TCI Reviews
0 Reviews - New York (NY)

0% of 0 students said this degree improved their career prospects
0% of 0 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Antonio Rodriguez
- Reviewed: 4/13/2023
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2002
"This technological institute was the best in its field in nyc. I'm proud to be Port of this prestigious school. A lot of young people were graduated and started their career throughout United States with successful results and they lives changed for good."
- Reviewed: 7/11/2017
- Degree: Healthcare Administration
- Graduation Year: 2012
"This school is not worth the money. Stick with a CUNY you will at least have something to show for it. All this school did was left me with a loan. Finally finishing paying off my loan to the department of education for them to tell me they won't release my transcripts because I now owe the school as if paying $75 short of $10,000 loan wasn't enough."
Ron Bowng
- Reviewed: 4/4/2017
- Degree: Electronics
- Graduation Year: 1977
"I am now retired after 40 yrs in electrical / mechanical career. I started my first job with ADT as a bench technician, after picking up some experience I moved on to becoming a field engineer with Kodak and Konica , I thank TCI for the hands on education I received."
- Reviewed: 1/9/2017
- Degree: HVAC
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I completed the HVAC program in 2016 and got a job in residential HVAC (not through the school). Let me start off by saying some teachers actually care about teaching you and some are not interested in their students at all. So yes, don't expect to have your hand held, try to study with people who care about their education. It will pay off. As far as what I learned, this school mostly teaches commercial refrigeration and air conditioning which can be very complex so don't be discouraged if you don't understand something, I feel like they should have touched up more on installation, residential systems, and heating. As far as tuition wise i feel it is a complete ripoff and the school is designed to take as much money from you as possible. But overall I enjoyed my time in TCI, it was a challenge, I even failed two classes but bounced back and ended up graduating in 16 months, TCI was a steppingstone for me, I completed my first year as a residential technician and have learned more than ever, so my advice to the HVAC students out there, if possible try to schedule class at night and get a job with a company during the day, it will improve your studies, good luck to everyone and I hope this review inspires more people to pursue this trade"
- Reviewed: 11/15/2015
- Degree: Optical/Optometric Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"This school is pricey, but it is the best in the state for my study. It is also a private college. Apparently people on here didn't know that. If you do the work, you will be rewarded. I am currently in my 3rd semester and have been on the dean's list twice. GPA of 3.73. I have already taken my certification test, in my early 2nd semester, and am now ABO certified. The teachers are amazing. If you take OPT, Mrs. L. is the most amazing human being and teacher."
- Reviewed: 10/31/2015
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I graduated here and I have nothing but positive things to say because I see the glass as half full cause I started from the bottom and TCI gave me the chance to improve myself and my goals I had the honor of knowing the entire staff and faculty to understand what's need to move on and improve for my future they take the time to direct you for the next step and if you push yourself and apply yourself in doing their work you get what you put in, stop worrying about the cost because this is a step to millions of you work hard for it"
Razxy Bradford
- Reviewed: 10/29/2015
- Degree: Paralegal
- Graduation Year: 2015
"My time at TCI transformed my life. Not only was I able to excel academically but I was honored to be involved in student government and other student related activities. I was able to earn the trust and respect of TCI faculty members and also my peers. The learning I acquired at TCI is absolutely applicable in the professional arena, as I am currently working in my field of training as a paralegal."
- Reviewed: 10/29/2015
- Degree: Electrician
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I learned allot from the school. I put effort and time into my education and now it's paying off lovely. The day after I graduated I started my new career and I am well on my way to success. I work for an amazing company that I very grateful for. Tci helped sharpen my skills and prepare me for the real world. I miss the school and would like to go back to talk to the current student body."
Nadia Cantave
- Reviewed: 10/29/2015
- Degree: Paralegal
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I got a job as a Paralegal through the Career Services and Mr. Agnello from TCI College. If you put 100% you will get a 100% at TCI. I graduated on the deans list, A- student because I put in the effort. The administration helps. The clubs are great."
Desiree B.
- Reviewed: 10/29/2015
- Degree: Human Services
- Graduation Year: 2015
"One thing I can say is that college is what you make of it and if you come in somewhere with a negative attitude you are going to get negative responses in return. I have yet to meet any staff in my major or in the school who have not assisted me with things that I needed whether it is personal or school related. Of course there are things that can be worked on but that's everywhere. Thank you too Father D., ECM, Dean J, OS, AR, WJ, and everyone else who helped me when I needed them !"
- Reviewed: 10/29/2015
- Degree: Political Science
- Graduation Year: 2008
"TCI is an excellent college. It was the beginning of many great things in my life. Before going there i had no direction and didn't know what the future held me. I was running around not in good circles and now i am happy to say that i am attending another college pursuing a nursing degree. i give thanks to all at TCI who believed in me and always encouraged me to continue no matter what."
Lenny M.
- Reviewed: 10/29/2015
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I've never had an issue with TCI. Besides some of the students who don't want to learn, the Instructors are great. I learned a lot, whether it was about learning, or just life itself. Professors like Ms. Gaffney, Professor Davis, and Dr. Rosado. The staff are cool as well. I've met a few great people, staff and other students at TCI, and still keep in contact with them as of today. They have some good trips, especially during the summer, when they have trips to the amusement parks, and it's only $20, and you get your money back. If you have a problem with the school, it's not the school, it's you. You have to want to get your degree, regardless of how you feel. I do know that TCI is more advanced than ASA, but that's another story :)"
Davene Roseborough
- Reviewed: 10/29/2015
- Degree: Paralegal
- Graduation Year: 2015
"T.C.I is a wonderful college I got the one on one attention from my professor. The school is well known to some major colleges and most of these colleges give scholarships to T.C.I graduates. I currently attend St.John University on a 15,000 scholarship for 3yrs thanks to T.C.I I also have many friends that attend this school and got great law firm jobs after even some went to a school great school out of state I love this school if it was 4 yrs I would go back I had an great experience here and I miss it P.S staff is super helpful u don't get that a other colleges T.C.I staff go far and beyond for their students do what you need to do for u and you'll go far at T.C.I College hope this was helpful for those seeking a college T.C.I. IS THE BEST graduate of class 2015"
Shantane Joseph
- Reviewed: 9/21/2015
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Horrible school. A complete waste of money and financial Aid. financial Aid Worker incompetent and no one does any thing to correct employee mistakes. they will email no sense about outside school events, but won't email you in regards to important notices. this school is not recommended for people coming to school at night even though they have night classes if you need office staff you will be waiting in line for ever and offices closes early. unsatisfied student."
jay bee
- Reviewed: 8/4/2015
- Degree: Interior Design
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Sad to say most of the negative comments are true and most professors will tell that its a business not a learning institution I graduated from this school with people who never even came to class most professors are from the middle east and hates America the schools objective is to get you to pay for 4 semesters so basically they could care less if you've learned anything one fella that graduated with me didn't even know how to retrieve his email .. lol"
- Reviewed: 6/2/2015
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2011
"You get exactly what you put into it. You will have alot of classes with lazy, unmotivated people that want the work handed to them. Many don't understand this is college and professors will not baby you. But if you do what you have to do you will be fine. The computer networking teachers were great. Hands off enough for you to learn troubleshooting skills but stepped in when needed. The professors there can tell who is serious about their studies and who is just there to get by and treat you accordingly. I worked my butt of graduated with a GPA of 3.9 and making over 80 grand in the field. Make sure you take advantage of the internship program."
- Reviewed: 10/15/2014
- Degree: HVAC
- Graduation Year: 0
"This is my first semester here at TCI and so far I am highly disappointed. All this school cares about is making money. The financial aid department is terrible and does nothing to help you, the school has a system where they put your financial aid money on a debit card and you HAVE to use it in the bookstore, another way to make money. The staff is terrible with the exception of few. All of the teachers have accents which are very hard to understand. Definitely not worth the money being paid. The hands on classes are okay but still don't teach you much at all. Point blank this school is all about money and the staff does not care about the students."
- Reviewed: 10/2/2014
- Degree: Optical/Optometric Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The optical program is the best in the state. You can get your associates degree at least 6 months faster than at the state sponsored schools, and you will also get a professional license to practice opticianry when you pass the NYS practical exam (TCI has constantly had a 100% pass rate). I went from making $9.00 an hour at an optical shop to making $24.00 per hour at a private optical business. It helps me to support my family, and my younger brother is now attending this program. I am hoping to go on to optometry school, so I am in a bachelors degree program that will take me at least 2 years, and then on to optometry school. It will be a long haul, but it will be worth it. Anything worth having is worth struggling for."
Jen H
- Reviewed: 5/28/2014
- Degree: Human Services
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I attended this college HONESTLY because I was promised to start soon. Plus they basically accept ANY & EVERYONE...I wasn't up to waiting a half of year to start with CUNY...let alone take a placement test. My family was so proud of me because I finally decided to go to college. I was told that I had to take out a loan but I didn't care....I figured it made up for the flexibility of learning....I started my classes and the teachers are the same as any where...some you like & others you don't care for. The work is pretty easy.... I know what's wrong with the school ???!! It's the a CUNY school you'd probably a semester with money left over from a grant...with TCI you'll leave with a degree owing student loans over 30, AS. Degree should ever be so expensive!!!! Take time out have patients & study time & find a public school hope I could help !!"
- Reviewed: 4/30/2014
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I have read the other reviews on this website and I agree with the majority of them. I attended TCI because I dropped out years ago and returned to finish what I started. I only needed to complete 3 semesters and I would receive my Associates. Why did I give the college low scores? TCI has been in business for years, the money that is made is well hidden, the equipment (computers, etc.) is old and worn out. The school looks the same from almost 20 years ago, and much of the staff is just plain lazy. With that being said, you get out of the school what you put into it, study hard, apply yourself and you will eventually get ahead. My advice to anyone thinking of attending here: PAY ATTENTION-the curriculum might change, check your grades, make good friends in the registrars office, because believe me, when graduation time comes there will be a class that you somehow did not take. There will somehow be money owed on your account at the end of the semester. Ask students, you will hear the same story over and over. There are some great, helpful teachers and staff that know inside information and they can help direct you to the right places, the problem is finding them. I was blessed to run across a few. Take your money and attend a public college, but if you choose TCI remember this college is a FOR-PROFIT school; it is a business intent on making as much money as possible, treat it as such."