Southern Technical College Reviews
118 Reviews - Orlando (FL) (and 4 others)
- Annual Tuition: $32,275

33% of 118 students said this degree improved their career prospects
40% of 118 students said they would recommend this school to others
Programs with 5+ Reviews
Student Reviews
Karina Quiles
- Reviewed: 2/28/2024
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2023
- Reviewed: 8/24/2023
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2024
"My recent encounter with Southern Technical College has left me profoundly disappointed. An issue with my financial aid brought to light the college's lack of accountability and disregard for student concerns. A reporting error on the college's part led to an overpayment situation with the Veterans Administration (VA). This mistake not only resulted in a reduced financial aid amount but also caused unnecessary stress. Despite being the source of the error, the college has shown an alarming unwillingness to admit their mistake and find a resolution. I approached the college's financial aid office in hopes of resolving the matter, but their response was far from satisfactory. Their refusal to acknowledge their role in the overpayment has left me frustrated and unsupported. This experience has shaken my confidence in Southern Technical College. An institution dedicated to student success should prioritize transparency and accountability. Unfortunately, the college's actions have raised doubts about their commitment to these values. I caution prospective students to approach Southern Technical College with caution. If an institution cannot handle and rectify their own mistakes, it raises concerns about the level of care and support they provide to their students. In summary, my encounter with Southern Technical College has been marked by their inability to address a financial aid error they caused. Their lack of accountability is disappointing and raises concerns about their dedication to student well-being. I hope sharing my experience will prompt necessary changes and help others make informed decision"
Disabled Army Combat Veteran
- Reviewed: 2/6/2022
- Degree: HVAC
- Graduation Year: 2021
"Writing this review to share with anyone who weighing their options on attending this school or not. I am a 100 percent disabled veteran with multiple combat tours overseas. My military career was cut short at 14 years due to my combat related injuries. I attended the Orlando Fl. campus for one class in Oct 2021 utilizing my GI Bill. I notified multiple people within the school system that I was attending school utilizing my GI Bill and that I was unemployable due to my injuries. I also notified their career dept. and my instructor as well. They were all fine with this and said welcome to the program. Started class, there was no syllabus given and no clear lesson plan. The instructor did not have any kind of control over the classroom and the students. The classroom time was students talking over the teacher and the instructor helping students with their tests in front of the rest of the class. I was just going through the motions which seemed every other classmate was doing to get through the class per discussion with them. The real problem starts at the last week of class. The instructor crossed the line multiple times asking about my disabilities in front of the class even said why can't you work if you can come to school. Long story short after going through the proper channels the school swept it under the rug, lied to the Department of Veterans affairs and the Department of Education. The whole situation was swept under the table like it never happened. I would highly suggest looking at more qualified schools which not only would provide a better education but will not cause any issues from unqualified instructors."
- Reviewed: 1/10/2022
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2022
"My name is Amanda, I'm a single mother of 2, one of which has special needs, this is why I took the night program at STC, I attended for 1 year and it set me back, I failed the pharmacology class due to them hiring someone a week after the class started for the next 3-4 weeks I failed every test that person lectured, (under 78%) I reached out to the DON Ms. Mohammad, the DOE Ms. Stone, and I asked for any assistance. The Teacher DON and DOE and teacher all responded with "Read the book and you will pass." Now, I'm not expert on mental illness but I have severe anxiety (PTSD) and the 3rd week of Pharmacology during the psychotherapeutic drugs lecture he said, "Anxiety is all in your head". I couldn't focus with this statement lingering over my head, So I emailed the DOE and DON asking for resourced for people like me, she referred me to someone named Nina, who gave me all the local mental health centers. I personally was already seeing a regular therapist and what not. I told them I felt my anxiety was and issue because of these statements he was making and it made it really hard to focus... After another teacher that is honestly an angel found me in my car hyperventilating and crying, I word vomited everything, and she said "Don't let him take this away from you." I managed to turn my grades around even was getting A's and B's on tests but it still wasn't enough. Because 75% of the class failed or withdrew they did not have enough room and they gave us 2 options go Thursday in the morning or sit it out, by Mr. Guttman. So after some whining they offered me Wednesday in the morning. As a special needs mom, my son needs me to get him to the bus or I have to at least prep and give him time. To adjust, and they refused me that, I got a call this very morning, and was told if I sit it out I am effectively withdrawing from the program. This school has no integrity in the administrative staff, their need for teachers was solely reason they're losing several students because they're not allowing students into the classes they signed up for initially, and phrases like "it's in the book, read the book." does not show a willingness to teach. I was talked into holding the class by the DON and the Teacher themselves because of terrible quotes like the one above. I asked about tutoring services, and even attempted to meet the professor outside of class to go over test to which I was handed the scantron and no copy of the test itself. I wasn't attempting to be discourteous but when I asked direct questions I was not given answers, it was almost like I was an inconvenience. In the 12 months I went here the last 2 terms had clinicals I didn't even see the inside of a hospital, nursing home, or anything. Several Emails even went unanswered. I'm sure as far as people these admin go, they maybe good people but as educators they are as cold as ice. If you have a disability in your family or even in yourself do not go here. If you are injured they will withdrawal you from the program. There is no integrity if you need help and want to speak out against a teacher new or not. I will say there are several RN's/BSN/MSN that work there that are amazing people Joiner, Matula, Safford, Atherton, and Patterson are all amazing people and educators that genuinely care, they're firm and strict, and will even meet with you to go over tests."
- Reviewed: 9/17/2021
- Degree: Welding
- Graduation Year: 1900
"You ask for my input about Southern technical college and what I would tell Instructors and students is to stay away. Management take the at will concept of hire and firing to the max for which contacts can be rewritten to meet their need of controlling Instructors They treat instructors like pawns on a chess game which the pawns are played against one another in order to denied unity. The chess pieces to watch out for are the knights they visit management on a regular basis because they’re the ones with the swords which can be place in the pawns back. The worst place I have ever worked with benefits that are a joke As for the Student look into more of your option of different schools then this one don’t let them talk you into it. Even your county community colleges offer the same degrees and courses but a lot cheaper. Felt bad for the students From my understanding all the sites are run the same way?"
- Reviewed: 4/14/2021
- Degree: RN to BSN Campus
- Graduation Year: 2020
"This school is money hungry!!! I’ve spent a countless amount of money, studying, time, my health, etc here to end up hearing if we don’t pass the ATI comprehensive predictor we won’t graduate! They sure know how to talk it up when applying here. They rant and rave to you about all the endless help you’ll receive in your classes, even tell you they have tutoring available everyday! There was NO EXTRA HELP for the nursing students at all. This school has a bunch of Nurses themselves working as teachers and you would think they do everything in their power to help you succeed, but they don’t. They teach US about being our patients advocate but they sure aren’t advocates for us! We are a complete failure to them if we don’t pass the comprehensive predictor. We are nothing if we don’t pass that test at the very end. How awful. You spend almost 2 years at a school and then find out in your last term (seminar) that you will need to pass this ATI predictor or you will not graduate from their program. Im sorry but they should have been prepping us for this on the first day, not the last term in nursing school when they provide all this other stuff like the ATI live and ATI capstone review giving us no extra time to study for this predictor. Then you’re told if you don’t pass the RN ATI predictor you can apply to become an LPN. I went to school for an RN degree not an LPN!"
Duncan Moore
- Reviewed: 8/15/2019
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Money hungry people! Their accreditor is terrible and wont allow credits to transfer. They lie to you and tell you whatever they have to in order to get your money. Terrible school cost as much as a university and give you an insurmountable about of homework for unaccredited classes."
James Conner
- Reviewed: 8/15/2019
- Degree: Surgical Technician
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Do Not attend this school!!! Other colleges do not accept their credits even though they lied to me and told me Id be able to transfer to USF which I wasnt and most jobs dont even recognize it as a legit degree. Do yourself a favor and save your time and money"
- Reviewed: 7/29/2019
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Southern Technical College (Orlando Campus) Is disorganized and all-around money hungry. Never will I ever recommend anyone to attend this school! They prey on low-income individuals and trick you into thinking you are making the best decision for your future. When in actuality, you end up being in major debt and nothing to show for all the time you put into receiving this expensive education. Their accreditation is flawed and goes through unfair hoop holes. Valencia doesn’t even accept credits from them! My issue with this business is that they are all over the place and have different departments that tell you different things. Because of their uncoordinated administration, I couldn’t even attend graduation. I had to miss out on my big day because the person that ran the career service department had forgotten to put in the order for my cap and gown. I’ve spent 2 hard-working years trying to obtain my associate's degree in Medical Assisting. And I say “trying” because I have completed my two years and passed but they refuse to give me my diploma and hold it hostage because I’m supposedly not current on my out of house loan payment. After I shelled out a lot of money to stay current. I then received my transcripts with no problem and the registrar department ordered my diploma with no problem and said I can pick it up once it arrived. When I called to see if my diploma has arrived, they said it has but they can’t give it to me because for some odd reason, once again, I’m not current on my payment. I was then transferred to the registrar department to get clarification since my previous conversation with them stated otherwise. In the transfer, I was sent to voicemail and I left a message regarding the issue. Still, I have not received a return call. This school’s administration is full of lies and is not helpful to the students! Please steer clear of this organization and go to Valencia or any other REAL accredited school!"
Former student
- Reviewed: 7/14/2019
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2019
"This had to be the worst experience I’ve ever had with a college when the best instructor ever Miss G left, all the other instructors didn’t teach. They were gossiping about Miss G and other students. It’s ridiculous that you pay a lot of money to go to school and you have to be taught by the worst instructors. Miss Davis and Cook are nice to your face then gossip about you to other students behind your back. Administration doesn’t do anything about it, they are so worried about keeping students that don’t show up and study. They pass anyone just to keep their numbers up. I worked hard for my grades and I owe it all to one great Instructor. They should have never let Miss G go. I wouldn’t waste my time nor money on this college. Go to a college where they actually care about your learning. Not somewhere that would treat students this way. I actually filled a complaint with the DOE. Hopefully this schools gets investigated. Waste of money and the instructors act so unprofessional."
- Reviewed: 4/29/2019
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2019
"I love this school. Everyone is like family. The staff is amazing and the instructors are all accommodating to helping their students learn the course. Im excited to graduate and yet am sad that I will miss everyone. I may take another course when I am finished with this one."
- Reviewed: 2/11/2019
- Degree: Sonography
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Recent graduate from the Diagnostic Medical sonography. glad I chose STC. Tough program but very worth it. Looking to pursue your career in ultrasound choose STC. lots of hands on training. Class sizes are small. Staff and faculty is always there to help."
Brian K Branca
- Reviewed: 11/29/2018
- Degree: Surgical Technician
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Very understandable classes regardless of level of education, which was very helpful for me having only a GED. Instructors are knowledgeable and easy to understand. Very happy I took the time to research this school and highly recommend it. I am excited to start a career after I graduate."
- Reviewed: 11/27/2018
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2020
"i like the school, the instructors and the course but i didn't feel like i needed all the classes since i have an associate degree and already had some of the classes. I felt jipped and i am double paying for my classes......................................"
OB/GYN Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
- Reviewed: 11/20/2018
- Degree: Sonography
- Graduation Year: 2016
"The best decision I have ever made was studying Ultrasound at Southern Tech. The class sizes are small, which is only to your benefit. The professors are very knowledgeable. I received my Bachelors degree at a different university before attending Southern Tech and I soon realized that the work load here is very manageable. I now work full-time doing OBGYN ultrasound and I have never been happier. I actually enjoyed going to class here and my classmates became some of my closest friends."
- Reviewed: 11/20/2018
- Degree: Sonography
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Great school, great program, great teachers. Highly recommended. They truly care about the students. The teachers in the ultrasound program do everything they can to help you succeed. They are always there for you. I have been to other schools abc I did not have this experience."
Disappointed College Student
- Reviewed: 10/18/2018
- Degree: Surgical Technician
- Graduation Year: 2021
"I have only been in this school 3 weeks and its HELL! From orientation and not receiving a schedule because they didn't receive my diploma, to starting the acutal orientation 25 mins late. I was told it would take two hours so I planned to work after. It took 4. That day our scrubs were issued. Shocker they were the wrong size. Luckily they had my size on campus to give me. 3 of the 4 of my "professors" are good teachers. The other I've had issues with since day one. she has made comments like "oh if I miss anyone on grading my bad just email me". So I received a 0 for participation one day so I send her an email to find out why . What do you know no response so I go hunt her down the next day she acknowledges that I emailed her and didn't respond !Mind you there is no chance for interaction in the class because she only plays 4th grade math Youtube videos then issues homework. Well anyways, she then the same day tells another student I was bitching at her. 1) don't talk about my business to another student and 2) you are not professional at all for speaking like this. So I go to speak to the director of education who also does not want to help me and chewed me out. I just want to know what I am doing wrong. Next step is the dean on Monday and I hope he helps or ill be finding another school. I WOULD NOT RECCOMMEND THIS SCHOOL TO ANYONE. SAVE YOUR MONEY. vent over. made me feel better."
- Reviewed: 9/27/2018
- Degree: Sonography
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I would never recommend this school to anyone. Get a better education at a different school. They are money hungry and dont care about anything except making themselves look good. Us students are worked to death and we are still set up for failure. They do nothing to help you out"
- Reviewed: 9/24/2018
- Degree: Surgical Technician
- Graduation Year: 2019
"This school is terrible! All they care about is the money. Especially Tampa campus. No one cares about the students or their lives. Crazy workload. reasonable teachers. Extremely expensive just save your time and money. They tell you what you want to hear in the beginning dont believe none of it! Its all lies. If you have a job and family then good luck! This program is designed for people with no lives family or job who has 50k to blow and not even receive a good education. They made me take pre-algebra when I took that in like the 6th grade. This school is a joke and the staff are worse."
- Reviewed: 8/22/2018
- Degree: Welding
- Graduation Year: 2019
"This school is absolutely horrible. Worst decision I have ever made in my life. Its so over priced you can get such a better education for a quarter of the price this school is money hungry and only looks at every student as a dollar sign they do not follow rules set by the accreditation company they are sneaky. Im in the welding program and they have done nothing but s**** everyone over. I havent met one person at the school thats happy with it. I hope someone important will see this and shut this school down and investigate them. My advice to anyone looking DONT GO HERE!"