Baptist University of Florida Reviews

  • 5 Reviews
  • Graceville (FL)
  • Annual Tuition: $12,450
75% of 5 students said this degree improved their career prospects
80% of 5 students said they would recommend this school to others
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India Hagler
  • Reviewed: 1/21/2024
  • Degree: Ministry
"I do not recommend this school, there is false teachings everywhere in the school and one of them gave me religious trauma. Even after I graduated they still want to control my life and not let me do ministry, just because I have trauma. Jesus said he wants all of us do his kingdom work."
  • Reviewed: 10/16/2020
  • Degree: Psychology
"Loved the academics, biblical teaching aspects (as it is a Christian-based school) incorporated in our learning, and the teaching from my professors in the Psychology program. I did my degree 100% fully online over two years, and was happily satisfied with the caring, respect, and involvement of my teachers, despite it being such a small school and finishing my degree long-distance (the school being in FL and me moving to NY). They also just started a Masters program in Counseling last year FYI, and if I still lived there I would've definitely attended due to the amazing teachers in the program. The only con I can think of is the price, but the financial aid office was great to work with and assisted me with finding scholarships and appropriate funding to pay for my classes. I highly recommend this school and their Psychology program all-around."
  • Reviewed: 4/30/2018
  • Degree: Ministry
"I loved The Baptist College of Florida. The education that I received I believe was the best around. I loved the professors and how they cared for me as a person not just a seat in a classroom. It is a small knit community that I feel like was family. I enjoyed my whole college experience."
  • Reviewed: 4/27/2018
  • Degree: Ministry
"While a student at The Baptist College of Florida, I remember days where academic study was taxing and paying for the next textbook seemed like a stretch in my budget. I remember having disagreements with students and being challenged to grow up spiritually. Those days will certainly come to any student or one who wishes to grow in life. BUT, I also remember the days where I would turn in that last paper for the semester. I remember sitting around a table studying, laughing, and growing in relationship with others. I remember midnight runs to waffle house because we weren't bound to a curfew. I remember sitting down with professors and just catching up on life. I remember walking across the stage to grab my diploma. I remember my last day living on campus. And there are just days where I wish I could go back to being that unsure freshman. Others may share a different experience, because each of us has a unique perspective. But I'd be willing to argue with pretty much any individual that BCF is most certainly focused on their mission to change the world through the unchanging word. Each degree program requires a minimum of 18 hours of biblical/theological training. Within those programs students are encouraged to take book studies. Above that, chapel is offered three days a week as an option for students. There are going to be days where chapel seems like an extra task, but looking for a fresh word from God will really help in spiritual growth. There are opportunities all over the area to serve in local churches and many of those churches give students an opportunity to work on staff. Local schools give students the opportunity to intern as teaching assistants. Because BCF is located in Graceville, there are little opportunities to get distracted. Take the time to find joy in the small things of life and build a foundation on that. I remember my frustration the first year of having to drive over an hour to the beach. But I remember the great conversations and laughs that were had in the car during those long drives. They were sometimes better than the time spent at the beach. Grow with others. Grow in your studies. Grow with the Lord. And then when you Go, it's going to be amazing how all those small things become a big thing as you share the love of God and keep the main thing the main thing, and the main thing is Jesus."
  • Reviewed: 3/24/2017
  • Degree: Business Administration
"Though The Baptist College of Florida is a small school, it is a school that is making a profound impact for the Lord's kingdom. They are preparing leaders to take the gospel to the nations by equipping them to teach, preach, run a company or non-profit organization, and council. If one is interested in one of these fields, I highly recommend BCF. However, if you are looking to be an engineer, medical doctor, or run a fortune 500 company, the Baptist College of Florida is not the school for you. Though they provide a quality education, they are not equipped to prepare individuals for jobs that require high specialization, and academic pedigree."