The New School Reviews

  • 8 Reviews
  • New York (NY)
  • Annual Tuition: $51,232
100% of 8 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 8 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Student Reviews - Master's in Architecture

Student Reviews - Master's in Architecture

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Monica Rivera
  • Reviewed: 5/18/2015
  • Degree: Architecture
"It is a very great program, but I'm having economic troubles in order to afford it."
Raquel Richter
  • Reviewed: 3/15/2015
  • Degree: Architecture
"The Master of Architecture program is very intensive but very rewarding. The faculty are fantastic and New York City is the perfect lab for design."
Jimmie Drummond
  • Reviewed: 7/15/2014
  • Degree: Architecture
"I love what Parsons has to offer. The professors are extremely helpful and insightful. The school's resources are unlimited."
Ashley Mathews
  • Reviewed: 2/1/2014
  • Degree: Architecture
"Graduate Architecture program requires huge input after class hours & dedication.You can forget about social life if you take up architecture, and be prepared to mount a huge expense in tuition fees and stationary & supplies. Studying at a renowned institution helps you make the right connections within the industry and also forms a strong foundation of understanding concepts of architecture and research topics."
Ashley Mathews
  • Reviewed: 11/24/2013
  • Degree: Architecture
"The school offers admissions to those who are eager to learn and have an interest in the field.This however also leads to students of different major joining in programs different from their background of study. While this is all part of the interactive field of study, and which helps nurture students with ideas from other fields, this is also a bit of limiting to other students who have studied in the same background. Joining in for an architecture program of 3 years, with students from fields such as Finance, Architectural History and Biology. While these students barely know to draw the technical drawings that architecture students have learned during undergraduate study, they are seated at par with architecture students.The architecture students are not offered advanced placement easily and the process involved in course waivers are intensive."
michael thai
  • Reviewed: 8/11/2013
  • Degree: Architecture
"The Parsons program is very intense and arduous but it definitely made my class better at everything we were making."
Michael Thai
  • Reviewed: 8/7/2013
  • Degree: Architecture
"I will be attending my first semester at Parsons this fall in the Master Architecture Program. However, I have just finished my Summer incoming Architecture graduate student program there and it was definitely intense. The workload was massive causing students to stay up to late hours in the night working away. Many students did not make it through the program due to the demanding schedule. Even though it was a heavy workload, the quality and quantity of work that each student produced was impressive. When I was deciding between Pratt or Parsons for architecture, I chose Parsons because I was told that they "m.a.k.e" things. It is definitely true that the experience at Parsons still concentrates on hand model making along with hand drafting. Many other schools such as Pratt are much more parametric, they usually study a lot more coding to create complex forms in modeling programs. I believe both styles have benefits but I am happy with my choice to attend Parsons."