Texas State University Reviews
129 Reviews - San Marcos (TX)
- Annual Tuition: $22,559

88% of 129 students said this degree improved their career prospects
94% of 129 students said they would recommend this school to others
Programs with 5+ Reviews
Student Reviews
dehas1 .
- Reviewed: 2/8/2022
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2024
"I came to Texas State on my GI Bill. I can say that it was one of my greatest regrets. Fist off, the school repeatedly dropped me from courses and then charged me a fine to register during late registration. Other GI Bill students told me the same was happening to them and the VA office at the school confirmed the school does this to get the $100 fines. Since I was unable to register until after all other students, I usually had a half course load. I was unable to afford my rent because of this and worked nights to cover my bills. I was not able to complete a degree in my allotted time on the GI Bill since I was only allowed to enroll in a class or two each semester. As other people have pointed out, parking is a nightmare. You can't rely on the bus system to be running at any time, so you need a parking pass, but that doesn't mean you will get a parking space. Many classes will fail you for attendance, so there is a real possibility you could not pass a course just because the school oversells the parking passes. I never got to experience anything like school spirit. I really hated my time here. My first year I met a lot of nice people and tried to go to things like tail gate and on campus events, but after that it became miserable. Tail gate was more oriented toward greek life and while many greek students were friendly and cool people, the ones that weren't ruined everything they touched. I believe the school banned most fraternities in the time I was there. But a lot of very bad people unrelated to greek life were also present at this school and I never could figure out why. It just sucked being around awful people. Not that there weren't great people here, they were simply overshadowed by the bad ones. Anything the school is involved in is trash. The recreation center was an unmaintained junk heap. Students were paying for gym memberships rather than attending the free gym on campus. The dining halls would sometimes only serve unhealthy food. I don't want pancakes for three meals a day. Parking enforcement would go to students homes and ticket their vehicles. If you rent a house near campus you could be fined for parking in your drive way that is not the school's property. I had been accepted to Tech, SFA, Sam Houston and Tarleton and I sincerely wish I had gone somewhere else. This school was toxic and I left with nothing but bitterness and resentment."
Ashlie M.
- Reviewed: 7/2/2021
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2022
"Definitely not impressed. The enrollment, advising and orientation process was awful. Poor communication and long waits for no reason. Couldn’t get anyone on the phone for 3 hours. When I finally did they couldn’t do anything. Teachers were boring and did seem to have relevant experience for the classes they were teaching. Advisors are late to appointments, not prepared and do not give you the resources you actually need. My third advisor finally helped me and told me about programs that would have been great to know years ago. Overall very unsatisfactory. I would choose literally any other university."
Bradley James
- Reviewed: 9/2/2020
- Degree: Healthcare Administration
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Pre-Course selection does not give you much description to know what your getting into, until class starts and you get the syllabus. Courses have much breadth. Not depth. Many do not follow a path, especially for professional licensure programs. Some Professors set up curriculum as they know it, not from the perspective as a learner. The (I know it, you should know it attitude) Online courses are an extreme example of the aforementioned. You are at each course Professors mercy."
Emily Young
- Reviewed: 7/18/2019
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I cannot recommend Texas State University enough. The campus is just as wonderful inside as it is out (you know that a river runs through it, right?!) Texas State is a large university, but when you're enrolled, it feels tight-knit. Your professors know your name and care about your future. I continue to keep up communication with mine. In addition, many of the programs offer hands-on involvement on campus and out in the community. For example, students studying child-life can often be found running the on-campus day care programs. Many student studying biology are on the river studying San Marcos' marine life! Texas State University is a special place that will enrich your life beyond your college years."
Camille Hernandez
- Reviewed: 6/27/2019
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I would highly recommend this program and university to others. It is the only program of its kind in Texas and the faculty and staff are superb. As a whole, Texas State is a beautiful campus, and San Marcos is lovely place to live during your college years. I would recommend this school/program to anyone."
Zephanie Battle
- Reviewed: 6/6/2019
- Degree: Journalism
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Texas State University takes pride in its education system and I genuinely would like to applaud its Mass Communication and Journalism program. All of the professors have worked in their specific field for many years and are determined to teach you everything they know through their lectures and teachings."
- Reviewed: 3/1/2018
- Degree: Fitness Trainer
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Texas State's ESS program is a great program for anyone who is looking to learn more about the human body and how it reacts with exercise and movement. They offer different degrees catered towards multiple different career fields such as personal training, pre-physical therapy, recreational therapy, cardiac rehab, and many others. On top of the many options, professors in this department are passionate and knowledgeable in the areas they teach in. The ESS programs at Texas State are challenging but rewarding once completed. You will find yourself leaving with much more knowledge than when you began in an area of study that interests you. The biggest downfall to this program is how far the ESS building is from the main campus. The ESS building is secluded from the rest of campus making it difficult if you have classes in both the ESS building and on main campus. On the bright side, you are right next to the San Marcos River. I highly recommend the ESS program at Texas State University."
Daylon Howell
- Reviewed: 11/30/2017
- Degree: Sociology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The Department of Sciology at Texas State is remarkable and uniqe. They've gathered a passionate, insightful group of academics who excel in both research and education. In the program we have specialists in urban sociology, art and culture, mental health and addiction, globalization, and sustainability. Many of the faculty are national leaders in their field and are eager to share their perspective and inspire student. I chose to remain at Texas State to pursue a graduate degree in sustainability from this department because I believe there is nowhere else that offers the opportunities and advantages available here at Texas State."
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I loved Texas State! I wouldn't change it for the world"
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I thought I needed a trade afterwards. It was too theoretical."
Stephanie Kristynik
- Reviewed: 8/21/2017
- Degree: School Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2019
"My program was very structured. It allowed me access to real career experiences and helped me to better myself. I am currently still enrolled in the program and feel competent with my progress and skills. The professors are very helpful and offer many opportunities for their students to succeed."
- Reviewed: 6/6/2017
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"This program is not worth your time. The professors let political differences get in the way of student research. The professor I was advised by was not professional in any way. They on leave for 3 months the day after I got to Texas State. I had no idea they were leaving, and they pressured me to move ASAP across the country the day after I graduated undergrad. They called my stupid and a liar and told me that I had bad ideas. When I left their lab they told me I would be best to leave the sciences. They killed my love of biology. They were NEVER on campus. I only ever got 3 meetings with them in my time at Texas State. Ever time I talked to them they completely changed my research. As far as course work goes I felt that I did learn a lot in statistics. However, my second semester environmental hydrology became my living nightmare. It was taught by a professor who clearly was out of date. The work we did in class no longer has practical application. Many of the students in the department are mean spirited. They love to many fun of others and tear you down. Freeman has a good old boys club too, if you are not a dude the men won't talk to you. I was a GRA and thought I would have full funding, wrong. I had to take out loans. One of my advisors wanted me to stay for my PHD and offered to pay for it. I left after a year, without even an MS. I could not be happier to be away from that messed up school. And it wasn't that I wasn't capable. I had my proposal ready to be on file after my 1st semester and my grades were good. If you can go to literally any other school do so. I know I am not the only one who hated Texas State."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2012
"This was a great masters program. It allowed me to get my teaching degree and masters at the same time. I had great professors that really seemed to care about my success."
John Enderby
- Reviewed: 3/25/2017
- Degree: Marketing
- Graduation Year: 2007
"I really enjoyed my time at Texas State University. I ended up getting my degree in marketing . I would have liked to have changed my major but was too far invested to change. At the time of graduation I felt well prepared to find a job related to my major but chose to go a different direction."
Tyler Gerds
- Reviewed: 3/21/2017
- Degree: Fitness Trainer
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Texas State University is a very unique university due its location in the middle of the Texas Hill Country. The beautiful campus rolling with hills has a river, the San Marcos River, running right through it that is fueled by an all natural fresh water spring that pumps water out at a consistent temperature year around. The location of the university allows for its students to enjoy not only the river, but also enjoy travel to Austin and/or San Antonio, both located only thirty minutes from campus. Texas State is known as the Rising Star of Texas, and this motto adequately depicts the educational experience one is guaranteed. Every professor at Texas State is meticulous in their instruction methods and are dedicated to providing you with the material you need in order to succeed in your prospected field. Texas State processes a top 5% business school and one of the most competitive physical therapy schools in the nation. Along with post-graduate study/research opportunities, the university provides one with unimaginable networking opportunities as it one of the largest universities in Texas. It is safe to say I along with many others have had a phenomenal educational experience and feel prepared to enter the work force thanks to Texas State. It is an ultimate underdog in terms of ranking compared to other colleges, but is a growing university that will soon be the cream of the crop."
Tyler Hunt
- Reviewed: 3/13/2017
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Texas State University has been an incredible experience across the board. I have taken amazing classes with professors who were extremely knowledgeable in their respective fields. There are hundreds of organizations to join in a multitude of fields. Texas State has a great culture of community service and encourages students to get involved through multiple different events. You will meet people from all walks of life and creeds. It is truly the rising star of Texas!"
Sean Mardell
- Reviewed: 3/13/2017
- Degree: English
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Texas State University is a fantastic institution. The English department in particular is great, with professors who are committed to uplifting both their students and the University's status. Further, the department's commitment to cultural studies and film programs makes it stand out as a great place for students of all walks of life."
Nicolina Weaver
- Reviewed: 3/13/2017
- Degree: Human Resources
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Texas State is an up and coming research facility with around 38,000 students. There is no lack of diversity which is something I personally value. Although some classes are large, the average size of my classes was between 30-50 students. I can personally say that the McCoy College Of Business is highly noted and one of 5% of business schools in the world with AACSB accreditation."
- Reviewed: 3/12/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I would recommend this university because of the atmosphere for learning. The tuition cost is not too expensive. It's located between major cities Austin and San Antonio. It's a diverse campus with lots of activities and organizations to get involved in."
Destany Schadder
- Reviewed: 3/9/2017
- Degree: Performing Arts
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I absolutely loved the campus, the river flowing through the campus really made my day so much better, and the people in San Marcos are the nicest people by far. The admissions department could use some work, because when I first got to Texas State I was told I needed to take classes that truly were not in line with my degree plan. The roads in San Marcos have took a bit of a dive as well because they have fairly new ideas on how to turn around to go the opposite direction on I35, a certain intersection has caused many accidents."