: 5/28/2015
- Degree: Paralegal
- Graduation Year: 2010
"This school was a waste of money. Teachers don't have the knowledge they should. You can't transfer to a regionally accredited university but advisors there will tell you that you will be able to. Learning experience is not what you would expect from college. Many of my my classmates regret it as much as I do."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2015
- Degree: Liberal Arts
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Please do not attend this school. It's a debt trap!!! They claimed they are accredited, but liar, liar! Please take the long road at a community college where your credits will always be transferable and you will obtained a job. Sanford Brown makes me a laughing stock at my job. I have a degree, but its worthless. Stay clear of this aweful school!!!!!!"
- Reviewed: 4/14/2015
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The policy's at this school are ridiculous. If you have a death in your family, it is not an "excused absence". The Program Chair's are shockingly lazy and would rather say NO then take the time to help you with anything. Many of my instructors were incompetent, rude, made inappropriate remarks. Many of my instructors spoke broken English. There is nothing wrong with English being your second language, but medical terminology courses require medical jargon and some instructors could barely pronounce the words correctly or spell properly. Also many of the instructors were constantly speaking Spanish in classes. An institute is a business. If you are paying like I paid (cash in full), you expect to be treated with respect. Not the case with Sanford Brown Fort Lauderdale. I am immensely disappointed with how this school conducts their student relations."
M. C.
- Reviewed: 3/17/2015
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2004
"This was a big waste of time and the worst waste of money I have ever experienced in my life. No one who was in my class got a job in the field after completing the program. No one from the career center answers the phone and no one calls you back after you leave a message. I now owe $25,000.00 for a worthless piece of paper a.k.a. a diploma. I actually had a potential employer to tell me my credentials aren't worth the paper they are printed on. Should have went to community college or at least someplace other than SBC!!! My advice....don't go here!!!!!"
amanda b
- Reviewed: 3/15/2015
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I attend Sanford Brown Atlanta since November of 2014. At first I thought the education was good my first two modules in keyboarding. But as the program went on, the quality of education went down. They have us learning two different course per module which is a lot. Now I am taking medical terminology and med law this month for two days a week each course. Which means your expected to learn each course in 10 days. Absolutely ridiculous. Especially for medical terminology. I went to another med school before and they gave us time to learn the material. I do not reccommend this school. I dont feel im learning anything but just trying to cram info in at this Point. On top of all this the school is kind of ghetto. Alot of the students have nasty attitudes and the staff members are only nice to you when you are trying to enroll. Once you get in your treated like a scrub! I am in the process of seeing if i can tranfer to another school."
Another Graphic Design Student
- Reviewed: 3/6/2015
- Degree: Graphic Design
- Graduation Year: 2015
"What a complete waste of time and money. Most class mates had zero talent and the school was obviously about just making money. The classes run so fast it is hard to learn, and 90% of what you learn, is what you do on your own with out the instructors, lectures or classmates. Save the money and do all of the free tutorials you can get your hands on, you will learn so much more. I didn't even get usable portfolio pieces out of the classes, as they go at such a fast speed, that you just are not producing the quality of work that you should but in a portfolio. Now I am finally going to a community college, and guess what? It looks like none of the credits will even transfer. Grrr. Please reconsider, if you want to go to this college, I wish I had seen these reviews before I registered."