Trident Technical College Reviews
10 Reviews - Charleston (SC) (and 5 others)
- Annual Tuition: $8,606

33% of 10 students said this degree improved their career prospects
30% of 10 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 9/1/2022
- Degree: Cybersecurity
- Graduation Year: 2024
"You are on your own if you attend online. It takes entirely too long to get questions answered. My instructor is currently out of the country with limited internet and cell access. Why take the job if you're not going to be there to teach? The online environment is all over the place and difficult to flow through. You are given your assignments, and reading material and told to ask classmates questions if you need help. I don't recommend it to anyone who is new to a subject. Only if you are taking remedial or refresher classes. Or even classes directly for employers and the local job market, that's it."
- Reviewed: 9/29/2021
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2024
"I would recommend not attending this institution. You will 100% be teaching yourself. The seven week courses are insane. I started with an introductory science class that left me with hundreds of definitions and concepts to memorize within 4-5 days at a clip. All of your quizzes need to be 100’s or they become zeros. This course was made out to be much more difficult than it needed to be. Trident sets students up for failure. I would expect this level of difficulty in a higher level science course, but not an introductory class. For someone who has not been in school for over seven years I would recommend an 095 class or attend an institution that does not present like a grad school. This is not an institute you want to attend if you have a family and work full time. I truly felt the lectures and material did not reflect the exams. Avoid this school if you want to succeed. There are so many other schools worth your money, time, and dedication."
Nursing Student
- Reviewed: 3/31/2021
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2021
"Do NOT attend Trident Technical College outside of looking to ONLY do undergrad classes in order to transfer. The Nursing program is unfortunately full of instructors who have no idea what nursing is today. In addition they do not teach valid material for practical application or to assist with ensuring students are prepared for exams. Since the move to online for COVID restrictions, the teachers rarely respond to email and when they do, it's to tell you to find it yourself. Their common answer is for the student to read their book. You will be required to teach yourself and there is no assistance or compassion for any of the students. They like to use words like, "dedication, drive, self-starter" and others to dress it up but in a nutshell, you teach yourself the entire program. Choose a different school! You'll be grateful you did. I spoke with a friend who is nurse practitioner and is on the Nursing Board at MUSC. My friend stated Trident Tech makes their program way more difficult than it should and recommended another school but we decided to go this route anyways. It was a mistake. Choose your path but Trident Tech should not be the one for you."
- Reviewed: 5/16/2019
- Degree: Paralegal
- Graduation Year: 2020
"I have to say that Trident has definitely improved over the years. This is my second time attending the college first in 2010 and then in 2019. The first time the staff was not informative but the second time around I was easily able to find the answer to any question I had and if my adviser did not know the answer she would quickly find the answer for me. I hope this college keeps trying to improve there programs I can see the progress they have made over the years."
- Reviewed: 8/16/2017
- Degree: Human Resources
- Graduation Year: 2021
"Bad experience and very rude please do not go to this school really waste my time at this school. And material is out dated and teach will not respond to your email please don't waste your money on this school. Time they always give you the run around"
- Reviewed: 7/25/2017
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The whole school in general is just a freakin mess!! With financial aid, your left in the dark so stay on top of that. I've had to since the day I started this college. Getting in seemed ok, but after a while, a bunch of incompetent idiots took over. INSANE is beyond the word! I've had a new advisor each semester, which is not professional at all. The 7 week courses are horrible and it's hit or miss with the professors you get so check the website called it really does help. I do not recommend this college for anyone and actually ended up transferring to a different college to avoid having to fight for my grades, financial aid, and many other things. This school is such a hot mess! As for the nursing program, be prepared because their program is absolutely without a doubt the most difficult one by far with no need to be so difficult for students. If you attend this college be prepared to guide yourself through and find out what classes you need and how to get the degree you want. It's very poorly run and the retention rate is over 60% and a graduation rate of 11%. Just be careful if you attend this college, there are better ones out there."
Coco Brown
- Reviewed: 7/4/2017
- Degree: Liberal Arts
- Graduation Year: 2015
"My main concern with this college is not the faculty (they're caring and awesome), rather the staff - namely the financial aid department and its processes. I'm wondering if this department is understaffed. Good luck getting email replies or a friendly person on the phone if you do happen to get a call back on questions. Things move slow. Certain staff act as if it's their personal money they're handing out and they don't want to part with it by awarding it to you. ATTITUDE big time. Just be nice...especially when those you come in contact with are nice to you. I think calls need to be monitored and addressed accordingly. Ultimately staff are being paid to provide a service and along with that is the expectation that that service will include reasonably friendly and helpful communication - not resistance and purposely trying to make things hard for students. New students, be prepared to: wait a long time for things to happen, get minimal feedback, encounter some uunfriendliness (not everyone but there are a few who have a serious tone), expect processes to be handled in a way that's kind of hard to understand (compared both to nothing else and my experiences elsewhere). Why does TTC go through all these financial aid processes every 7 weeks? Makes no sense. Cof C has a program that does the 7 week class thing but their financial aid is still on a semester schedule and works like clockwork. The way TTC financial aid does things is madness!"
Madelynn Wildes
- Reviewed: 4/27/2017
- Degree: Science & Math
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I attended this technical college while still in high school. Because of this, I participated in very condensed courses. They were 7-9 week classes, so I always had to make sure I kept up with all of my assignments, or otherwise I would very quickly fall behind. Despite the reputation technical colleges get for lack of educational quality, I genuinely believe that I received a fantastic education in the sciences at this college. Some teachers were fantastic, whil others are memorable. But overall, Trident Technical College was great."
Special Bruno-Bell
- Reviewed: 12/26/2016
- Degree: Science & Math
- Graduation Year: 2014
"There are several satellite campuses for Trident Technical College. The school was made that way to make it more convenient for students to attend school while working and succeeds, because it means that you can schedule the classes you need at the campus that is closest to you. Though specialty courses would be taken at the campus that caters to them. I have attended at two of the many campuses, the Berkeley and the Main campus. Both campuses are friendly in atmosphere and the staff is kind and helpful with the success of students in mind. For class, like every other school, you do have the occasional teacher who doesn't really care for the students and is just there for a paycheck. However, Trident has implemented a review system for the students to try and fix that issue. So there are more teachers there for the love of teaching than the money. There is also the mix-mode option for classes, which is a class that is spent half in lecture with your instructor, half online for assignments and such. This option is a combination of the two opposing options of fully online, which makes attending easier for a student that has issue attending a class with a teacher for whatever reason, and a full lecture class, which has a student sitting in a classroom a couple hours for given days of the week. The only down side to classes at Trident is the way the classes are set up. Each class is seven weeks instead of the standard fourteen. Which can be helpful in some classes like English perhaps, but is purely unreasonable for classes like Anatomy and Physiology. This is so, because for classes in which it is required that you know the information intimately in a way such that it is known inward and outward with its applications, functions, and procedures, the seven week class is too short for retention of all that knowledge. Many classes, such as those for medical and engineering, have now become feeder classes, in which it is rather difficult to retain all of the information required beyond the final exam date without an amazing memory and determination that exceeded the actual class. Even teachers find it difficult to manage under the seven week class system because they feel rushed. Whether it be fortune or misfortune, the seven week schedule is the only down side to attending at Trident, be it for attending one of their specialized programs or for getting an associates degree to transfer to another school. Trident is a great school to attend. Just be sure that your credits will transfer to the next institution, if that is your plan. Luckily, Trident even has an evaluation transfer page for that. Just talk to your advisor."
- Reviewed: 11/30/2015
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The whole school in general is just a mess. The financial aid, your left in the dark. Getting in seemed ok, but after a while, a bunch of incompetent dumb dumbs took over. INSANE. For the nursing program, hit or miss. I had some classes that just didn't have their stuff together at all. HOT mess. Others were outstanding. The program is very challenging, but it prepares you with a 98% chance of passing the NCLEX. You will hate them, and have a bad attitude. But in the end you will see it is worth it. (They do not try and trick you) I have been there."